Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1635 What on earth did you do?

"Sure enough! In the future, Master..."

Xuan Xiao had already been suppressed by Su Jing and Zhao Xueyan at this time and was suffering unspeakably. That is to say, Su Jing was somewhat guarded against Zhao Xueyan, and Zhao Xueyan also did not try his best towards Su Jing. Otherwise... I am afraid he would have been defeated long ago. coming.

But even so, he could not hide his shock.

The master really didn't come.

Could it be said that Chan You, the palace master of the Fantasy Realm, really took action?

In fact...

Of course Chanyou came, not only did she come, but she also came directly to the Qionghua Hall and blocked Master Taiqing inside.

"It's still too late to retreat now!"

Master Taiqing stared at the woman in front of him with a touch of anger in his eyes...

It seems that he is not very old, but the depth of spiritual energy around him makes Taiqing afraid of him.

He said coldly: "Chanyou, I don't want to get entangled with you today. If you don't retreat, you will bear the consequences!"

"Oh, what consequences can I bear? You are so aggressive and have caused countless casualties in my fantasy world, and now you say you don't want to get entangled? Since you don't want to get entangled, why don't you just let me leave the fantasy world?"

When Chan You came here, she really didn't believe Su Jing's words, about the double sword net binding the illusory dark world.

In her opinion, if the Qionghua Sect were to bind the Illusionary Dark Realm, Taiqing, the most powerful among them, would have to take action. The others might not be qualified at all...let alone the two disciples. How could they be responsible? Such a big responsibility?

But since those people of unknown origin were determined to seize the sword, she was naturally happy to help and took the opportunity to weaken the strength of the Qionghua Sect. After all, they were just entangled with Taiqing to prevent him from going to reinforce them.

It would be most appropriate if they could take the opportunity to kill several elders of the Qionghua Sect.

But the problem is...

Looking at Taiqing's pretending not to care, but clearly extremely anxious look.

But Chanyou couldn't help but feel an inexplicable movement in her heart, thinking, could it be that what that boy said was true?

If it was just a weapon for two disciples, no matter how important it was, it shouldn't make him lose his composure... It wouldn't be...

Thinking about it, she said coldly: "In short, I have already discovered the secret of the two swords. Today, you can't even think of succeeding!"


Taiqing's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes looking at Chanyou were filled with murderous intent.

"As expected, you actually used two disciples and two sword nets to bind me to the Illusionary Ming Realm?"

Chanyou suddenly realized it, laughed loudly, and said: "Isn't this like walking through iron shoes without finding a place? It takes no effort to get here. Taiqing, I already know your Qionghua's secret... Today, what do you want?" If you go to the rescue, I'm afraid you have to share life and death with me. However, even if you are lucky enough to kill me, how much strength will you have to help your disciple? Hahahaha..."

She laughed.

Behind the scenes, there was a dark fragrance permeating the air. No one noticed this fragrance, but it was misty and misty, drifting away into the distance.

In fact, I felt quite a bit regretful. If I had known earlier, I really shouldn't have come alone. Instead, I would have brought the Six Divine Generals from the Illusion and Ming Realm with me, vowing to snatch the two swords.

But it’s not too late to summon him now.

Just know the goal...

She stared at Tai Qing, her eyes full of pleasure.

"Then I'll kill you and then go protect the two swords!"

Taiqing said coldly: "It's just today~ As soon as you die, we, the Qionghua Sect, don't have to wait anymore. Today is the day when your fantasy world will be destroyed!"

"I'll tell you after you kill him!"

The signal has been released, Chanyou doesn't wait any longer...

There was a fierce light in her eyes, and she could not hold back when faced with the real culprit who had killed countless innocent creatures in the fantasy world.

Even though he was unprepared today, the other party was more panicked than himself!

As long as you hold it off...

Hold on.

Then he won.

"Suffer death!"

The sword light and the dark purple brilliance in the sky were entangled in one place in an instant, and the powerful spiritual energy shot straight into the sky, the Qionghua was shocked, and the heaven and earth shook!

The Lord of a Realm and the Leader of a Sect are both the top figures in the world of humans and demons. Now that they are fighting together, the color of the world will change, and the wind and clouds will wail.

The powerful aftermath also affected other battlefields.

Boundless oppression swept across all directions.

The breathing of Zhao Wuji and the others suddenly stagnated, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes. Is this the true strength of the leader of the Qionghua Sect?


Fortunately, the Palace Master of the Fantasy Realm also took action, otherwise, it is impossible for them to join forces, and they may not be this person's opponent.

The look in Su Jing's eyes was filled with admiration. How dare you bully the daughter of such an old guy...

As expected, he is very timid.

But now, it's the right opportunity.

He worked even harder, fighting one against two, and actually managed to hold back the two elders Xuan Zhen and Zheng Fa. Although they were at a disadvantage, Qu Wuyi was appearing and disappearing around him, making it impossible for these Qionghua middlemen to exert their full strength. If you go ahead, you must allocate part of your mind to guard against sneak attacks that may appear at any time.

For a time, they were evenly matched.

Zhou Du was very powerful, with a black sword like ink. Although he was taciturn, his moves were all life-saving moves. He did not care about his own injuries, and he also held back the two of them.

The two of them worked so hard.

On the contrary, it made Murong Ruo feel a lot more relaxed. Holding the Taoist weapon Qixi Sword, facing Zong Lian who might not be better than her in strength, she had the upper hand for a while. That is to say, she couldn't bear to kill. Otherwise, it would be impossible to say that Zong Lian was gone. Life is at stake.

At this time, Zong Lian was already extremely anxious. Those Shushan disciples had brought such powerful helpers from nowhere...

If they continued to fight, they would have no chance of survival.

Why didn't Tianqing, Suyao and Suyu come to help?

If they were here, they might be able to turn defeat into victory.

But now, why...

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, an endless noise sounded in his ears.


"Kill... Today is my chance to kill Qionghua and avenge my blood!!!"

From the distant Juanyuntai, the spiritual energy suddenly became chaotic.

The surging demonic energy instantly spread...

Hundreds of scarlet lights spread, and nearly a thousand dream tapirs rushed over with weapons in hand, and the leaders were clearly three of the six generals.

Although Su Jing couldn't name them, since they were called the Six Divine Generals, their strength was definitely not inferior to any of the masters of the Qionghua Sect...

There were also countless Meng Mo rushing out!

On the Qionghua Sect side, it was obvious that some disciples also noticed the movement, and some rushed over here, but one side was in a hurry, and the other side was even more hasty, and neither side was ready.

But Meng Mo finally took the lead.

He killed these scattered Qionghua disciples and made them retreat step by step...

For a moment, the fierce duel that was previously extremely fierce and each fighting for itself instantly turned into a turbulent battlefield!

This time, Su Jing couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that in order to help him snatch the two swords, the Huanming Realm would really show all its trump cards, even...

"What did you do to Chanyou?"

Zhao Xueyan was obviously quite confused. After fighting with Xuan Xiao, she was surprised: "What did you do to make her help you so hard?"

"I didn't do anything."

Although Su Jing was confused, he knew that this was the best time.

He shouted: "Zhao Xueyan, if you keep it, you won't be able to snatch the two swords... Now that the decisive battle is approaching, if you don't send us away, you can't get the reward alone!"

Zhao Xueyan obviously understood this.

"I understand!"

Looking at Xuan Xiao in the distance, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she shouted: "Xuan Xiao, today you will die!"

Obviously, she didn't plan to hold back anymore.

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