Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1317 Mission

"Is there a place you are not familiar with, young master? Especially in the reincarnation space?"

Kan-Kan laughed in surprise and joked: "Young master, use your ability quickly, go out for a while to get information, maybe there are old grandfathers and hidden masters waiting next to our house, and then tell us all the information we should know... Then, we will continue to kill people..."

"This is not a joke, I am really familiar with it."

Su Jing frowned, he really couldn't explain this to them...

Perhaps in the eyes of Qu Wuyi and Murong Ruo, he is born to adapt to every reincarnation in the reincarnation space, and even has methods that they can't understand, and can mix well in it, as if no secrets can be hidden from him.

It is precisely because of this...

I am afraid that every reincarnation space is extremely familiar to him.

But Su Jing knows his own affairs, and what he calls familiarity is familiarity with the plot.

But if you throw him on the top of the Forbidden City without telling him where it is, Su Jing will still be at a loss and have no idea where it is.

But this reincarnation space gave Su Jing a completely different feeling than before.


He was sure he had never been to this place before.

But it was very familiar, the streets here, the layout here, and even...

Su Jing frowned and thought seriously.

Seeing that his expression was not as relaxed as before, Kanan's face became solemn and asked in confusion: "Why, isn't it good to be familiar?"

"Let's go out and take a look first."

Su Jing thought for a while, but he couldn't remember anything...

It seems that he still needs to communicate with people outside to know what plane this is.

He said hello and walked out first.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, Qianqian quickly took out a gold ingot and said with a smile: "Come on, place your bets. Guess how long it will take the young master to come back this time. I'll bet one stick of incense..."

Qu Wuyi said lightly: "It's impossible to bet."

Murong Ruo smiled and said: "Because I'm also betting one stick of incense, Wuyi too, right?"

Qu Wuyi nodded and said: "We know Su Jing better than you..."

Qianqian looked at the gold in her hand steadily, put it away dejectedly, and sighed: "Yes, we all bet the same, who will win?"

Su Jing had no idea that the room even opened a handicap based on how much time he took.

Walking out of the courtyard...

Looking back, it was an ordinary residential courtyard, and around it, there were rows of such courtyards.

There was nothing special.

Outside, there was a wide bluestone road with pedestrians, old and young...

The coarse cloth short clothes made it impossible to tell which dynasty they were from.

Su Jing followed the crowd and walked forward...

The look on his face became more and more strange.

Is it an illusion...

Or is it that the clothes he wore were different from those of the common people, and the blood red that was the same as Ao Hongxue's was too dazzling?

Su Jing always felt that most people seemed to be secretly spying on him, with some unconcealable meaning in their eyes...That meaning, he couldn't understand for a while.


A white-haired old woman smiled and stood in front of Su Jing.

She smiled and said, "Kid, you're out to play again...Here, this is the pancake that grandma just took out of the pot. It tastes good. Try it."

Su Jing was confused and said, "Ah?"

"Hehe, come on, take it."

The old woman handed the pancake over.

Su Jing took it.

Then the old woman turned and left with a smile, leaving Su Jing with a confused face.

What did she just say?

Just as he was thinking, another girl about 17 or 18 years old suddenly patted Su Jing's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "You dress up well this time, it really looks like that... Well, it looks like... Why is it so flat here, how did you do it... It looks like a real man."

As she said that, she reached out to Su Jing's chest and patted it.


She found that the touch seemed to be different from what she imagined, and her expression on her face was stunned. She blinked her eyes, looked up and down at Su Jing, and said in surprise: "Man?!"

Su Jing: "What else?"

The girl was stunned, and then she realized that her hand was still...

She moved her hand back with a dry laugh.

Apologetically said: "Yes... I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person... Ah..."

Before she finished speaking, she couldn't help the shyness in her heart, screamed, and ran away quickly.

Su Jing: “………………………………………………”

They all mistook me for someone else.

Su Jing’s face showed an extremely solemn expression.

He was already thinking about something.

This feeling is too familiar…

He finally remembered what was going on with that look.

When he was on the run, many people looked at him with such eyes.


look at another person.

Could it be that this familiar feeling is actually…

The Lord God’s reminder sounded in my ears.

[Host: Su Jing/Chun Nan! ]

[Luck value: 1716 points! ]

[Deviation value: 17 points! ]

[Strength: Daowu cultivator (Sacred Heart Art/Dragon Elephant Prajna Art fifth level/Innate Return to Void)! ]

[Evaluation: Reborn from the ashes, the world is big, you can go anywhere! ]

[Difficulty of this training plane: Qing level! ]

[Task description: Qin and Chu are fighting, husband and wife are at odds, national hatred and family feuds, love and hate are intertwined! The world of adults is too complicated, but in the eyes of children, there is no right or wrong. Please keep innocent children away from all these disputes and the harm from their loved ones! ]

[Main task: Successfully rescue the last bloodline of the Chu royal family from the capital of Chu! ]

[Task reward: If the task is completed, you will get 13,000 points of luck! If the task fails, 10,000 points of luck will be deducted! ]

[Task time limit: unlimited! ]

[Side task: Successfully prevent the Qin generals from invading the Chu State. The completion of the task depends on the time. For each successful delay day, you can get an additional 200 points of luck! ]

Su Jing: "…………………………………………"

Sure enough.

Su Jing's face turned extremely livid in an instant.

And inside the courtyard.

Qu Wuyi and Murong Ruo's faces froze at the same time...

They both had strange looks on their faces.

And Kankan was confused and said, "The last bloodline of the Chu royal family? This name is so familiar, could it be the King of Chu... No, it's not like that, that person never founded a country, wait..."

She was suddenly surprised and said in shock, "The bloodline of the Chu royal family, that's not..."

She was already shocked.

The three women stared at each other.

After a long silence.

Qu Wuyi sighed softly, "So, it turned out to be such a task?"

Murong Ruo's eyes showed pity, and he said softly, "So, this is why Brother Su really feels familiar? This place... is where he lived for more than ten years."

Thanks to Xinghai Zhutian for the 100 rewards!

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