Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1691 You are late

Since arriving in Xia Dynasty.

Many things have revealed a confusing taste.

And now, the more you know, the more confused you are.

Li Luo seemed to come here just to warn Su Jing with this sentence. After saying it, he pushed the wheelchair and left leisurely, completely ignoring Su Jing's expression that still wanted to ask something.

Su Jing always thought that he was actually a very smart person.

At least, he didn't know how many enemies he had faced along the way, but he basically didn't suffer any losses.

But now, facing these old foxes who have lived for more than a hundred years, he found that he was really pure.

These old guys all have their own plans and calculations, but he is kept in the dark and has no idea at all.

"Alas, I can only take one step at a time."

That's Li Luo, and it's meaningless for him to force him to ask... If you want to know how he knows the existence of Jiuxiao, you can only start with Qingxiao.

As for where he should appear as Su Jing,

Su Jing had some plans in mind.

A moment later...

A ray of fire shot straight into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

The servants in the huge courtyard had long been dispersed, and now the two young masters had also left, leaving only the haggard Li Luo. Looking at the sword shadow of Su Jing's departure, his old eyes were filled with some indescribable complex expressions.

Youyou sighed, this kid...


I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for him to be entangled with Xueyan.

But now, he no longer has much room for maneuver...

He slowly closed his eyes, without any sound, as if he was an old tree that was about to die, quietly waiting for death to come.

At this time, Su Jing had already flown to the border of Daxia.

Since he wanted to impersonate Su Jing, he naturally had to impersonate the whole set!

In the blink of an eye.

It was three days later.

Three days later, a purple light came from the sky, like a meteor, streaking across the sky, rushing into Daxia, and flying towards the direction of Mianchi!

Arriving at a place outside Mianchi that was a bit strange, but also very familiar...

The sword light fell!

Zhurong Village.

At this time, Zhurong Village has returned to the strange state before he arrived.

The surroundings are filled with wild sand, and the environment is even worse than the river basin.

It is really weird.

Su Jing understood in his heart. Although he didn't know why there were so many strange things in Wei Ling's tomb, since he came as Su Jing, the first place he should go should be this Zhurong Village.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Is Zhao Xueyan lucky or not?

If she is lucky, she was just tricked by him, but she turned around and met him again... and she is still being tricked by him.

But if you say she is not good, she came here to protect Li Luo, and she even came up with the absurd idea of ​​letting herself impersonate Su Jing.

But this absurd idea just hit the nail on the head.

Let me impersonate Su Jing... Just kidding, no one can expose it, okay? I can tell you everything about Su Jing's past and present life, do you dare to believe it?

He sighed silently in his heart, and his movements did not stop.

Without any intention of hiding himself, his body just fell directly from the sky, like a cannonball hitting the ground, forcibly tearing apart the layers of dust swirling around...

The powerful spiritual energy and true energy merged and complemented each other, and the mighty vortex rushed straight into the sky.

This abnormality did not spread too far, and was controlled within a few miles... No one in Mianchi could notice it, but within a few miles, the people who were on the road, and even some warriors who were still heading to Mianchi, all felt their breathing inexplicably stagnant at the same time, as if even the air was forcibly taken away by someone, and even the blood in their bodies showed signs of boiling.

For a moment, the people were just slightly uncomfortable, but the warriors couldn't help but groaned and fell under the carriage, unable to move.

This strong sense of oppression...

Even Su Jing himself was quite surprised.

During this period of time, he didn't actually practice deliberately. Even if he had some free time, he was still reading books, just reading some books that were so confusing that he couldn't understand them.

Although he didn't even understand what he understood, it was like playing a game. Even if the game could only get emptiness, he still wanted to play it.

It seemed like an addiction. After reading one book, he always wanted to turn to another one.

I originally thought that even if my cultivation level didn't decline, I'm afraid there wouldn't be much progress.

But in fact...

"My strength has actually improved so much?"

Su Jing looked at his hands in surprise, a little bit unbelievable.

It's still the third level of Xuanzang, and it's still the third level of Lianshen Fanxu.

The true energy and spiritual consciousness are still as strong as before...

But when they are displayed, they are so strong that even he is surprised.

Could it be the credit of those books?

Although it can't bring me a substantial improvement, the growth of my vision brings me an improvement in my overall strength...

Unfortunately, Su Jing's heart is still at a loss, as if he has some feeling, but that feeling is so illusory that he can't catch it at all.

Su Jing didn't think about it anymore, just took back his scattered power.

His existence has been revealed, maybe no one noticed...

But Qing Xiao and the others set up such a big battle just to wait for him, they must have noticed it.

Just like the more than ten wizards he and Zhao Xueyan encountered before, weren't they set up for him?

Su Jing knew it too well...

Since they would wait for him here, then maybe this is the source of everything.

He didn't rush to Wei Ling's tomb immediately, but naturally found it, almost following the same steps as last time.

Half an hour later.

His figure has appeared in front of Wei Ling's tomb.

Looking at the tombstone that is no different from the last time.

Clearly, a war broke out here not long ago...Clearly, more than ten people died here not long ago, and they died so miserably that the ground was almost dyed red.

But now, the ground has returned to its normal soil color, and it can be seen that it has been carefully cleaned up.

Su Jing looked at the tombstone quietly.

After a long time, he finally sighed softly: "Sorry, I'm late."

Although if he was facing Yin Jiu, he could say with confidence that he didn't actually agree at the time, so it didn't make any sense to come or not.

And looking at the newness of the tombstone, it would be useless even if he came early.

But facing this tombstone...

and the innocent little girl lying in the tombstone, how could he have the nerve to argue like this?

"You are late, but at least, you are finally here."

A familiar voice sounded in his ears.

And, that unfamiliar face...

Just suddenly appeared from the witch formation in front of the tombstone, standing there quietly, looking at Su Jing, with an unpredictable divine light in his eyes.

This time, Su Jing was really stunned.

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