Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1721 Old Friend

The two styles of Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation were used simultaneously.

Almost doing two things at once... Even though the strength of Yue Shen and Xing Hun can be ranked in the top ten in this plane!

Unfortunately, Su Jing's current strength has gradually distanced himself from masters like them.

He used all his strength in one sword, and even Yu Xiao had not used it...

The boundless sword energy poured down like a tide, like an ocean falling from the sky.

Xing Hun and Yue Shen no longer cared about attacking, and immediately fought on their own. Xing Hun roared and raised his power of gathering Qi into a blade to 100%, and the true Qi that had already exceeded the limit of his body was surging in his body.

On his facial features, hideous bloodshot had already appeared!

But the pair of Qi swords passed by...

But they missed each other with the boundless sword energy, as if they were two completely different time and space, without any contact.

The third move of the Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation can directly reach the origin. Except for the actual weapons, nothing can resist it...

Even if Xinghun's Qi-Gathering Blade skill has been improved to 100%, it is still not as mysterious as Su Jing's sword.

Countless sword rains fell densely...

Accompanied by the extremely shrill screams, Xinghun has completely disappeared.

And in front of him, countless crimson flesh slowly flowed, permeating from the previous human form into irregular shapes.

Xinghun, the extremely powerful guardian of the Yin-Yang family, died without a complete body under Su Jing's sword!

Yueshen, on the other hand, was much luckier than Xinghun. Her figure was like a cloud and she dodged lightly and neatly. Unfortunately, facing the boundless sword energy, blocking was useless, and dodging was also useless.

But in a moment, she was already covered with wounds!

The sword energy contained the sword true meaning of Liu Shengjianying, which was much more sharp than ordinary sword energy.

The pain caused to her was also far greater than that of ordinary weapons.

Even the sword energy passed through her body...

It was like being cut by thousands of knives.

Even she couldn't help but scream in pain for a moment.

And a sword flashed by, catching her off guard.

Or rather, she had completely lost the ability to dodge, the sword energy was like a tide, sweeping down...

One of the swords was tearing her veil.

Revealing those eyes...

Familiar eyes.

Su Jing's pupils shrank inexplicably, and he pointed his finger hastily... The dense rain of swords that fell like rain instantly reversed direction and rolled back to the sky.

The boundless sword energy just brushed the edge of the Moon Goddess. Just a moment later, the Moon Goddess might have fallen to the same fate as the Star Soul!

The Moon Goddess fell to the ground helplessly, and it took a long time for her to catch her breath.

She stared at Su Jing and said firmly: "Do you think that if you spare my life, I will tell you the whereabouts of Ji Ru Qianlong?"

Her tone was still firm, but she had already shown some weakness.

Or rather...

Facing an opponent whose strength far surpassed hers, she had unconsciously put herself in the position of a captive.

Su Jing looked up and down at Yue Shen with some surprise. He hadn't felt it before, but when the veil fell, the familiar pattern covered by the gauze was clearly...

He asked: "You don't recognize me?"

Yue Shen was startled and asked back: "What did you say?"

Su Jing asked: "Do you really not remember me?"

Yue Shen had some confusion in her eyes and asked: "Do you recognize me?"

"Could it be that your memory has been cleansed?"

After Su Jing finished speaking, he suddenly came to his senses and suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, Ji Ru Qianlong...even Gao Yue The memory can be erased, which shows that you Yin-Yang family do have the ability to erase memory. No wonder you can't remember me, but I really can't imagine that you are a member of the Yin-Yang family. So, like Dongjun Yanfei, you were also sent to lurk around those princes and sons in order to find out the secrets of the Blue Dragon Seven Stars? In this case, well, everything seems to be explained. "

The Moon Goddess's delicate body suddenly shook, and she said in shock: "What did you say?"

"Nothing... I just suddenly figured it out."


Yanfei, as a figure above ten thousand people in the Yin-Yang family, can approach Yan Dan for the secrets of the Blue Dragon Seven Stars, so why can't the Moon Goddess approach another person related to the Blue Dragon Seven Stars for the same purpose?

She is not more noble than Yanfei.

Just looking at her appearance now that all her memories have been erased, it seems...

She should have resisted like Yanfei, but she is not as lucky as Yanfei.

If we consider that only Yan Fei and Yue Shen could cast the Six Souls Curse during that period, then it seems that it is completely understandable that Yue Shen and Yan Fei seem to have a blood relationship but are so at odds with each other.

Su Jing is a plot fan...

He knows too much.

Because of this, a little clue can allow him to infer a lot of things.

"After all, it's been a long time for me, and for you, it's probably been many years!"

Su Jing sighed softly, and his eyes swept across Yue Shen's flustered face again.

He sighed, "Although I had a premonition, I really didn't expect to meet an old friend here. For the sake of our past friendship, it's really hard to kill you, or even hurt you so badly. Uh... I can only say sorry, but... Sister, are you really not going to tell me Gao Yue's whereabouts?"

Yue Shen said coldly, "Do you want to get close to me to find out Qian Long's whereabouts?"

"You can't hide your lust... I think you should know that we had a connection back then. In your opinion, it was many years ago, but I haven't changed at all, but you... have changed so much, I can't help but If you take off your veil, I won’t even recognize you.”

Su Jing asked seriously: "I'll ask you one last question, tell me the whereabouts of Gao Yue."

"Don't even think about it!"

"Don't you want to tell?"

Su Jing sighed: "I originally thought that if Ling Ji knew about you, she would be somewhat happy... She has been away from this world for more than ten years, and she would be very happy if she could see her old friend. It's a pity that you have lost your memory. , I know a lot, but I don’t understand Yin Yang. I don’t know how to make you recall the past. "

Moon Goddess: "……………………………………………………"

"Forget it, if you don't tell me, I will look for it myself. The time is still limited right now. If I can't find it in one day, I will come to you again. When the time comes, don't blame me for using ecstasy on you. The secret of class!”

Su Jing took a deep look at Luna and said, "We were once friends, so if I can, I won't be rough with you. Even if I have to be rough with you, I won't torture you to get information." ...This is my last concession. After all, I have called you sister before, right? Sister Zinu, I haven’t seen you for more than ten years. No matter how good you are at keeping your appearance, you have aged a lot. It seems that some old friends may really be gone.”

By the time he said the last sentence, he was already sighing.

Not because of the deep friendship, but because of the incomparable shallow meaning of time in the space of reincarnation!

After he finished speaking, his figure disappeared in an instant.

Leaving behind a devastated battlefield, Star Soul’s mutilated body...

And Moon God stood there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

The sun is warm…

But when the light shines on the Moon Goddess, the charming figure reflected on the deck looks so lonely and embarrassed.

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