Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1277 Return to the River Basin

Reached the state of refining the gods and returning to the void!

While his spiritual consciousness is more powerful, his sword control speed is also several times faster than before.

Use all your strength to control the sword...

It only lasted a little longer for a stick of incense, and the endless sea was no longer visible from my sight.

Follow the exact opposite direction.

Toward the direction of Da Qin...

Fly away with all your strength.

A slightly strange feeling emerged in Su Jing's mind.

At first, he had gone through all kinds of hardships to escape from the Qin State, but now that he was flying in this direction, he actually felt like he was returning to the Qin State.

He shook his head to get rid of the strange feeling in his mind.

I always feel that ever since the fanatic talked about this...

In his mind, he always unconsciously thought of the original Xianyang and the original Afang Palace!

With my current strength, as long as Qin Zheng doesn't take action himself, he can actually come and go freely even on Qin's territory, right?

But I heard from the madmen that Qin Zheng was injured.

As the leader of a country, he should not be able to move around easily.

Unfortunately, according to the fanatic's words, he invited Su Jing to the Corpse Mountain Villa before, saying that there was something left for him there. In fact, Qin Zheng secretly forcibly influenced his words...

This was a conspiracy from the beginning.

Then I naturally have no reason to go back...

Although he thought so, a figure unexpectedly appeared in his mind.

Han Wugu! ! !

This guy... I don't know if he will leave Qin State again. If he still leaves, with his current strength, if he wants to kill him, he has at least a 40% chance of winning!

Thinking about it, a cold look appeared on his face.

It is too difficult to kill Qin Zheng, but it is not too difficult to defeat Han Wugu.

And Jiuxiao.

Now that his strength has increased to this point, he should be able to reluctantly inherit Yu Xiao's identity, right?

During this period of time, Jiuxiao has been silent...

But Su Jing felt that it might be time to inform them of Xiang Huan's death. Otherwise, only the enemy would know, and the orthodox Jiuxiao would not know about it, which would probably be detrimental to him and others.

In particular, the fathers of the predecessor Yu Xiaoxianghuan and the predecessor Zixiao Li Zhao both died of the poison of Momo Youth.

And I have personally seen Qin Zheng display his youthful beauty...

If someone is hunting Jiuxiao... then Qin Zheng must have something to do with it.

As for the other people in Jiuxiao whose identities have not been exposed, although I don’t know who they are, they can be ranked alongside Xiang Huan and Tang Huang. It is not easy to think about their identities and strength!

It's time to add some trouble to Qin Zheng.

Thinking of random thoughts all the way, the figure did not stop at all, just like the wind and lightning, but it only took a day or two.

Ahead, you can already see a trace of dry breath. Between the sky and the earth, there is dry yellow flying sand. Although it is tiny and rare...but...

You can feel the heavy breath!

Su Jing broke through the realm of refining gods and returning to the virtual world, and has once again created the fifth planet Saturn.

The ability to control earth spiritual energy is more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Although he was not close to the river basin yet, he had already noticed the extremely powerful and thick aura...

A world made purely of earth elements!

Did you never expect that the river basin is so magical?

Even though he had been flying for several days, Su Jing still stayed awake and flew forward.

The red-blooded figure sank directly into the endless yellow sand.

But in the distance, the yellow sand that filled the space between heaven and earth took the initiative to separate from the two sides, like a door that suddenly opened between heaven and earth... to welcome the return of his emperor!

at this time.

Within the quicksand.

It's still the same chaos as before.

But unlike the complete chaos in the past, there is still a piece of pure land within it!

Red Mansion...

The people who are still singing and dancing and settling down in the basin have few murder cases and are not short of money. They are just forced by the outside world and have to live in such a depressing place. The Red Mansion is naturally their favorite. The best place to vent your selfish desires.

It is bustling every day, not to mention the night, and there is an endless stream of customers even during the day!

But inside the Red Mansion, it was different from the past. Among the waiters, there were many children who were not too old. These children were all disabled, missing legs or arms... but this did not affect them in dragging the plates at all. Running back and forth among the surging crowds, pouring wine and tea for the guests...

His movements are naturally a little slower than those of normal people.

However, he still tolerates these people, even the most demanding guests, and even occasionally allows them to receive a reward.

The stolen door is destroyed!

Those children were helpless and had no ability to live. Fortunately, Dong Xiaowan received a lot of funding to cure their diseases, but their incomplete bodies could not be repaired. If they were given a sum of money to let them out, When all the money is spent, they will still have the same fate as before, and they will still be thieves, or simply starve to death.

Therefore, she left them all behind, staying in the Red Mansion as waiters...

On the contrary, I make a lot of extra money every month.

After all, evil people may not have softness in their hearts. They have already despised the organizations that use innocent children to make money, but they dare not act rashly because of the power behind them.

They also felt a little compassion for these children. Therefore, since these children started working as waiters here, the atmosphere in the Red Mansion has become much better than before, and there are even fewer troubles.

This can be regarded as an unintentional success!

However, no matter how good the atmosphere in the Red Mansion is, it is still a brothel, and there will be troubles.

The elegant and charming woman was sitting at the table, her neck slightly drooping, staring carefully at the account book in front of her, and she kept counting the income during this period... and the smile on her face became more and more obvious.

Although she was not the shopkeeper of the Red Mansion, Sister Xiaowan had gradually delegated power to her recently.

How could I live up to her trust?

Fortunately, there was the help of Sister Zhang and others...

During this period, the income was soaring all the way. You must know that the Red Mansion can share half of the children's tips... This is the invisible income.

This income is quite high. Although it is not as much as the income contributed by those girls, it is enough to maintain the daily expenses of the Red Mansion.


Jiang Surou showed a slightly happy smile on her face, and whispered to herself: "If Sister Xiaowan sees this bill this time, I'm afraid she will jump for joy."

She has stayed in the Red Mansion for two years.

Two years...

She went from being a helpless woman who was bought and sold to now taking over the Red Mansion, the most powerful force in the river basin, instead of Dong Xiaowan.

No one knows how much Jiang Surou has suffered.

But she has been struggling in the Red Mansion for two years. She has already regarded the Red Mansion as her home. Now that she sees that the business of the Red Mansion is getting better, she is naturally very happy.

But the smile has not yet fully bloomed.

There was a loud bang over there...

The sound of the table and bowl being overturned was heard.

Accompanied by the sharp screams of women, and even sharper angry shouts.

The hall was instantly in chaos.

Jiang Surou was sitting in the house, thinking it was a normal disturbance, so she didn't pay much attention to it. Although this didn't happen often in the Red Mansion, it was commonplace!

But when she thought about it carefully, she heard that voice was extremely familiar, clearly...

"It's Sister Zhang!!!"

She screamed and ran out in a hurry!

Thank you for the 2000 reward from Names Are Really Important! 100 rewards from Xinghai Zhutian!

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