Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 76: Weird

"I really don't know, Master Xie Chen, why did you choose the first stop in Wuyin Village! Don't you know that we are the least popular people there?"

While chasing Xie Chen on the road, he asked without complaining.

As the betrayal of the Water Country, just psychologically, it feels a bit awkward not to think of going back to the Water Country.

"Hehe, if you don't cut it anymore, you won't have a guilty conscience? Are you afraid that you will be hunted down by all the ninjas in the water country?" Xie Chen quipped.

Taodi no longer showed a trace of madness: "Just rely on the current Wuyin Village? The two members of the Xiao organization can come and go freely in their village. Could our strength be worse than the two members of Xiao?"

It's no wonder that after becoming Xie Chen's "subordinate", Taodi's strength not to be cut is increasing, and now it is no problem to single-handedly pick any ninja in Shuiyin Village.

Not to mention Xie Chen.

Even Jiao Du and Fei Duan can easily catch tail beasts in their village. The entire Wuyin Village can't help them, not to mention the two of them plus red beans, Hinata, Bai and Temari.

The person from Shayin Village to contact the ninja villages to join forces was Temari. Therefore, Xie Chen specifically asked her to come and join her and the others to act together.

Of course, as compensation, Konoha also sent some ninjas to Shayin Village to fill in the lack of combat power.

"Don't cut your lord again, don't you say so fiercely, after all, this time we are acting as joint messengers, and we are not here to fight." Bai quickly persuaded.

He didn't snorted again, but he didn't say anything harsh.

"Okay, we are almost on the island. That big island is where the Wuyin Village is. If you don't cut it, Bai, you two must be careful." Temari suddenly pointed to the outline of the big island in front.

Unlike other places, the Water Country itself is an archipelago, and Wuyin Village is also located on one of the big islands.

At the beginning, the first generation of Shuiying Bailian relied on his powerful and amazing power to build Wuyin Village, one of the five ninja villages on the sea, and made the water country one of the five major countries in the world.

Because of its geographical location and the mainland separated by the sea, the water country is relatively less involved in conflicts on the mainland, giving the water country a more detached position.

And Xie Chen was the first to pick a country of water for action.

Relatively speaking, Akatsuki's monitoring of the Water Country is definitely much weaker, and it is not easy to arouse their vigilance by contacting the Water Country first.

And of course it would be embarrassing not to cut Hebai's identity, so Xie Chen first let them hide in the water before entering the island, slowly approaching the island before seeing the opportunity to lurk in.

The lights were quickly put out on the shore to let their ships follow the other party's requirements to avoid misjudgments and conflicts.

When they approached, they found that several ninjas were watching them on the shore. Even though they had been notified that they were "friendly people" from Konoha and Sain, they obviously wouldn't let their guard down because of this."Hello, I am Yuezhaoyouba, who is in the fog, and I came here to welcome you."

A male ninja who covered half of his face with a fancy silk cloth walked up, and from his footsteps and figure movement, he could tell that he was definitely a master. In particular, his age does not seem to be very large. It can be seen that the Water Country is also well-equipped, and you cannot underestimate the two Akatsuki members just because they are here and there spontaneously.

"Mr. Yuezhao is too polite. The purpose of our visit this time must be known to Mr. Yuezhao and Lord Shuiying. I don't know if Lord Shuiying has any clear attitude instructions?"

"In this regard, I'm just an ordinary ninja in Mist. I don't know such an important decision. I'm afraid I need to wait for you to see Master Shui Ying before asking."

Ordinary ninja?

Xie Bai smiled at the corner of his mouth.

If this misty ninja who leads the team is just one of the ordinary people, then searching the entire ninja village may not find the so-called "special" strong ninja.

And from the point of view of Wuyin, sending such a man-machine could not be better. Has enough strength to deal with all problems, and seems to be a person who is not irritable.

"Then I don't know where Master Shuiying is now? We hope to see her sooner."

"These guests don't have to be impatient, you might as well take a day off today, and Master Shuiying will meet you tomorrow."

In fact, Xie Chen and others are also very curious about this Master Shuiying.

They knew that this Shui Ying had just succeeded to the throne not long. There is almost no information on her character and strength. All can only depend on their adaptability.

But according to Temari, the impression of Shui Ying is pretty good. It was a very young woman with a very beautiful appearance.

There was a feeling of femininity between the words, and the appearance did not look like a ninja at all. It was completely different from Sakura and Ino anyway, and was more outgoing than Hinata's personality.

"Unexpectedly, the external monitoring of Wuyin Village is weaker than expected." Xie Chen looked around and said casually, "Maybe it is also related to their location?"

Temari also said in a strange way: "No, when I came last time, the defense of Wuyin Village was actually very good. It is said that the first generation of Water Shadow turned this place into a very strange place, with the mystery of the sea guarding it. Here, but it also needs a lot of ninjas to cooperate."

"Oh?" Xie Chen frowned.

Although this is a bit strange, it may be that they temporarily removed these people due to internal reasons.

But after just experiencing the powerful ninja raid of Akatsuki, what was the reason for Wuyin Village to withdraw its strongest defense from the outside world? "

Yuezhaoyouba took them to a more splendid residence: "Guys, I will trouble you to stay here tonight. When Lord Shuiying wants to see you, I will naturally come and take you there. "

"Oh, thank you Mr. Yuezhao. But I'm very surprised. It seems that your village is relatively empty. I haven't seen a few people on this road." Xie Chen said with a smile, and he couldn't tell from the outside. Thoughts. ..


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