As time passed, the Kellner branch returned to normal operation.

The armed forces of Kerner, who may have been secretly extremely angry, did not dare to risk the disapproval of the world and do something to Mo Dao who was in the Huaxin News Agency branch.

Mo Dao also resumed some outing interview work, but there were no such thrilling tasks for the time being.


As international public opinion fades, the scale of demonstrations in some countries has gradually decreased.

The further intervention of the national federation has entered a new round of wrangling.

In fact, the warring parties in Kelna, which had temporarily ceased fire, resumed fighting again.

Under the influence of some external intervention forces in the European state, the area controlled by the Kelna opposition forces continues to approach the Kelna capital area.

Kerna is a slightly long and narrow country running north-south. The capital is located in the north-central region, gathering more than one-third of the country's population.

Once the capital of Kelna falls from the hands of the government forces, it is basically equivalent to the victory of the war in Kelna.

However, Mo Dao's two previous reports still changed some things even over a longer period of time.

Things like massacres of villages have basically never happened again, at least there is almost no relevant news coming out.

The Kelna opposition forces also began to make frequent statements on social media, promising to ensure the safety of civilians in the controlled areas.

Everywhere they go, the Kelna opposition forces will take some videos to prove that no village massacre occurred.

Although the Kelna opposition forces still do not admit that the previous massacre of villages is related to them,

But the frequent claims and proofs at this moment already illustrate the influence of the two reports.

The need to do something that is not necessary is already a beneficial change.

Sometimes public opinion is useless, and sometimes it is very useful.

For example, in this inevitable war, two reports cannot prevent the war from happening.

However, it is still equivalent to drawing a red line for both the Kerna opposition and government forces not to massacre villages.

in addition,

In addition to these effects,

Because of these two reports, Mo Dao, a reporter from the China News Service's Kellner branch, began to be noticed by many people both internally and externally.

"Mo Dao, come to my office."

At the Kellner branch, the editor-in-chief walked out of the office with a smile and greeted Mo Dao.

Since the previous two reports about Kellner, the editor-in-chief has become more appreciative of Modao, a young man.

When talking to Mo Dao, he was basically friendly and smiling.

Although the editor-in-chief has a gentle attitude towards everyone, there is still a difference between being close and not so close.

However, other colleagues in the branch are not envious of this, and they really can't. These are all made by people themselves.

Modao is writing an ordinary press release. Recently, several reports about Kellner from the headquarters have asked Modao to write it.

Mo Dao is quite busy.

Listening to the editor's greeting, Mo Dao nodded, responded, got up and followed him to the office.

"Sit down, do you want some water? I'll make you a cup of tea."

"No need. Editor-in-Chief, what do you want?"

Mo Dao shook his head and sat down. The editor-in-chief did not make any detours and sat opposite Mo Dao. After a pause, he said,

"There is an interview job that may require you to go there in person."

Mo Dao listened and was not in a hurry to speak.

If it is just an ordinary editing task, the editor-in-chief can just give the order directly.

There are only two editing and editing groups in the branch, and either he or Yin Yan is in charge.

Calling the office specifically and doing it so solemnly only shows that this editing task is special.

"That's right. The leader of the Kerner government army hopes to accept an exclusive interview with the international media. He probably wants to use this to gain some sympathy and support at the international level, encourage the current confidence in Kerner, and reverse the Kerner crisis. Some people in the military are pessimistic."

At this point in the editor's words, Mo Dao had already heard what the editor was about to say.

But he still didn't interrupt and just listened.

As the leader of one of the warring parties in this global hotspot,

If you are willing to accept an exclusive interview, as long as the news is released, the media in various countries around the world are willing to do so.

For the media in some capitalist countries, they are even more attracted to it. After all, news is money to them.

However, the words of the editor at this moment clearly prove that the leader of the Kerner government army has made a choice.

"You have probably guessed it. Just as you thought, the leader of the Kerner government army is willing to be interviewed by our China News Agency. And their leader designated you to be responsible for this exclusive interview."

The editor-in-chief smiled and said to Mo Dao.

This is definitely a good thing for Mo Dao, as it can add another level of qualifications to him.

In fact, it was not a big surprise for the Kerner government forces to make this choice.

After all, Mo Dao's two previous reports had actually helped them objectively, at least in terms of public opinion.


Mo Dao naturally had nothing to say and agreed.


"As of this afternoon, they hope that the sooner the better. Therefore, you may need to come up with an interview outline as soon as possible. They hope to read through the questions that will be asked before the interview."

"Well, I understand."

Mo Dao responded, then got up and walked out of the office.

Although the editor-in-chief is kind-hearted, he still has the potential to be a capitalist.

It's almost ten o'clock noon now,

But he was asked to come up with an interview outline for a head-of-state interview with Kerner at least one or two hours before the afternoon interview.

Sure enough, a leader is good at squeezing people.

Fortunately, China News Service has a lot of experience interviewing foreign heads of state.

There are many interview minutes that can be used as reference for Mo Dao.

At the same time, with the joint help of the entire bureau editors and reporters, Modao was able to complete the interview outline in front of the military building in the capital of Kelna at two o'clock in the afternoon.

2 p.m.

Mo Dao, Fei Yi, and a photography assistant who joined in to do some chores.

Driver Lu Hong was still driving.

The group of people took the branch's interview car and headed to the military building in the capital of Kelna.

At this moment, the situation on the official side of Kellner is quite special.

The person responsible for commanding the government forces is not the head of state in the Kerner government.

But it was a military leader of the Kelna military.

As for the head of state before the Kerner government, he was killed by the military chief.

Therefore, at this moment, the departments of the Kerner government and the military are operating in the military building.

This military leader is the de facto ruler of the Kerner government military.

At this moment, Mo Dao and his group were going to meet this person.

The car passes through the streets of the capital city of Kerna,

As we get closer to the military building, there are more and more checkpoints along the way.

However, because we had communicated with each other in advance, the interview vehicle passed each checkpoint relatively smoothly.

Basically, after some inspections of the interview vehicle, Mo Dao and his party were released.

Finally, the interview vehicle parked directly downstairs of the Kelner Military Building.

A young officer wearing a Kerner uniform was responsible for welcoming Mo Dao and his party.

"Please follow me. General Carlson is waiting for you."

Mo Dao glanced at the young officer and nodded.

Then the group of people followed the young officer and entered the Kelner Military Building.

It is said to be a building, but this building is actually not very high, only five or six floors. The high outer walls cover almost half of the entire building.

After entering the building, everything went smoothly.

Finally, Mo Dao saw the leader of the Kerner government forces in a luxurious office in the building.

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