Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1643 Hint

After a dizzy spell...

Su Jing reappeared in that simple house, sitting on the old but neat straw mat.

On his legs, there was a gorgeous weapon that was as red as fire.

The Xihe Sword.

"Little guy... dare to play tricks on me..."

Su Jing had a smug smile on his lips.

The Xihe Sword and the Wangshu Sword are a pair. In addition to spending 17,000 points of luck to exchange for the weapon, Wan Wan also needed to spend a lot of luck to adapt the weapon and learn weapon skills...but when it came to him, the Lord God only told him the characteristics of the weapon.

It was obvious...

This guy seemed to want to swallow all the information.

Unfortunately, with Wan Wan's reminder, Su Jing would naturally not ignore it.


Xihe Slash, Xihe Xuanyan and other powerful moves are now engraved in Su Jing's mind.

These moves alone are probably worth at least 10,000 points of luck.

Especially as the moves of the sword itself were perfectly mastered, Su Jing had a feeling of being connected to the Xihe Sword.

Even the Xihe Sword and the Xuanhuojian, as well as the Yuyang power in the body, formed a subtle resonance.

If I have to say...

It is probably that all the power of the fire attribute has a faint sign of integration.

The Xihe Sword can use the power of the Xuanhuojian to burst out the Eight Evil Mysterious Fires. Its power is so strong that it seems to have risen to a higher level than the Yangyan of the Xihe Sword itself.

As for the physical condition...

For Su Jing, there is no problem at all.

With his current physical condition, he can use both the Wangshu Sword and the Xihe Sword as he wishes.

"It can be regarded as an unexpected surprise."

Su Jing showed a satisfied look on his face. You... you are still very young to fight me.

And there is an unexpected gain.

Looking at the book in his other hand, it was a treasure that exploded from Xuan Xiao.

Qionghua Sword Technique!

It records many extremely powerful sword techniques of the Qionghua School...

The Qionghua School was established with swords and controlled by Qi. In terms of the sharpness of sword techniques, it is probably better than the Shushan Sword Technique. After mastering it, it is no less than another powerful weapon!

He put away the Xihe Sword and the technique.

Then he continued to sit cross-legged with his eyes closed to practice his internal strength.

Not long after...

The door was lightly pushed open.

A graceful woman in a red skirt walked in slowly. The sunlight penetrated and shone on her face, making her originally fair skin exude a bit of crystal, which looked even more beautiful and shocking.

Her eyes fell on Su Jing, and saw that he was still practicing seriously...

Ao Hongxue's eyes showed some admiration. He was indeed worthy of being a young master. He had achieved such success at such a young age, but he did not slack off at all and still practiced hard every day.

In the eyes of lovers, beauty is in the eyes of others. It was just a normal practice... He might not even be as diligent as her, but Ao Hongxue's eyes were still full of brilliance when she looked at Su Jing.

Just watching.

She couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, and was quite shocked...

It was only one night since they last met.

How come the young master's cultivation has increased so much...

The absolute cultivation has not improved much, but the slightly unstable true qi before has now been deeply rooted and smooth, as if he has been immersed in this way for many years and has already understood it by heart.

Could it be that this is what the young master said before, inspiration has come again?

Ao Hongxue felt a little absurd, but she felt it was natural. The young master had practiced martial arts for many years younger than herself. He must have had many sudden realizations to achieve today's achievements. Well... not strange, not strange, but in this case...

Her pretty face inexplicably showed a little shyness.

After a slight hesitation, she carefully retreated and closed the door.

After an hour or two...

Su Jing slowly opened his eyes and nodded with satisfaction. It was a pleasant surprise that Qianqian gave him the Xihe Sword. During this time in the Immortal Sword Plane, he had never given up practicing. The Yuyang Power in his body was already stable, and after the Xihe Sword and his sword became one.

With the suppression of Xihe Yangyan...

The Yuyang Power, Xihe Yangyan, and the red flames cultivated by the Red Fire Divine Art in his body have formed a delicate balance.

