On the same day, at a regular press conference of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Department.

When a reporter asked about China's views and position on the Dokelna tragedy.

The spokesperson of China’s foreign affairs department reiterated China’s consistent position.

Severely condemning the unprovoked acts of the Kerna opposition that harmed civilians,

We once again urge Kerner to restore regional peace and stability as soon as possible, which will not only benefit Kerner's own country, but also the entire international community...

When a reporter from China News Service asked about reporter Mo Dao’s safety,

The spokesperson responded.

After the incident, the Consul of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Department in the Mongolian Consulate in Afica State immediately called the relevant person in charge of the Kelna opposition regarding the relevant issues.

All factions in Kerner are required to ensure the safety of my country News Service reporter Mo Dao.

Reporter Mo Dao, as a respectable reporter, his reporting on Ukelna is entirely out of justice and mission.

His coverage of the Kerner tragedy was just and valuable.

Regarding this issue, I think all countries have no objections and are unanimous.

At this moment, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you on behalf of my colleagues in the foreign affairs department in Benmon and other places.

We once again urge all factions in Kelna, especially the opposition forces in Kelna as the actual controller of the capital of Kelna, to ensure the safety of official journalists from various countries, including Mozambique journalists.

This should also be the responsibility of the various factions in Kelna!

After the press conference, relevant news became a hot topic in China.

In fact, not only the domestic and foreign affairs departments have responded to this issue.

Including Mao Xiongguo, they all responded at regular press conferences.

After all, the Kerner problem, to put it bluntly, is still a problem of certain Western countries.

Standing on Mo Dao's side now is equivalent to standing on the highest moral point.

Anyway, just say a few nice words and watch the excitement of some Western countries. This kind of opportunity is also rare for the furry bear country.

"...The Kollner opposition must ensure the safety of the Mo reporter. It is necessary and necessary."

"Why, even if we know that the Chinese reporter in the capital of Kelna may be targeted not only by the opposition in Kelna, but also by some forces from Western countries."

"As far as we know, some of our colleagues from Western countries are very dissatisfied with this Chinese reporter and may not do anything at this time."

"Then why do we say that the Kellner opposition must ensure the safety of this Chinese journalist... Because the Kellner opposition is supported by those people, and all of us know..."

The diplomatic language of the Bear Country has always been quite direct.

In addition to the Bear Country, there are also some small countries that are also joining in the fun at this time.

Therefore, the Internet abroad is also extremely lively at this time.

Public opinion denounced and demanded ensuring the safety of reporters Mo Dao was overwhelming.

People online were outraged.

All he had to say was that if Mo Dao died in Kelna, the leader of the opposition in Kelna would have to pay with his life.

And just after the press conference of the foreign affairs department,

Not long after,

On the official account of China News Service, an announcement was made specifically for their reporter Mo Dao.

It means that Mo Dao has regained contact with the Yebenmeng branch.

However, due to work and other reasons, I can’t meet you all yet.

After getting this good news,

Some followers on the Internet finally let go of their worries.


A "premium" and more relaxed entry quickly became a hot search on social platforms.

Click in and take a look,

They were all pretty similar comments, such as "What does it mean to be a great reporter?" "Big Brother Mo is awesome."


The excitement on the Internet at home and abroad is unknown at this time.

The morning light suddenly appeared, and the sky was bright.

The moon is still there, but the stars have faded.

‘Great reporter’ Mo Dao lay in the ruins for half the night,

When he woke up again, he found that he had escaped.

The Kerna opposition soldiers searching around could no longer hear any movement.

It seems that the search has ended or left the area.

After looking at the secluded ruins around him, Mo Dao touched his forehead and saw that the fever had subsided.

The infection seemed to be getting better after surviving the night.

Put down your hands and look at the street in the distance.

At this time, he still had no way of knowing that the opposition soldiers in Kerna did not search him because he was lucky.

It was the outside pressure on Kerner's opposition that allowed him to escape this disaster.

Mo Dao guessed it was the latter.

Take out your mobile phone,

The phone held up pretty well, and the screen stopped working after half a night.

The phone was about to shut down when it ran out of battery before, and now it is still about to shut down when it is out of battery.

While there is still a few percent power left, there is a signal now.

Mo Dao sent a message back to the branch to report that he was safe.

At the same time, I also learned from the editor what happened last night.

The development of things was actually pretty much what Mo Dao had guessed.

Finally, before the exchange ended, Mo Dao explained his situation and preparations.

As I said to the editor before,

Now that his infection symptoms have improved, he is not ready to return to the branch yet.

Although things here in the capital of Kelna are temporarily over,

But he also wanted to visit Kerner, Benmon, and other places.

Follow up on the piece of news Walpole provided earlier.

After receiving this message from Mo Dao,

the editor-in-chief didn't say anything more.

In the end, he just sent a message and asked Mo Dao to take care of himself.

After finishing the communication with the branch,

Mo Dao paused,

and then sent a message to Qin Huaishi. The content of the message was nothing,

just reporting that he was safe.

Qin Huaishi was not surprised.

It was as if the thrill of that night had never existed.

She just responded and said that she knew.

Then she shared her life with Mo Dao.

Then, after finishing the communication with Qin Huaishi, Mo Dao's phone was completely out of power.

Putting away the phone,

Mo Dao looked at the ruins again, and then left.

In the next few days.

The sensational public opinion caused by the Kerna tragedy was far from subsiding.

After Mo Dao's report, the Kerna opposition dragged on for less than two days, and was finally forced to agree that some media reporters would re-enter the capital of Kerna.

These media flocked to various parts of the capital of Kerna.

Although the opposition in Kerna tried their best to clean up the traces of the previous massacre,

they found a lot of traces under the guidance of Mo Dao's video reports...More importantly, the tribal civilians who were supposed to be slaughtered in Kerna's capital were not all dead after all.

They also knew what happened in Kerna's capital...

After the influx of media from various countries,

in fact, peace has not been restored in Kerna's capital.

The exchange of fire between some opposition armed forces and resistance armed forces is still continuing.

It's just that both sides have restrained themselves a lot, at least they are not brave enough to massacre the civilians of the other side's tribes on a large scale.

On the Internet, news about the Kerna tragedy and Kerna also lasted for a long time.


it was also during these days when public opinion was lively that

Mo Dao, the reporter of Huaxin News Agency who was supposed to be at the center of the storm,

completely disappeared from the public's sight.

Many people have noticed that Mo Dao has not appeared in some news reports of the Benmeng branch recently.

Some people speculate that Mo Dao was injured during the previous report and has been sent back to China for treatment.

Some people even said that Mo Dao must have witnessed those tragedies and was greatly shocked. Huaxin News Agency gave him a long vacation and he was on vacation at a beach.

There were all kinds of things.

There were also many people who paid special attention to this matter and left messages under the official account of Huaxin News Agency from time to time to ask.

The reply they received was basically the same as the previous announcement.

Only the editor-in-chief of the Yebenmeng branch and a few people at the Huaxin News Agency headquarters knew that

Mo Dao was still working.

Moreover, when he appeared in people's sight again, it would definitely set off a more violent storm!

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