Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1275 Why are you, a beautiful girl, always so disgusting?

Madman's matter.

Su Jing was very anxious...

But this matter has been going on for a long time. Although he wanted to figure it out as soon as possible, it was not right to put this matter first.

After all, Lingyue and Yue'er...

Recalling everything in the Afang Palace, the biggest sacrifices were probably these two innocent girls.

Wandering in the river basin, falling into such a dilemma of life and death, wasn't it because of Chu Renmei's death?

They are now extremely attached to me, and how can I really ignore them after settling them down?

Accompany them well for a few days.

Even, almost all the time during the day was given to them, watching Lingyue full of joy and smile around me and acting coquettishly, watching Yue'er looking at me with a peaceful smile, as if there was nothing to ask for in this life.

Su Jing actually found a little bit of comfort in playing with a girl, and then a little panic, am I really old?

She is only in her early twenties, but she has already started to think about having children...

At night, she is naturally very impulsive!

As the direct recipient, Murong Ruo suffered a lot.

Even afterwards, she leaned on Su Jing, panting softly, drooping her eyelids, and asked Su Jing to take Qu Wuyi back quickly, and she would do whatever he wanted.

Su Jing was naturally pleased with himself.

Dragon Elephant Prajna is the most supreme martial art of Tantra, and it naturally includes many magical methods of Tantra. Even if you don't specialize in it, you can practice it as a sideline... For example, Happy Zen, etc., and now, with the improvement of Dragon Elephant Prajna, while strengthening your physique, your ability is much stronger than before.

At least, even if you enter the realm of Xiantian Grandmaster.

Murong Ruo's fighting power has not improved. Compared with Su Jing, whose strength has greatly improved, Murong Ruo was almost suffocated by him. He didn't even know when he fell asleep.

He stayed in Tianya Haige for six or seven days.

Although he had something on his mind, he was still carefree.

During the day, he played with the two little girls and taught Yue'er the introductory steps of the wave ripple technique.

At night, he went to find Murong Ruo to relieve the depression during this period and release it fiercely...

It was just during this period of time.

Su Jing actually only saw Wan Wan two or three times in several days.

Even every time they met...

She was evasive and looked at Su Jing with a very strange look. When he asked her a question, she just made a few excuses and ran away in a hurry.

It seemed that she was a little afraid of herself.

No matter how long the good time was, there was still business to do.

Seven days later.

Su Jing said goodbye to Lingyue and Yue'er in their reluctant eyes, and promised that he would come back to visit them as soon as he had free time.

And Murong Ruo.

After being nourished by love, Murong Ruo is now very different from a few days ago. She has a face like spring clouds, and she has always been heroic and valiant. People would believe her if she was a handsome man. Now, even though she still has a neat and straightforward posture, she can still see a hint of charm from her figure.

In the past, she often sighed that she was not feminine and could not be liked by men...

But now, she often looks in the mirror and can't help but laugh.

That moving style~feeling, even she herself is fascinated by it, and naturally she hasn't said this for a long time.

Now looking at Su Jing...

She doesn't feel reluctant.

Although the reincarnation has not come yet, it will probably take more than a month. Murong Ruo is not a vassal who cannot live without a man. Although she misses him after not seeing him for a month, she is not so worried.

But even so, she is worried, but she can't say it.

Thousands of words, in the end, only one sentence...

"Be careful!"

She said softly.

"Yes, I know."

Su Jing nodded, ignoring the shocked eyes of Yue'er and Lingyue, he leaned over and kissed her lips gently.

Lingyue's eyes were straightened immediately, and she was about to scream, but Yue'er suppressed her and covered her mouth tightly.

Her watery eyes stared at Su Jing and Murong Ruo, whose lips were intertwined, and her eyes almost glowed.

After a long time...

Su Jing left the lips that made him so attached.

He looked at her in confusion and asked, "Where is Xianxian? Didn't she say she would go with me? Why hasn't she shown up yet..."

During this period of time, Xianxian's presence was really too weak, but Su Jing also had the opportunity to ask her whether she would stay in Tianyahaige or go to the river basin with him.

Xianxian was still very frightened at the beginning and urged him to leave quickly, saying that she could no longer suppress this little bitch Shi Feixuan.

This woman was like being in heat when she saw Murong Ruo, and she pressed her inside and couldn't get out. It was so annoying...

I urged her before, but now she was about to leave, but she didn't say anything.

"I'll go find her."

Su Jing gently hugged Lingyue and Yue'er again... and said with a smile: "I'm flying on a sword, so I don't have to start from the main gate like I do now. Even if I've already sent her off, I'll go find Qianqian now. After I find her, I'll fly away with her. You don't have to follow me anymore. Well, following me will only make you feel reluctant."

Lingyue and Yue'er said yes obediently.

Murong Ruo smiled bitterly and said: "I won't go with you. Well, you understand."

Su Jing understood immediately.

Although Shi Feixuan had never actively harassed Murong Ruo, she was under great pressure just to be stared at by a girl of similar age.

Therefore, Murong Ruo was grateful to Shi Feixuan, but also a little afraid.

Su Jing naturally understood her complicated feelings, and felt amused, so he turned around and walked back...

He walked all the way to the door of Qianqian's room.

But he saw that the door was closed, not from the outside, but from the threshold inside... Obviously, Qianqian was still in the room.

"What's wrong with this girl?"

Su Jing muttered in confusion, went forward and knocked on the door, and shouted: "Qianqian, I'm leaving, haven't you packed yet?"

A very weak voice came from the house, "The door is not locked, come in."

Su Jing was startled, and hurriedly pushed the door open!

But he saw that inside the house...

Everything was not moved at all.

Even Xianxian was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with her makeup unfinished, looking a bit haggard.

Her face was even paler, which made people feel pity.

Su Jing was shocked and said, "Xianxian, you...what's wrong with you?"

Xianxian tried to raise her eyes and looked at Su Jing.

With some expressions in her eyes that he couldn't understand, she smiled bitterly and said, "Master, didn't you say that congenital is like constipation, and you must try to hold it in to get greater benefits? But the problem is that now, people can't hold it in..."

Su Jing: "……………………………………"

Although he was shocked by Xianxian's current state, he was still speechless.

You are a beautiful and delicate girl, why do you have to use such a disgusting metaphor?

Thank you for the 500 rewards from Not 3 Immortals! 100 rewards from Xinghai Zhutian!

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