Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 68: Internal contradiction

The entire temple was completely destroyed, but in the square inside, we saw a strange pattern that seemed to be a certain religion.

"Could it be that because of the religious war, a certain cult wanted to develop its power, so it clashed with this temple and finally killed and destroyed the temple?" Sakura thought about the greatest possibility.

"I'm afraid not." Yamato pointed at several traces in the square and analyzed, "These places are obviously where very powerful ninjas are fighting. Therefore, even religious wars are by no means ordinary religious conflicts."

"It's terrible. Will these people still attack other places? I think we have to go back to the village and report the situation to Master Tsunade, and then investigate these murderers!"

"Well, hurry up."

After Naruto and the others returned to the village, soon everyone knew that they had failed to rescue Sasuke, and disappointment enveloped the whole village.

"Why? Did your action still fail?" Just in time for Xie Chen's return, just seeing their appearance, you didn't have to ask questions, and you came to a conclusion directly.

"Yeah." Kakashi didn't have anything to hide, and he sighed. However, when he saw the appearance of Baihe not cutting back, his attention was immediately diverted, "This, Xie Chen, you don't want to cut them again. It should be just for special training. How do I feel that they think they are being abused by you?"

Even with Xie Chen's calmness, he was a little embarrassed at this time.

No matter how bad they were, and Bai did not suffer serious injuries, but the clothes and weapons they carried out were badly damaged. It's like being deliberately taken by someone to split the mountain and open the rocks for destruction.

The only thing that can maintain the "decent" is the Ghost Slashing Sword that never cuts. However, it is still wrapped very completely, I am afraid that it will not be used at all without cutting it.

"Well, it's just some misunderstanding. I'm doing an experiment, so I can't control it a bit. But fortunately, at least it won't hurt them."

And the face that didn't cut it was very dark, it seemed that what had just made him very unpleasant. I don't even want to mention too much.

At this time, everyone else also noticed the difference between the others and looked at Xie Chen in surprise.

They all know that Xie Chen's strength is stronger than that of Tsunade-sama. But few people can feel his specific strength.

Such a terrible person is still improving, and they can't figure out what kind of ninjutsu it is to make No Slash and Bai Lian like this.

They would never have thought that Xie Chen's current research was beyond the scope of ninjutsu, but something more fundamental and terrifying!

"Let's go, let's report your task to Tsunade-sama first. I think even her is a little troublesome now?"


When Kakashi and others heard Xie Chen's words, they seemed to have expected it a long time ago and had no objection.

But Naruto and others looked at Xie Chen puzzledly.

They were also disappointed when the mission failed, but they didn't understand why Tsunade-sama would be bothered."Isn’t it because of the guy from Danzo." Seeing Naruto’s appearance, Xie Chen knew what they were wondering about. "Before he was just hiding in the shadow of the village and planning something. . But recently he has changed his style."

"Does he want to challenge Tsunade-sama directly?" In combination with what Xie Chen said just now, some people couldn't help but guess.

"Let's go. After all, Tsunade-sama has been such a long Hokage, and most of the people in the village support him. Danzo should not be able to shake her for the time being."

"However, Danzo will definitely use this opportunity to put pressure on the village's senior leaders and let the village do what he wants."

"According to that man's idea?" Naruto was taken aback when he heard it.

He could tell from the last time that Danzo wanted to treat Sasuke as a traitor. Not only would he not rescue him from Oshemaru, but he even wanted to hunt him down!

Such a result is unacceptable for Naruto anyway!

"You are finally back?" Tsunade had already received the news, and even knew the result of their failure. But now her expression is still calm, letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Tsunade-sama, let's reply to you about the execution of the mission. This time, we failed and failed to bring Sasuke back."

"Well, I have already guessed this, let's talk about the details."

As the leader of the team, Kakashi immediately reported the details of their actions to Tsunade.

"It turned out to be so, I can see that you have done your best."

"Moreover, it can be seen that the key to this failure is that Sasuke does not want to come back!"

Not surprisingly, Danzo's voice sounded, and he walked in with two subordinates who appeared to be members of Anbu.

The only difference is that this time he still remembered knocking on the door twice.

"Danzo! You said this too early, right? Sasuke did not directly express his attitude at the time."

Danzo said coldly: "There is nothing to argue about. Although he did not directly explain his attitude, his actions have shown everything! If we treat Sasuke as a member of our village, we will definitely Because of this, I suffer a lot!"

Naruto doesn't care if he has a fart in the village: "Danzo, you were not there at the time, so what qualifications do you have to make a judgment! Tsunade-sama, we can't abandon Sasuke for that!"

"Haha, qualification?" Tuan Zang's mouth showed a hint of disdain, "You are worthy of talking to me about qualifications with a child like you. You know how many tasks I have performed, and how many of them are S-level tasks! Regarding the situation Analyzing the whole village, no one dared to say that I was stronger than me. How dare you challenge my qualifications?"

Kakashi sighed. Although he didn't agree with Danzo's idea, he really couldn't question this aspect.

"Danzo, we are not questioning your professionalism, but Naruto and others are also parties, so their opinions are also very worthy of attention."

"Do you take it seriously?" Danzo strode to Naruto's front, and huge pressure immediately forced him. ..


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