Infinite Life: Trapped in a lifetime

Chapter 34 Battlefield Live Broadcast

"Kellner's frontline live broadcast? I clicked in immediately!"

"Before clicking in: Kellner is reporting from the front? After clicking in: Damn, it's so close."

"The scene of the battle? Damn it, is Hua Xin News Agency's live broadcast so fierce?"

"It has to be me, Hua Xin News Agency, awesome!"

"Damn it! Was that the sound of gunfire just now?"

China News Service's official account live broadcast rooms at home and on some international social platforms simultaneously started live broadcasts of reports on the Kerna War.

At the same time that hot searches were launched, many netizens also poured into the official live broadcast room of Huaxin News Agency.

The comment barrages are flowing like water that is invisible to everyone.

Of course, Mo Dao, who was just facing the camera, couldn't see this.

Even if I take out my phone, I can only see comments from five minutes ago.

Mo Dao just faced the camera and reported as usual,

"... Our current location is about ten kilometers away from the capital of Kelna. It is a media observation area designated by the warring parties in Kelna."

"The observation area is roughly at the edge of the current combat zone between the two warring parties in Kerna."

"Due to strategic conflicts, the Kelna opposition and the Kelna government forces, who wanted to invade the capital of Kelna, broke out just now on this front roughly ten kilometers away from the capital of Kelna. A fierce battle."

"The large-scale fighting between the two sides broke out at this moment earlier than originally judged by military experts from various countries. At present, it seems that the Kerner government forces have chosen to take the initiative!"



"...Everyone can hear the sound of armed helicopters and even various types of fighter jets passing by in the sky. Most of them belong to the Kerna government forces. For the Kerna government forces, this is the most important war. . According to the previous mobilization of the Kerner government forces, the Kerner government forces have invested most of the available forces in this war. "

"The remaining small amount of air power belongs to the Kerna opposition. Previously, the Kerna opposition claimed that this part of the air power came from capture and external procurement."

"On the ground, everyone can also hear the sound of explosions from time to time, as well as the continuous sound of intensive gunfire."

"This war should be the largest battle between the opposition and government forces in Kelna. It will determine whether the situation in Kelna will completely fall to the opposition forces or whether the government forces will still control it. Kellner main area.”

The interview vehicle has arrived at the edge of the town. The sound of artillery that can be heard here is denser and the gunfire is clearer.

The figures of both sides of Kerner's battle can be seen with the naked eye only.

After the war between the Kerna opposition and the government forces was completely swept away,

On this dusty and loess-filled land, all sides of the town seemed to have become war zones.

The battle area chosen by both parties in Kerna was tacitly agreed upon.

It is equivalent to an endless loess plain,

Except for some scattered houses along the main road, there are no bunkers.

From the smallest units of both warring parties, to the entire opposition armed forces, as well as all the Kerna government forces participating in the war,

Starting from the main road as the center, it continues to stretch out to both sides.

In a real war, there is no scene of two armies confronting each other and charging intensively.

At least it is basically impossible to appear in modern warfare.

On the contrary, if you look around, you will see extremely sparse pairs of people.

Basically, they are a small group of troops. A small group of troops are scattered in different bunker locations along the main road.

This is true for both sides. If you look down at the entire fighting area, it looks like it is a patchwork in the east and west. There are only a few people everywhere, but fire is being fired everywhere.

The same goes for the sound of gunshots, which are sparse in any direction but always ringing in any direction.

The mobile forces on both sides are basically modified pickup trucks, with machine guns and even rocket launchers mounted in the pickup trucks.

Constantly moving back and forth throughout the engagement zone, firing continuously.

At the same time, as the fighting continues, the entire fighting area continues to expand and expand.

However, the nearest battle point was really close to the edge of the town.

It was so close that stray bullets would hit from time to time, hitting dozens of meters ahead, and the splashed mud could clearly be seen.

After some shells exploded, some weakened air waves could be felt here.

In the car, the driver Lu Hong couldn't help but his eyebrows twitching as he looked at this scene.

But Mo Dao, who had already gotten out of the interview car, still looked calm and reported.

"The intensity of this war is unprecedented in the previous Kerna wars. Choosing to conduct a decisive battle like this here is equivalent to a head-on confrontation for both parties in Kerna. We can see that almost Every moment, there are casualties among combatants on both sides in the fighting area.”

"At the beginning of this war here, both sides have invested a large amount of ammunition in this combat zone, and many armored vehicles that have not been used in large numbers have also appeared on the battlefield. According to previous data, in this battle During the war, the Kelna opposition and government forces deployed more than 10,000 direct combatants..."

Mo Dao reported.

On the other side, viewers who continued to flock to the official live broadcast of Huaxin News Agency were also posting comments.

"... Damn it, is this a battlefield report? As expected of China News Service. This reporter is too fierce!"

"Look who it is, this is me, Mo Dao! I am the one who crossed the war zone and reported the Kerna massacre."

"Fuck, awesome!"

Some viewers recognized Mo Dao. After all, Mo Dao had left a strong impression on many viewers in the previous reports.

"Is the fighting intense? It feels different from the fighting scenes I remember."

"Brother, this is a real fight. Who dares to stand together in a swarm in modern wars and wait to be bombed? The fierce battle refers to the entire battlefield. It's everywhere."

"Oh...Fuck, I saw someone fall down in the upper left corner? Is that the head? The head is gone?"

"It seems to be true... Although I can't see the attack clearly, I can still tell that a part of the person is missing...Fuck!"

"Brother, brother! Let's step back a little! I'm scared! I feel like the bullet is going to pass my face!"

"It's actually okay. Although it looks scary, didn't the reporter say that this is not a war zone..."

Another viewer said on the barrage.

But not long after these words were passed across the screen,

people watching the live broadcast of Huaxin News Agency found that the camera shooting the picture suddenly shook violently,

and the live broadcast picture also shook.

Then, immediately afterwards, the clear explosion sounded in the ears of countless people as if it was just a few feet away.

"Fuck! Fuck! I'm wearing headphones! I thought my house was bombed, woooooo!"

"Boo! My phone, the phone I just bought..."

"Didn't it say that this was the media observation area... Just at that moment, I seemed to feel the heat wave of the explosion all over my face..."

"Fuck, the computer was overturned for me, I won't watch it anymore..."

"I'm scared to pee, I won't watch it anymore!"

After the explosion happened so close, the official live broadcast room was quiet for a while,

and then, there was a wailing in the barrage.

Originally, watching the live broadcast report of the battlefield was quite focused, and the sudden huge explosion almost caused a lot of people to have a heart attack.

"Brother Mo...Reporter Mo, let's step back a bit, I'm going to be blown up┭┮﹏┭┮"

"I doubt whether Boss Mo has no fear, why can't I see any fear on his face..."

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