Su Jing suddenly realized what happened.

Just like after he was recognized by Yuxiao, Zixiao Li Zhao also specially led him to open the Jiuxiao gathering to let himself experience this kind of scene. The purpose was to prevent the province from suddenly encountering such a situation in the future and panic. , panicked and exposed his identity.

I was not allowed to reveal my identity at that time, but I even started a rally.

So now...

He glanced slightly.

He saw that green beam of light. Although the beautiful figure inside it could not be clearly described, her face seemed to be facing directly in his direction.

Su Jing knew that she must be looking at him intently.

This girl...

And Zixiao.

In the purple sky, the graceful figure quietly curled her fingers at him.

Su Jing suddenly smiled and waved his hand towards her, signaling not to be too showy...

Then, he looked at the red beam of light.

Within the beam of light, a figure could not clearly see the man and woman, but if one had preconceived notions, one could still vaguely catch a glimpse of Ao Hongxue's graceful posture.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were turned to her.

Langxiao shouted with a serious look in his voice: "What's going on? Why did only Baxiao come to the Jiuxiao gathering? Where is Taixiao?"

"Tai Xiao is dead."

Before Su Jing could answer, Bi Xiao had already taken the lead and said: "After my verification, Tai Xiao was none other than Han Wugou, the former top master of the Legalist School, and he was one of the masterminds of the murder of Yu Xiao... Previously Chi Xiao said there is a spy in Jiuxiao, I’m afraid this so-called spy is Taixiao Han Wugou!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Oh? Is this happening?"

Lang Xiao looked at Chi Xiao.

Ao Hongxue said calmly: "Back then, I was plotted against by someone from the Nine Heavens. When I was in danger, I counterattacked and cut off that person's arm... And when Han Wugu died, his body was mutilated. I think he was the one who attacked me in the first place. He has no doubt."

Langxiao asked: "Where is the Taixiao jade pendant?"

"Whereabouts unknown!"

Bixiao said lightly.

Su Jing couldn't help but chuckle to himself, Xiao Qiong was really good at telling lies with his eyes open.

"If so, Bixiao, do your best to search for the whereabouts of the Taixiao jade pendant. The Taixiao inheritance cannot be cut off!"

After Lang Xiao gave his instructions, he looked at Ao Hongxue and asked, "Chi Xiao, was it you who initiated the Jiuxiao Gathering?"

"it's me!"

Ao Hongxue's identity is no longer a secret in Jiuxiao. Naturally, she does not have to hide her voice. She replied: "During this period of time, I have been a guest in Wanye Feihua Valley, but it happened that I met Jiuxiao." Senior Dan Xiao was assassinated... Now, I have helped the new Dan Xiao gain the recognition of Dan Xiao Jade Pendant. With the new member joining, it is necessary for me to let everyone know about this! "

"Dan Xiao died?"

The expressions of everyone in Jiuxiao changed drastically in an instant.

Lang Xiao's usually calm voice couldn't help but scream, with a bit of sharpness in his voice, and shouted: "Who did it?"

"The murderer has been found!"

Ao Hongxue said lightly: "But there is one thing that I care about very much. Senior Dan Xiao died under the beauty of Momo!"

"Is it Mosha Fanghua again?"

Li Zhao couldn't help but exclaimed: "Could it be that they are the same group of people who killed my father?"

Ao Hongxue said: "I don't know about this, but Senior Danxiao has been living in seclusion for many years and never leaves the Ten Thousand Leaves Feihua Valley. If you want to assassinate him, it would be difficult for even the Supreme Being to do it... But she got into it... He lost his youth in a moment and died as a result. Although the murderer has been executed, a few medicine men can kill Dan Xiao. I always feel that there may be something fishy in it. "

Ao Hongxue and Su Jing both knew the truth.

But both of them have already agreed...

This basin of water must be poured on Qin Zheng.

This will be of great benefit to yourself without any harm.


Langxiao had already looked at Bixiao and asked: "Qin Zheng had nothing to do with the deaths of Yuxiao and Zixiao before, and both of them died from the sudden youth in their bodies. Now Danxiao's death is also Have you found anything related to the moment of youth?"

"The incident involving Zi Xiao has been going on for too long and there is no trace left, but Yu Xiao did die at the hands of Qin Zheng, and he even used Yu Xiao's body to get a glimpse of the secret of breaking the Tao!"

Should Qin Qiong be worthy of saying that he and Ao Hongxue have been masters and disciples for many years?

It seemed that he understood Ao Hongxue's meaning very well, and said calmly: "We didn't have any way to deal with Qin Zheng before, but now his strength is getting higher and higher. Although he disappeared, if he appears again, he will definitely be in the realm of breaking the Tao... At this time, Jiuxiao can't help him even more."

Lang Xiao asked: "So?"

"I propose to recognize Yuxiao's position. The current Yuxiao is already too far behind Qin Zheng. If we don't help him, then...if Qin Zheng really attacks the Supreme Heaven, we can only wait and wait for death. "

Su Jing secretly praised you as a good sister. When we meet next time, my brother must give you a good hug.

This is using the power of Qin Zheng to oppress Langxiao.

And the oppressive power of Qin Zheng...

As expected, Lang Xiao began to ponder.

After a short while, he said: "Did you hear it? Yuxiao... Bixiao's words are not unreasonable. Next, you'd better go to the supreme heaven."

"I understand, but to what extent is so-called recognition?"

Su Jing asked: "Is it recognized by you alone, or by everyone in Jiuxiao?"

"Yuxiao is different from the other Eight Heavens. Its identity is special... Theoretically speaking, you need to show your strength. In Jiuxiao, you need to be recognized by more than half of the people. Well... How to be recognized specifically? This You have to wait until the supreme genius arrives.”

"Get half the people's approval? I get it."

Su Jing smiled secretly in his heart...

It's exactly what Grandma Xiao said...

So, I only need to gain the approval of my own women and the approval of my own sister, and then I will be considered a serious Yuxiao?

The Supreme Heaven... is now within reach.

Well, it’s already your own, so what are you afraid of?

Su Jing nodded and said: "When I finish what I am doing, I will go to the Supreme Heaven!"

"Is there anything more important than Jiuxiao?"

Langxiao said righteously: "The Qin State is close to the boundless territory. The Qin State of Qin is now quite hostile to me, Jiuxiao. The hidden meaning in this is not small. You'd better hurry up... don't delay my waiting time." , if you can do’s you. If you can’t do it, don’t delay us in finding someone else to take your place.”

"I see."

Su Jing ignored him...

If this old antique Langxiao knew that Yuxiao, who had not yet been recognized, had already bribed all the examiners, well... he had hired all the examiners he could.

This assessment is actually just a formality.

I've already gotten a huge advantage, so it's better not to irritate this poor old man too much.

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