Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1246 Demonic Obstacle

Time flows so silently...

Su Jingfu has just made a breakthrough. Although his internal cultivation is extremely stable, various moves and abilities require time to become familiar with and control. Especially for the many moves within the Sacred Heart Art, although he is already familiar with them, it still takes time. Lots of time to practice.

It's like a scholar who has studied theory for who knows how many years and finally begins to practice it...

There is indeed a huge difference between theory and practice.

But for him, it may only take a few operations to become familiar with everything.

After all, Huanwen's cultivation had reached its peak. After practicing for a few days, she put down her cultivation... She planned to completely integrate the two sets of skills in her body before breaking through the innate.

If you accidentally practice too much and break through to the innate realm, you really won't even have to take the regret medicine.

This is also the difference between the true pride of heaven and those ordinary innate masters. Those ordinary divine sea warriors, whenever they have the opportunity to break through, no matter what shortcomings they have, they will break through without hesitation, even if there is something. Don't worry, it's not too late to wait until you break through Xiantian.

But the problem is...

There is no such store after passing through this village. Once you miss the opportunity, it will not be so easy to get it again.

Therefore, after Huanwen practiced hard for several days, she felt that her cultivation was about to improve, and there were even faint signs of breaking through her innate ability, so she quickly put down her cultivation.

But in this way, she was naturally bored in a completely unfamiliar place.

But even so, she also knew that Su Jing was consolidating his post-innate realm, especially since he had completely integrated the dual cultivation of Taoism and martial arts into one. He had already embarked on a path that no one before him had taken, and it would take a lot of time. to familiarize yourself with the situation.

So she was very obedient and didn't bother.

Every day, she sat obediently opposite Su Jing, watching him silently meditate and adjust his breath, sometimes chuckling and sometimes gnashing his teeth. His expression was so rich that Su Jing couldn't help laughing every time he opened his eyes.

But he was very grateful to her for not bothering him when she was bored.


Du Jun also came to see Huanhan several times, wanting to invite her to see the many strange sights and objects in the Sword Sect. Although Huanhan was feeling bored, she still refused neatly.

In her words, she was led astray by Shi Fei Xuan.

I actually didn’t make excuses with that guy...

After pursuing it hard several times, I couldn't get any results.

Du Jun never appeared again.

It made Hanhan breathe a sigh of relief... She could hardly hold it in any longer. She thought that if this guy dared to pester her again, she would have to pick up the Se Kong Sword and teach that guy how to be a good person.

Thank you.

It's just that Du Jun disappeared so suddenly that Su Jing and Huan Huan couldn't help but feel confused. It felt as if he had been warned by someone, so he stopped pestering him.

But as time gradually passed, after more than ten days passed...

He never showed up.

The two of them forgot about this guy.

And at this time...

In a secret room of Jianzong.

The sword energy is dense and dense, filling the small secret room like a vast ocean of swords...

Countless sword energies are running endlessly, endlessly!

And the source of all sword energy, Du Jun sat cross-legged, with a look of pain between his brows and sweating profusely, as if he was suffering an extremely painful punishment.

He has been in this situation for seven days.

"It's been seven days... Junior brother, will everything be okay?"

A man in his early thirties with a long and narrow red sword mark on his forehead had a slightly concerned look on his face. He respectfully asked Dong Tianxie next to him: "Master, junior brother has been in this state for several days. , Could it be that something happened?"

"It doesn't matter."

Dong Tianxie smiled and said: "In the Tianyan Sword Room, there is a treasure that suppresses the sword energy. When swordsmen like us enter it, the sword energy will be suppressed to the lowest level. But the longer we stay in this situation, the longer we will. The easier it is for oneself to break and then stand up, the stronger the backlash will be. Therefore, the longer he stays in this Tianyan Sword Room, the more he can show his deep foundation as a swordsman. Now Jun'er has stayed for seven days. , it can be seen that I still concentrate on practicing and never slack off, but I remember that you seemed to have lasted for nine days? "

Xing Buruo said: "Master has a very good memory. The disciple did stay in this sword room for nine days, but in the last few days, he was tortured all the time, unbearable, and even almost fainted, so he couldn't bear it. I have to worry about my junior brother..."

"He is very good, but it seems that his background is still a little shallower than yours. He is about to break through."

Dong Tianxie watched as the sword energy in the sword room suddenly changed from the previous disorder to order, and even the endless sword energy surged, violent and messy, as if he had been thrust into a tornado and an extremely powerful sword was inserted. He abruptly stopped the flow of sword energy, and even broke the previously regular world.


Roar angrily...

Du Jun suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils were already filled with scarlet red.

Break through the innate.

You must be extremely calm before entering.

Murong Ruo's sudden breakthrough like this is actually extremely rare. Most people, like Su Jing, choose a good opportunity and then make a breakthrough.

Du Jun had this intention as well.


He couldn't hold back before, and went to find Qianqian several times.

Even he himself didn't know what was going on... That lovely and innocent figure was reflected in the depths of his heart, and he couldn't wipe it off.

Whether it was practicing sword, practicing martial arts, or even daily life, the lovely figure always appeared unconsciously in front of his eyes.

Then, his heart was in a mess.

He remembered that when he rushed to the Sword Sect before, the beautiful girl had been living in the same car with Su Jing, and even rested...

Although the two should not have had intimate contact, it is obvious that if she is not in love with a man, no good girl would stay by a man like this without caring about the difference between men and women.

It's too late for him.

She has already fallen in love with another man...

In his mind, she should be a loyal and good woman, but the more so, the less chance he has.

Thinking of this, he was so angry that he almost wanted to roar to the sky.

It was in this state that Du Jun was suddenly told by Dong Tianxie that he had to break through the Xiantian realm quickly to meet the attack of the powerful enemy.

Then, he went to the Tianyan Sword Room for retreat.

But his mind could not calm down, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

Thinking of the expressionless face of that beautiful figure when she faced him, and the charming smile when she faced Su Jing, her eyebrows and eyes were all Su Jing... She only smiled when she looked at him, and she would be naughty and act coquettishly...

But when facing him, she didn't even smile a little.

He was the disciple of the Sword Master of the Sword Sect, and the young master of the Sword Sect who was about to enter the Xiantian realm.

But this identity was nothing in her eyes...

In the past, Du Jun was surrounded by many outstanding women. These people looked at him with obsession, but he never looked down on them.

However, when the devil really came.

Du Jun couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood...

The bottom of his eyes was already scarlet.

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