Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1845 Frustration

"Don't let these assassins escape!"

Accompanied by a long roar...

All the masters from the Jixia Sword Palace took action together, and the masters from the Daqian sects who came from afar also used Qinggong at the same time to block these reincarnations.

There are a lot of these reincarnations, but the masters of Jixia Sword Palace and Daqian, those who came first... are obviously the most elite disciples of each sect, and the weakest ones are also in the realm of innate masters, and the techniques they practice Not even the slightest bit weaker than the reincarnator.

For a time, these reincarnations were blocked in place.

A melee involving more than a hundred powerful innate masters...

It should be noted that in the past, any person appointed by the Xiantian Grandmaster would be respected by others wherever he went. Even the princes and nobles would treat him with courtesy when they met the Xiantian Grandmaster.

But now, with the invasion of strange demons.

The top strength of the major sects gathered in Great Qin. In this small Jixia Sword Palace, the Xiantian Grandmasters gathered together to fight each other like ordinary soldiers. In the sky, Brahma Prajna was already moving towards Zhengzi and Ling Tianzong. The entangled one enters the Tao and goes to the Supreme Being.

It seems to be in compliance with the saying that if you enter the Tao and walk all over the world, you are not as good as a dog by nature!

And the sky and the earth are all fierce battlefields.

There are more than a hundred masters who can be said to be the top and most powerful in the mainland. Every move they make is enough to cause mountains to collapse and rocks to crack, and the earth to shake.

"Look at the sword!"

Faced with these traitors who had taken refuge in the strange demons, Murong Ruoquan had no mercy at all.

The powerful Qixi Sword brings a vast righteousness all over the sky. The righteousness and sword energy are integrated into each other. Although they are innate masters, they have the power to enter the Tao. Even though these reincarnations have experienced hundreds of battles, they are no match for them. The power of the Qixi Sword?

Especially now that she no longer has any grudges, she has regarded the Qixi Sword as a part of her body. The sword and the human are one, and they have a better understanding... With all her strength, the Samsaras are far from her opponents.

However, within a few moves, several people had died in her hands.

Qu Wuyi's figure has disappeared without a trace.

But every time the body appears, one of the reincarnators will die.

Even if a vigilant person can dodge her attack, Qing Suo's sword energy is extremely sharp and contains boundless evil energy. Even if he doesn't die, he will still be seriously injured!

Huanwan was much smarter than the two of them. Wangshu Jian released his cold energy with all his strength, covering the ground with a thick layer of ice!

She fully controlled Wangshu Jian and used Wangshu Jian's sword energy to interfere with these reincarnations.

After taking Emei Golden Lotus Seeds, her power has been greatly improved...compared to before, it has more than doubled.

Although it couldn't kill the enemy, it made these people miserable.

"Master Su's teammates are so awesome!"

There was a look of amazement on Li Qingchuan's face... She also fought against a reincarnation at this time, and with all her strength, she defeated these reincarnations one by one.

But compared to Murong Ruo and Qu Wuyi's free expression, she was obviously inferior by more than one level.

At that moment, I couldn't help but sigh secretly...

No wonder Mr. Su insisted on letting him join his team. With his level of strength, it would be difficult for him to survive in the reincarnation space in the future. Joining his team was actually to make it easier for him to protect him, right?

Thinking about it, she felt an inexplicable feeling of unwillingness in her heart...

When had she, Li Qingchuan, been looked down upon and protected like this?

Although she knew Su Jing had good intentions, she still felt depressed. What made her even more frustrated was that his worries were right. Her own strength was indeed far from comparable to Miss Qu and Rong Ruo.

Obviously when everyone worked together before, their abilities were about the same.

Li Qingchuan has secretly made up his mind. At present, strange demons are invading and the world is in chaos. Mr. Su is already very busy, but he still wants to make him worry about his own safety. This is really too...

"Don't be depressed."

Yan Lingji's figure hovered around her lightly, and kicked a reincarnation away... And the reincarnation was also extremely clever. Before flying, he hit Yan Lingji with a backhand palm, but she was blocked by her lightly. Stay... The figure floated to Li Qingchuan's side like a kite.

She smiled at her and said: "Only one can be the first...why does it have to be you? There is no shame in admitting that you are not as good as others. The world is so big, and there are one or two people who are better than you. There is no need to be depressed." "

The two have experienced together and relied on each other for a long time.

Yan Lingji is naturally the person who knows Li Qingchuan best. One look at her slightly pursed lips, and you can tell what she is thinking.

Afraid that she would get into trouble, she did not forget to comfort her with words even while fighting.

"Sister, be careful!"

Li Qingchuan let out a sweet cry, and his movements suddenly became a little faster. Between the palm movements, the gorgeous Qi rubbed against the air, emitting bursts of Qingyue screams like the chirping of a phoenix.

A palm hit the reincarnator and sent him flying away.

The two women looked at each other and smiled, then rushed towards the remaining reincarnations.

The fighting became more and more intense.

The Samsaras are all extremely powerful, but they are insufficient in number. Faced with the cooperation between Jixia Sword Palace and the elite masters of the sects, they were defeated step by step. That is to say, they cooperated tacitly and had many trump cards. Only then could he barely hold on.

But even so, in just a short moment, more than half of them were dead and injured. If the masters of the sects didn't want to catch them alive, they would have been wiped out all of them.

And more than a hundred reincarnations fought against each other.

The powerful and majestic true qi stirred each other, and the boundless momentum swept all directions and rushed straight into the sky...

The destructive power was even stronger than the confrontation between Xiang Huan and Qin Zheng in the past.

With a loud bang.

The Jixia Sword Palace, which had been built for many years and had become the last shelter for all schools of thought, collapsed completely under the pressure of the powerful true qi of the crowd.

The pavilions and towers in the distance, the rockery and flowing water nearby, the earth burst, and the trees were torn to pieces by the aftermath of the true qi.

"Not good... my book!"

In the battle with the reincarnation, a woman in black clothes showed a panic on her face. Seeing that the Jixia Sword Palace was shaking and had the tendency to collapse completely, she turned around and rushed to her residence without caring about the enemy in front of her.

What was gathered there was the purest doctrine of her Mohist school.

Many of them were documents left by her ancestors that she had never memorized... There must not be any damage!

"Not good!"

Master Yan also showed a bitter smile on his face, dragging his seriously injured body and slowly moving to his study... Even if the study had collapsed more than half in the battle just now, if the books inside were damaged, it would be the biggest loss for the human race.

However, the rapier of the Supreme Entering Dao was obviously specially modified. Although the wound on his body was small, the blood flowed like a stream without stopping... With his physique, he was actually dizzy.

He sat on the ground with his hands on his stomach... He had no ability to get up at all.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Don't... don't attack my study. The books inside are all the words of saints, which are more valuable than my life... You might as well let me die in their hands, just leave the books."

As he said, Master Yan widened his eyes and saw the powerful sword energy flying everywhere, one of which was carrying a blazing flame and went straight to his study.

He smiled bitterly.

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