Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1667: Poor mountains and bad waters give rise to unruly people

Lang Xiao told Qing Xiao that Su Jing would leave for the Great Xia Dynasty in two months!

Qingxiao should not doubt what Langxiao, the leader of the Nine Heavens, said...

In other words, I have two months to find out what the so-called Qing Xiao's purpose is as Murong Ziying.

And you can also take advantage of the opportunity to get familiar with the environment of this so-called Daxia Kingdom...

At the very least, you won't be blinded by the situation, and you will help count the money when someone sells you. ,

Sword flying.

Xi He's sword drew a stream of crimson light in the air, and he flew directly past it, leaving no ripples, presence or trace behind.

Even so, he still drove for a whole day... before he reached the border of Daxia Kingdom.

Daxia also has borders.

However, with Su Jing's current strength, if he wanted to, he could even sneak into the Xia Dynasty Meteor Star Palace without anyone noticing. The mere defense line would not be able to stop him.

Only after entering the territory of Daxia Kingdom.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed.

Unlike the open source of the other three empires, the Xia Kingdom has always implemented a policy of seclusion. Although there are many warriors in the empire...but more of them are wizards.

Although there are many, it is actually very rare.

Su Jing arrived at a small town, found a remote corner, landed directly, and then walked out.

Then I discovered...

I am really incompatible with the people here.

Wearing a luxurious light blue robe, the clothes are luxurious and the bearing is good...

In comparison, the people of the Xia Dynasty seemed to have a rather difficult life.

Most of the people were dressed in coarse linen and linen, with malnourished expressions on their faces.

Compared with the wealth of Qin, the leisure of Tang Dynasty...

People here seem to live in a hopeless world with no end in sight. They work from sunrise to sunset every day, until the day they die.

Noticing Su Jing, they all carefully avoided him.

Just like when those wizards in gray robes passed by... they looked at them with envy and fear in their eyes, not even daring to get closer.

Although they are in the same place, they seem to be two completely different worlds.

In comparison, the people of the Daqian Empire dared to compete with warriors for wine.

This is an extremely centralized, extremely feudal country!

Such a backward country, I really don’t know how they can be equal to the other three empires.

Su Jing thought at first that he was wearing too much clothing...until he saw several warriors who were equally dressed as him coming out of a nearby wine shop.

Only then did he feel relieved that his feelings were not just mine.

That's good...

Moreover, the lurking was done in such a high-profile manner that Qing Xiao probably would never have thought of it until his death.

Thinking about it, he did not fly with the sword anymore, but directly contacted a carriage, planning to use ordinary transportation to get there.

It's not that he doesn't want to come with a sword, but if he appears so quietly near Mianchi, combined with this somewhat embarrassing time, once someone investigates him carefully, he will find that Murong Ziying has no prelude. , without any trace, just suddenly appeared in Xia Kingdom.

By the time……

No matter how swollen your brain is, you can still guess that Murong Ziying's identity is different and simple.

So even if it's slower, at least you have to find a route yourself.

Let them have traces to trace. After all, Murong Ziying is not a Taoist cultivator.


Su Jing frowned and sat on the simple carriage, looking at the coachman who was leisurely strolling back and forth in the carriage shop, asking questions when meeting customers, and asked impatiently: "Handle style, I should have already I gave you enough money, right? It should be enough to rent your carriage... Why don’t you leave?”

The coachman turned around and smiled, his buck-toothed smile looking particularly vulgar, "As you said, guest, of course you have booked the villain's carriage, but in such a big carriage, it is not too big for one person to sit in." Is it crowded? It’s actually not a problem if you bring two or three more people, and you can still have a few people to talk to you along the way. It will be a lonely journey of six or seven days without anyone to talk to. "

Su Jing said angrily: "What does it have to do with you whether you are alone or not?"

"Huh... that's not what I said. You paid the money, and I will naturally be responsible for your safety. There will be a chamber of commerce going to Mianchi later. I think if we follow them, we will at least be safe on the road. It’s a lot.”

“I don’t want you to feel it, I want me to feel it!!!”

There was a speechless look on Su Jing's face. He was not angry... he just felt that all the people in the Xia Dynasty were so cunning?

What should I say before I pay for it?

As a result, after paying for it, he immediately changed his mind... and even...

However, he was too lazy to care about this. He waved his hand and reprimanded: "Okay, I'll give you one more stick of incense. If you don't pull the incense, you have to leave, you know? Otherwise, huh..."

"Yes, yes, the villain knows."

The groom responded...

He continued to turn around to attract customers, but he muttered in a low voice. The implication is that the people I have seen the most are young men like you who have learned a little three-legged cat kung fu. How many people do you think you have? He didn't take anyone seriously based on his abilities. As a result, when he did meet an enemy, he died faster than anyone else.

Although the voice was small, how could he hide it from Su Jing?

Su Jing ignored him...

He even had the urge to have a big fight with him here, not because he was angry, but to leave clues for people to investigate. Is there any more suitable place than the car dealership where there are many people and eyes?

But after thinking about it, wouldn't it be lowering his own style to quarrel with him?

Or if he haggled with others over a little money, then... he might be looked down upon.

He sighed: "Since it's not a chartered car, then return the extra money to me!"

"Why not a chartered car?"

The driver turned around and said in surprise: "I just found a few companions for you, sir... In the final analysis, it's still for your sake, and, and, isn't the best position reserved for you?"

"You are so eloquent, it's a pity not to do business."

"Hehe, I actually always wanted to do business, but unfortunately I don't have the capital... I plan to do business as soon as I earn enough capital. Running around in these places every day, and being robbed from time to time, life is too scary."

Su Jing hummed.

But his sight was no longer on the coachman...

He pointed at the woman in white in front and said, "Aren't you trying to attract customers? I think she wants to ride in the carriage too... You can go ask her. If you can get her on the carriage, I won't give you the extra money..."

The coachman looked at Su Jing with admiration, "You are indeed a romantic man. You don't forget to flirt with girls even when you are on the road. But our carriage is so broken. This girl must be rich or noble. She may not be interested in us."

Su Jing glared and said, "How dare you charge me so much money for a broken carriage?"

The coachman drove over quickly.

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