Infinite Life: Trapped in a lifetime

Chapter 85 The Legend Ends

As people get older, they are always more afraid of cold than heat.

The early summer sunshine shone through the gaps between the shades of the trees, shining on Mo Dao and Qin Huaishi. The two of them, wearing long clothes and long sleeves, did not feel hot.

I just feel some warmth from the sun.

Mo Dao and Qin Huaishi are both old.

The two of them are the same age, but the older one has gray hair on his temples and a stooped figure.

The old ones have age spots, and the old ones are hobbling.

The two old people can no longer go anywhere too far.

Even when we go out, we still need to support each other and rely on each other.

At this moment, leaning on each other, Mo Dao and Qin Huaishi walked slowly in a park closest to home.

The park is very small. Even if they were ten years younger, Mo Dao and the two of them would pass through the park very quickly.

But now, Mo Dao and the two have been walking for a long time and still have not reached the other end.

But the two of them didn't care, they just talked to each other and listened to each other as always.

"Would you like to rest on the edge?"

After walking a few more steps, Mo Dao was exhausted.

The exhaustion of young people is from running to walking,

When a person gets old, exhaustion is like a person who suddenly has no source of strength and can only stand in place.

Qin Huaishi turned his head and asked Mo Dao.

Mo Dao shook his head and then just responded,

"Just stop."


Qin Huaishi also responded.

Mo Dao glanced ahead. There was probably still a few hundred meters away from the exit of the park.

Turning back, Mo Dao looked at Qin Huaishi and said nothing.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Huaishi looked at Mo Dao and asked, but then didn't ask any more questions.

He just lowered his head, opened the bottle of water he brought out, and handed it to Mo Dao.

"Would you like some water?"


Mo Dao took it and took a sip of water.

Qin Huaishi just silently took the bottle of water back and closed it quietly little by little.

Although Mo Dao didn't say anything,

But these days, Qin Huaishi still noticed some subtle changes.

She seemed to realize something... After all, he and she were both so old.

"Huai Shi, I'm a little tired."

After taking a sip of water and walking a few dozen meters further, Mo Dao stopped on his own initiative.

"Then take a rest."

Qin Huaishi responded.


Mo Dao glanced at Qin Huaishi again and felt Qin Huaishi holding his hand a little tighter.

The two leaned against each other again, supporting each other, and slowly sat down on a bench by the side of the park.

At this time, maybe it's a working day, or maybe the park is really small.

At this moment, there are few people in the park, and there are very few people coming and going.

The surrounding seemed very quiet.

Looking at Qin Huaishi, Mo Dao was lost in thought and then looked in front of him.

In this long life as a reporter, he actually lived a fulfilling life.

For the first half of his life before the age of sixty, he was known as a legend as a war correspondent and an investigative reporter.

In the years after he turned sixty, as a reporter dedicated to Qin Huaishi, he accompanied her to all the mountains and rivers, and he also felt no regrets.

In his career as a war correspondent,

He has fought against extreme dangers, crises, crimes, hidden truths, and the most dangerous situations.

He has been to many dark and dangerous places,

As a journalist, he was almost at the top.

And in life, he also achieved the greatest achievements.

Miss Qin Huaishi stayed with him all his life.

In their lives, the two men had never had a serious argument about anything.

Qin Huaishi never stopped Mo Dao from doing what he wanted to do, and never let Mo Dao truly leave her life.

Mo Dao would be the first to send news to Qin Huaishi before and after each investigative report.

The relationship between the two is not as turbulent as the stormy sea, but it is like a gurgling stream, trickling endlessly and never drying up in peace.

Although neither of them had any children in their lives,

But neither of them regretted it, because they had each other by their side and never felt lonely.


The countdown that can be seen if you concentrate in front of you has only two digits left.

Mo Dao felt really tired.

The body is like a dead tree that cannot be supported and will fall down at any time.

Unconsciously, his chest rose and fell a little.

Mo Dao could hear his own irregular breathing.

Compared to the first time when this countdown will return to zero,

Mo Dao, who had been through it all over again many times, no longer had any doubts or fear of death.

He knew what was going to happen.

But he had another fear.


Mo Dao turned his head and looked at Qin Huaishi.

Some withered hands hit the back of Qin Huaishi's hand.



Although Mo Dao didn't say anything more.

But Qin Huaishi, who had been with Mo Dao for decades, still felt Mo Dao's sadness.

"I feel a little tired. I'm afraid I can't go any further."

"Then let's take a rest."

Qin Huaishi pursed his lips, looked at Mo Dao, and said something.


The two looked at each other.

Mo Dao stretched out his hand and hugged Qin Huaishi.

Qin Huaishi also hugged Mo Dao, but his raised hand was trembling a little.

"...Don't be afraid, I will always be with you. If you are tired, let's take a rest."

Qin Huaishi comforted Mo Dao softly in his ear.


Mo Dao trembled a little when he heard Qin Huaishi's comforting voice.

Mo Dao responded and said nothing.

The two of them hugged each other under the shade of the trees.



Mo Dao felt that the hand holding Qin Huaishi seemed to be a little weak and wanted to droop.

His chest was rising and falling more violently, but he himself didn't seem to feel much.

"Cough cough..."

Because he wanted to use more force to hold Qin Huaishi, Mo Dao coughed unconsciously.

Qin Huaishi raised his hand and patted Mo Dao's back gently,

"...I'll hold you, if you are tired, take a rest."

"I will accompany you."

Qin Huaishi's words were full of sadness, and his voice was trembling, but he still comforted Mo Dao.


Mo Dao responded.


Death was like the darkness ahead that could not be dissolved, approaching Mo Dao.

The lost strength was like losing the source that nourished it, and there was no way to recover it.

Mo Dao let go of Qin Huaishi, trembling unconsciously, and just kept looking at Qin Huaishi.

Qin Huaishi held Mo Dao's hand and accompanied him like this.

"Mo Dao."

"Have you read a science fiction novel a long time ago?"

"It says that when our universe expands to the extreme, it will start to shrink again. All the matter that has moved away will return along the original trajectory."

"Time will also start to flow backwards again, back to this moment."

"So, if you are tired, you can rest."

"Don't be afraid, when the universe comes to an end, we will always meet again."

"No matter how long you sleep, when you open your eyes again, you will see me again."

"That's right, I have to wait a little longer."

Qin Huaishi already knew what was going to happen.

Her voice trembled violently, but she still pursed her lips hard, smiled, and said to Mo Dao with tears in her eyes.




Mo Dao responded, his eyes became more and more blurred.

Mo Dao got closer and looked at Qin Huaishi.

"Huaishi, I'm leaving."

Mo Dao said.

Qin Huaishi didn't say anything else, but just held Mo Dao's hand tightly.

It was as if holding Mo Dao's hand tightly would make Mo Dao stay a little longer.


Mo Dao's consciousness began to blur.

"Rest if you're tired."

Qin Huaishi said again.

Under Qin Huaishi's voice, Mo Dao's consciousness became clearer.

Looking at Qin Huaishi's face, he held Qin Huaishi's hand again.

"...Huaishi, please help me post one last news."






Legendary reporter Mo Dao's heart stopped beating.

After saying goodbye to Qin Huaishi for the last time, Mo Dao completely lost consciousness.

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