Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1445 Picking up corpses

The identity of Qin Qiong’s mother remains a mystery...

Even Chu Nan had only vaguely met him a few times.

I only remember that she was a rather taciturn woman, and then she simply disappeared.

On the contrary, Qin Qiong did not have many memories of facing her. Most of the time, it was Chu Qingxin who accompanied her...

But now, all he saw was Chu Qingxin's body.

She still had the memory of getting along with her not long ago to comfort her, but she... really could only rely on that gentle figure in her vague memory to be sentimental.

"Don't worry, Qin Zheng is not dead."

Su Jing sighed softly: "I plotted against him with a sword, but with his strength, a sword couldn't kill him at all. Instead, it helped him realize a higher realm. Now he seems to have forcibly escaped and gone to seclusion to realize, but Life is still safe.”

He did not mention that the Mo Forget Sword was originally created to avenge Qin Zheng, and the Yixi Sword itself has the power to confuse people. Now that it is integrated with the weird Thunder Sword, it may have unimaginable magical and special functions...

This is definitely something Qin Zheng cannot plan.

I don't know what his current situation is... but Su Jing can imagine that his current situation is definitely not good!

"I know."

Qin Qiong leaned gently on Su Jing's back and said: "Just now, Qin Feng, the commander of the Black Dragon Guard, found me and said that my father was not here and all the leadership authority of the Black Dragon Guard was handed over to me... Just before he came, I had already Order all the Black Dragon Guards to withdraw, brother, you don’t have to worry about being surrounded and suppressed by the Black Dragon Guards.”

"I'm not afraid at all!"

Su Jing smiled softly and said, "Xiao Qiong, you will stay in Afang Palace, right?"

Qin Qiong nodded.

"Then I'll leave my love to you."

Su Jing said seriously: "You will take good care of her, right?"

Qin Qiong asked: "Brother, don't you plan to take my aunt away?"

"I can't put her in the storage space, can I?"

Su Jing sighed: "There are so many inconveniences. If you think about it carefully, it would be most appropriate to keep her here."

He laughed at himself in a low voice, "Everything turned out to be for the sake of resurrection... That's why Qin Zheng never killed me. I think maybe the stone milk and jade liquid that could restore the face to its original appearance was actually him. I gave it to you, right? Although I didn’t say it clearly, I wanted you to give it to me..."

Qin Qiong was shocked: "Father, did this happen on purpose?"

"He wanted my face."

Su Jing took a deep breath and said: "He wanted to use my flesh and blood to resurrect Qingxin... That's why I was able to survive outside safely for so long, so he already knew my whereabouts and even met with me several times. But he never took action to catch me, because I was always under his control, and he wanted to confirm my growth until my appearance was infinitely close to his, but unfortunately, he failed. "

Failed at the last step.

He probably never expected that he would be able to discover the truth about him.

He didn't even expect that he would actually get Mo Wang and possess the power of Xianghuan... so much so that it was absolutely impossible for him to force him, so he could only take the roundabout route he had planned before.

Unfortunately, due to the experience more than ten years ago, a fatal flaw was exposed.

Break through to a higher realm?

Su Jing turned his back to Qin Qiong and showed a cold smile.

Let’s wait until you survive my sword. How can you bear and resolve such powerful resentment?

He sneered inwardly.

No matter how clever Qin Zheng is, he may not be able to predict that he will have a peerless magic sword in his hand that is not as powerful as Tai'a...

He never expected that he would discover his identity as a madman and give him a fatal blow...

No matter how strong he is, Qin Zheng is just a human being, and he can be regarded as a strange monster, but his heart has been penetrated. If this injury was normal, he would have been killed on the spot. Even if Qin Zheng did not die, he would not be much better!

in a blink……

It was already several days later.

And at this time.

Thousands of miles away.

The sea is rippling with blue waves, and the waves are hitting the sky.

A broken figure just floated on the sea, drifting with the current.

He seemed to have been floating for a long time, completely swimming with the waves...

But after being soaked in the sea for such a long time, his skin still had no wrinkles. There were sharks swimming around, but even though the food was in front of him, it didn't dare to get close, as if there was something that made it afraid and jealous.

But he wanted to give up but was unwilling to do so, so he could only keep wandering around and wait for him to die completely.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a few days, the man's time seemed to be frozen, and there was no death at all.

"There's someone in the sea!"

On the beach, several small boats were shuttled in the waves, and more than ten girls were playing in the boats. Even though the waves were rough, these girls were not afraid at all. Even if they were on the extremely bumpy wave boat, they were not afraid at all. He was afraid, but instead took the initiative to lean out and play in the sea...


One of the girls had sharp eyes and exclaimed: "Look, everyone, there is someone there!"

At this time, everyone saw that there was a broken figure there. Although it was above the sea, there were traces of flames burning on his body... But the strange thing was that his clothes were burned and tattered, but there was no injury on his body at all. Not accepted.

"Hurry and save people!"

Several boats rowed towards the figure at the same time.

These girls were all confused. Within a radius of hundreds of miles, the only shore was where they came from. There was no land anywhere else for hundreds of miles...

How did this person get here?

It couldn't be that he flew all the way here, right? How high a cultivation level would he have to have?

Although they didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, they were young girls who had never experienced the world, and they couldn't bear to watch a living person drown to death.

Several girls worked together to drag him up...

Looking at this man who had been soaked for several days but had not grown hair.

His temples were slightly white, and his face was handsome... Even though he was so miserable, he still didn't look a bit shabby, but rather had the demeanor of a nobleman.

Several girls were stunned. They didn't expect that just rescuing a person would be so good-looking.

Young girls who were not experienced in the world could not resist this kind of mature demeanor... Several people couldn't help but stare at him.

But they didn't stare for a while.

"Does this guy look familiar to you?"

One of the girls muttered in confusion: "I always feel like I've seen him somewhere before."

"Now that you mention it, I have the same feeling... He seems to be... is..."

Another girl said in confusion: "Do you remember the bad guy who kept pestering our Pavilion Master some time ago? I think they look alike... Actually, they don't look alike... Their expressions seem a bit similar."

"Whether he is or not, why don't you just take him to see the Pavilion Master?"

"Yes, yes, go back, go back quickly."

Several boats sped towards the Tianyahai Pavilion...

If it was really that bad guy, the Pavilion Master would definitely be very happy. The Pavilion Master was so angry at the bad guy, and now this guy has fallen into the hands of the Pavilion Master.

Then the Pavilion Master can bully him as he pleases?

It's just a good opportunity for the Pavilion Master to vent his anger.

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