"It seems that this little girl has done something practical this time..."

At this time, there are three extremely hot flames in her body, and outside her body, there is the more powerful Eight Evil Mysterious Fires of the Mysterious Fire Mirror.

Now, he has finally stabilized the power of Yuyang.

After that...

Maybe, the day of transformation is not far away.

Thinking of Ao Hongxue, Su Jing showed a slight and gentle smile on his face...Then he looked up and looked outside the door with a surprised look on his face.

In this Supreme Heaven, except for that old guy, there are only the two of them. Because of this, Ao Hongxue almost spent all her thoughts on him, and improved his taste every day.

Just like now...

The practice is completed at this time every day.

She will bring a cup of fragrant tea at the right time, why today...

He got up and walked out of the door.


The sun is shining.

Lang Xiao was still holding his crutches and closing his eyes to meditate. There was no trace of the fact that he was hundreds of years old, just like a lazy old man next door...

But Ao Hongxue disappeared.

Su Jing went to Ao Hongxue's room, but found no trace of her...

After coming out, he glanced at Lang Xiao and was about to ask, but Lang Xiao took the initiative to open his mouth and exclaimed: "Boy, it's not easy. How can it be that just one night's effort seems to have improved one month's worth of cultivation?" ?”

Su Jing casually replied: "Nothing, I just had an epiphany last night!"

"Sudden enlightenment can only make your cultivation more rounded and satisfying, but I have never heard of it being able to deepen your cultivation..."

Lang Xiao glanced at Su Jing thoughtfully and said, "It looks like you hid secretly and then practiced in seclusion for a month... This is how you can reach such a state at such a young age. ?"

Su Jing looked at Lang Xiao steadily.

Lang Xiao laughed, "Don't worry, I have no intention of guessing whether you have any secrets. I just want to remind you that every gain must come with a loss. You can make so much progress in just one night." , then you must have paid a’s just that you may not know the price, but the price must be there, so be careful.”

Su Jing was thoughtful after hearing this.

Lang Xiao pointed to the distance and said with a smile: "Are you looking for that little girl? She went to the forest... It's strange. She has found all the ingredients for today, and there are also mushrooms like Thousand Days Mushroom. It’s such a high-quality product, so you shouldn’t be looking for other food, right? Well, I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s been more than two hours since I left.”

"You didn't ask?"

"That little girl is so proud... In addition to being as gentle as water to you, have you ever seen her talk to anyone else?"

Lang Xiao closed his eyes again, with a happy look on his face, and sighed: "I have lived for so many years, and I know when to talk too much and when not to talk too much... Go ahead and see how fast you are progressing, Old Man Suddenly I’m looking forward to our three-move deal.”

Have you been walking for more than two hours?

Su Jing felt an inexplicable worry in his heart...

Could it be that he is in danger?

Or is there something else...

Thinking about it, he also walked towards the dense jungle.

I feel somewhat worried...

It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly.

The sun shines through the gaps in the mottled leaves of the towering trees, and the warm light is cut into small pieces, creating an inexplicable sense of tranquility.

The tender green grass is soft under your feet and feels particularly comfortable...

It can be seen that no one has walked here all year round.

I just wonder what Hongxue is doing here at this time?

Su Jing thought...

Behind him, light footsteps suddenly sounded.

A pair of jade arms has directly surrounded him...


Ao Hongxue murmured softly. The usually light voice sounded waxy today, like sweet sugar water, making people addicted...

Su Jing turned around in surprise, and when he saw that shy face, he said in surprise: "Hongxue."

"Young Master's cultivation...has really improved rapidly."

Ao Hongxue looked at Su Jing intently for a while, buried her face in his back, and said softly.

It only took Su Jing a moment to understand her hint.


"No one has ever passed by here. Although there is no cover, the sky and the earth can be witnesses... If it were in the house, that old guy Lang Xiao would hear it."

Ao Hongxue's voice was filled with unconcealable shyness, and she said softly: "Hongxue is here, she has been waiting for the young master for a long time."

Su Jing: "………………………………………………"

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