Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 113 He is much better looking than us

Murong Ruo asked, "Oh? What's the clever idea?"

Su Jing smiled but did not answer, and suddenly said loudly: "In my opinion, this time in the battle between the Sword God and the Sword Master, Ximen Chuixue will definitely win!"

The lively neighborhood suddenly came to a standstill, and some people couldn't help shouting: "Bullshit! Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, is like a flying immortal, and his sword is like a flying immortal. The flying immortal from the sky is the strongest swordsman in the world. Even Mu Taoist, the senior Wu generation, said frankly If you admit that you can't resist, how can Ximen Chuixue be his opponent?"

"You're the one who farts! Ximen Chuixue of Wanmei Villa has already mastered swordsmanship. Even Dugu Yihe, the former head of the Emei Sect, was defeated by his sword. No matter how strong Ye Gucheng is, can he still be stronger than Dugu Yihe? "

"Then why was the decisive battle suddenly postponed by January? It was changed to September 15th? Why was the place also changed to the Forbidden City? Why did Ximen Chuixue disappear after the decisive battle was postponed? Isn't it because he was afraid... He must have been the one to postpone the decisive battle. Unfortunately, the Lord of Baiyun City gave him a month to deal with his funeral affairs, which is quite tolerant. No matter how much he regrets it, if he doesn't show up on the day of the competition, his reputation will definitely be ruined! "

"Fart, big smelly fart!"

Su Jing started to stop talking, but the wealthy people around him began to speak loudly.

Some support Ye Gucheng, and some support Ximen Chuixue.

He laughed softly: "How is it? You know a lot of information this time, right? For example, the Sword God Ximen Chuixue, the Sword Saint Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng, Ye Gucheng's strongest stunt is called Tianwai Feixue, and Ximen Chuixue once killed One of the sect leaders with the highest martial arts skills in this plane! And Ximen Chuixue has been missing for a long time..."

Murong Ruo raised his eyebrows and said, " did you know the name Ximen Chuixue?"

"When was your luck the lowest?"

Su Jing asked instead without answering.

"In my words... it's probably more than four thousand? Uh... Mr. Su, why are you covering your chest all of a sudden?"

Su Jingqian laughed for a while and asked: "'s nothing. Where are you, Miss Li?"

Li Qingchuan replied: "My words... when I first entered reincarnation, it was probably more than 8,000, and it has already reached the orange level... uh... Mr. Su, your face looks ugly. Are you sick?"

"No, I just feel my pride has been hurt."

Su Jing felt that his smile was not very pretty, and he sighed: "Do you know what it feels like to have a luck value of more than three hundred?"

Murong Ruo was startled, looking at Su Jing with sympathy in his eyes, and sighed: "More than three hundred? If you are talking about yourself, I really doubt how you survived?"

"When you walk, there is nothing under your feet, but when you step on it, you will step on a banana peel. If you sit on a stool, it will be fine if others sit on it, but if you sit on it, it will fall apart... You can eat worms when you eat, and drink water I would also find animals peeing upstream, and even taking a bath could catch the cold. At that time, my skills were small, have you ever seen someone with internal skills still get the cold from time to time?"

Su Jing felt sad and sighed: "If you stay in that kind of environment for a long time, you will also develop the habit of seeing all directions and hearing all directions. When the time comes, you will pay great attention to every little detail that happens around you. Because it may affect you.”

"I see, I understand."

Murong Ruo looked at Su Jing and sighed: "No wonder such a beautiful face can be disfigured. If you are so unlucky, you will definitely not be able to keep such a beautiful face."

"Was he good-looking before?"

Li Qingchuan's probing eyes glanced back and forth on Su Jing's face. When she saw the face covered with scars, it seemed to be stiff and there was no expression at all. She said, "I don't think there's anything good about this face." ”

Murong Ruo nodded and said, "Better looking than you and me."

"I'm not very good-looking."

Li Qingchuan had a look of inferiority on his face.

"Do you women care that much about your looks?"

Su Jing sighed, thinking that if I told you that it was me who cut my own face, I'm afraid you would be shocked and go crazy.

It can only be said that the emphasis between men and women is indeed different.

However, seeing that the two women agreed with his reason, Su Jing felt a little relieved. Li Qingchuan was okay, he was just a temporary teammate, but Murong Ruo had been following him since he saw him, as if He looked like he wanted to form a team with him.

In fact, Su Jing has been thinking seriously for a while now.

Frankly speaking, I am actually more suitable as a lone ranger. I am familiar with all the plots and can make myself comfortable in the reincarnation plane. For others, the reincarnation space is full of challenges. For me, it is just a treasure waiting to be explored. That’s all!

There are countless treasures inside for you to take whatever you want!

If there are teammates by your side, you must find a way to solve the problem of why you know so much, so that someone will not tell you that you know too much, and then betray you directly because of the fear of the unknown!

But if you are alone, it is often inconvenient. At least you are not strong enough. Facing powerful opponents and being stretched thin, strong helpers are indeed very important!

Murong Ruo is suitable and strong enough, and the Five Meridians of Qi Refining can compete with Hebiweng and win. Now with the Six Meridians, I am afraid that even in this ancient dragon plane, he can be called a master! And the most important thing is that she has a very good nature. When Cui Yucheng was so arrogant, it even hurt her, but she was still able to take care of him alone for more than ten days, which shows that she is extremely trustworthy!

If you want to find a teammate, she is the most suitable.

But you have to explain how you know so much information. The reason you just gave is just right.

Thinking of this, the biggest problem has been solved. Su Jing looked at Murong Ruo and nodded slightly. In general, if you find her, there is no doubt that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. After all, he is too weak now and has no one to protect him. No one will know if he dies!

Noticing Su Jing's strange gaze, Murong Ruo asked in confusion: "Why are you looking at me?"

"Nothing... I just think, Miss Mu, do you want to team up with me?"

"You figured it out?"

Murong Ruo smiled and said, "Sure enough, yes, I want to team up with you, but... wait until this experience is over."

She smiled and said, "I didn't expect your luck value to be so low, but I have exchanged the teammate contract scroll. When this experience is over, I will invite you. Of course, I will also show you my ability..."

Does this mean to test me again? And show me your strength...

Seeing Murong Ruo's serious expression, Su Jing vaguely realized that it was extremely rare to find a teammate who could be trusted in this reincarnation space!

"So, you are counting on me to help you get through this mission?"

"I feel like you already have a plan, and I feel like you don't care about Mo Shaoge's plan."

Murong Ruo smiled and said, "Tell me about your plan. I will obey your orders, but you have to let me get enough rewards."

"Of course! So what's the deal?"

"It's a deal!"

Su Jing stretched out his hand and bumped into Murong Ruo again.

The two equally white hands were held together.

Murong Ruo chuckled and said, "You didn't blush this time!"

She was talking about the last plane, when Su Jing slapped her and swore, he actually blushed.

Su Jing smiled proudly, thinking that I was just a novice at that time, but now...I have even had my first kiss forcibly taken away by someone.

Although she is a younger sister!

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