Infinite Life: Trapped in a lifetime

Chapter 78: Legendary Decade

In addition to battlefield reporting, Mo Dao's reporting also covered many aspects.

In terms of exclusive interviews, from Afica to Europe, from Asia to America,

Mo Dao has conducted almost exclusive interviews with leaders of most countries in the world during this decade.

Among them are leaders of big countries and presidents of small countries.

There are faction leaders from developed countries and armed leaders from war-torn countries.

Almost everyone agrees that an exclusive interview with the leader of a certain country can no longer be regarded as Mo Dao’s ‘qualifications’.

In the later period, as Modao's influence continued to expand, the leaders of some small countries were almost proud to receive exclusive interviews from Modao.

At the same time, the exclusive interview in which Mo Dao was designated by China News Service even had some political significance.

In addition, Mo Dao has never stopped conducting investigative reporting similar to the previous Paradise Valley report.

During or at the same time as reporting from the battlefield,

Mo Dao once went deep into the jungles of Afica and the rainforests of southern America.

The follow-up investigation provided in-depth reports on the illegal cultivation of prohibited plants in many large areas, as well as the entire process of these prohibited plants from processing to smuggling routes.

For the audience, the most intuitive presentation of the current situation of the banned plant was presented.

After the report, there was an uproar.

Mo Dao also conducted in-depth follow-up investigations on the human trafficking problem in many countries in Afika State, and finally exposed several bloody and cruel human trafficking routes to the public.

During the process, organizations from multiple countries were involved, and several places of different sizes similar to the original Paradise Valley were even dug up, which aroused huge public opinion.

One year, a special virus suddenly appeared in a small country in the Afika state. He went there without a clue and eventually dug up illegal biological laboratories belonging to countries such as Omi and other countries in the Afika state.

And direct reports showed various anti-human behaviors in these biological laboratories, including illegal virus experiments, as well as cruel experiments that exceeded the bottom line of humanity. For a time, some people in Omi and other countries were distressed.

One year, Mo Dao went alone to deal with the nuclear-contaminated water discharge issue in the fake basin country and reported in depth on various issues involved in the entire process, directly exposing all the interest chains involved and also arousing huge public opinion.

Mo Dao has conducted many similar reports in the past ten years.

Regarding the issue of the United States stealing large amounts of minerals and oil from other countries, and the scandals similar to the Paradise Valley incident involving some big figures in European and American countries...

Whatever needs to be reported, no matter how deep the 'darkness' is, it seems that Mo Dao can always be seen.

Later, for countless viewers, it seemed to be acquiescence that as long as Mo Dao's figure appeared on the screen, as long as a report signed by Mo Dao appeared under the official account of China News Service,

It means something big is happening.

At the same time, it is definitely the clearest and most intuitive report on this major event.

Of course, danger is never far away during these reports.

After reporting on the cultivation and smuggling routes of banned plants in Afica,

In Afika State and other places, the bounty on the head of journalist Mo Dao once exceeded 10 million.

Several local armed forces issued statements, declaring that they would kill Modao with the most brutal means and that they would "break his body into thousands of pieces."

In the process, Mo Dao followed up, investigated and reported on this 'reward line', and finally traced multiple interest groups in Europe and America.

In the end, due to Mo Dao's already huge influence at the time, as well as the huge public opinion and pressure from all parties.

In the end, the reward quietly disappeared.

At the same time, as Mo Dao's influence grew, fewer and fewer people actually dared to stand up and say they wanted to kill Mo Dao.

During these ten years,

Almost all of Mo Dao’s reports have become part of history, imprinted on the entire world.

Once, a report by Chinese journalist Mo Dao on human trafficking in Afika State directly led to the resignation of the leader of a European country.

It cannot be said that Mo Dao changed the world, but his reporting did have an indelible impact on the course of the world.

August 27.

Some media and institutions have selected 100 most influential people in the contemporary world.

Mo Dao was the only one selected as a journalist.

In his review of Mo Dao, he wrote,

"This is a legendary journalist whose influence has transcended almost everything that 'journalist' can sum up."

"He seems to always be pulling a beam of light, guiding it to the bottom of the darkest abyss of the world. Or perhaps, 'Reporter Mo Dao' himself is a beam of light."

In November of the same year,

After completing another report. Mo Dao returned to China to rest.

When the plane arrived at Capital International Airport.

In addition to Qin Huai's poems,

A vice president of China News Service, the editor-in-chief of International News Service, and a group of entourage also went to the airport to greet Modao.

When Mo Dao got off the plane and walked out of the corridor bridge,

The vice president and editor-in-chief walked towards Mo Dao.

"Journalist Mo, thank you for your hard work."

"Reporter Mo, you haven't been back for a long time. The editor-in-chief was still talking about you two days ago. It's a pity that the editor-in-chief went down for investigation these two days. I can only be specially appointed to welcome you back to China."

The vice-president smiled and extended his hand towards Mo Dao, greeting him.

"The vice president and editor-in-chief were both polite. I just went home to rest, and I didn't need too many people to greet me."

"That won't do. If we let reporter Mo come back so coldly, it would be a neglect of the agency."

After shaking hands with the vice president and hugging the relatively familiar editor-in-chief of the International News Agency, Mo Dao exchanged a few words with the people of the headquarters.

"Reporter Mo, take a few more days off this time. Come to the agency when you have nothing to do. Everyone wants to see more of you, the legendary figure."

The editor-in-chief said again, looking at Mo Dao, feeling a little emotional and a little relieved.

After about ten years of continuous promotion,

Mo Dao's professional title has been promoted to senior reporter, a senior professional title.

It's not that Mo Dao is not qualified for a higher professional title, but this is the highest professional title of reporter in Huaxin News Agency.

As for the position, although it is different from the editor-in-chief of the International News Agency, in fact, the level of the two is the same,

and the vice president who came to greet Mo Dao at this moment is actually half a level lower.

For a reporter, this is already quite exaggerated.

But when Mo Dao's achievements are counted, almost no one is unconvinced.

Just a year or two ago, when Mo Dao interviewed a leader of a European country,

the other party once half-jokingly and half-seriously promised that if Mo Dao was willing to go to his country, he could directly give him the position of the head of the official news agency.

Because just considering Mo Dao's personal influence, it is a good deal.

"Editor-in-chief, thank you for the compliment."

After a few polite words with a few people from the headquarters,

Mo Dao looked at the beautiful woman standing quietly with a smile next to him.

Qin Huaishi was wearing a long dress and stood by and waited for Mo Dao and the editor-in-chief and others to finish their communication.

And next to him, after Mo Dao looked at Qin Huaishi, the editor-in-chief and others stopped talking, just stood by and looked at the two of them with a smile,

and then did not disturb the two of them again.

"Reporter Mo, you just came back today, and you may have a lot of things to arrange. We won't waste your time for now. Tomorrow, the agency has arranged a dinner to welcome you, reporter Mo. Reporter Mo must come to the agency."

"Thank you for troubling the agency."

Laughing and saying another word, the vice president led the editor-in-chief and others to leave first.

Mo Dao looked at Qin Huaishi again, and Qin Huaishi came up.

"Let's go out to the airport first."

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