Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1882 BUFF bonus

Until someone exclaimed...

"It's not good, the city wall is melting!!!"

This sharp shout instantly woke everyone up...

Su Jing looked in the direction the man was looking, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

There was a shocked look on his face.

I saw that the originally tall city wall had partially melted at this time...the tall side wall facing outwards had completely disappeared, leaving only the ground for stepping on.

At this time, the fog shrouded not only the outer city wall, but also everything inside the city wall, including flowers, plants and trees, even those trebuchets, boulders stained with kerosene, and other things, all were actually slowing down. Melt slowly.

Even the flames are slowly melting away.

Dao Wuya had already screamed, "The old Taoist understands that this fog is not just a help to them. Previously, the old Taoist went into the fog to find out, but found that the terrain was very different. I'm afraid it was all due to the fog. !”

Su Jing's heart was also spinning like lightning.

Only then did he wake up...

What did I overlook?

Mist! ! !

After the battle, although the speed of the mist's advancement was much slower, it was still advancing relentlessly.

By now, no matter how slow the speed was, the fog had slowly swallowed up the entire city wall of Surabaya County and most of its interior.

In other words...

They are now fighting within the fog.

In this way, this mist is not as simple as I thought.

Su Jing remembered what Dao Wuya said before, that the mist can turn the human race's territory into the territory of strange demons.

Could it be that……

Is that it? All human things are completely melted, the city walls are melting, trebuchets and other objects are also melting, everything is slowly melting like snow exposed to the sun.

Visible to the naked eye.

But the weapons and clothes are still there.

Is it because of the protection of true energy?

Su Jing hurriedly circulated the zhenqi in his body and found that the zhenqi was functioning as usual, and there was no difference because he was in the fog...

He suddenly remembered that he actually had the blood of a strange demon in his body.

He hurriedly turned to look at Qu Wuyi and asked anxiously: "Wuyi, has the true energy in your body been affected?!"

Qu Wuyi closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. The Qingsuo Sword broke through the distance limit and killed several people in the blink of an eye.

On the battlefield...

Her body was already stained with bits and pieces of blood, and she looked like a moving flower on the battlefield.

She said to Su Jing: "No!"

No? !

Su Jing was quite surprised. He originally thought that the fog was like a DEBUFF, which could slow down the enemy's movements or cause the infuriating energy to flow poorly. But now it seems that the fog just blocks the surrounding people. The defensive environment is just eliminated!

Is it that simple?


The strange demons are in this mist and are reluctant to come out. It can't be as simple as just creating a favorable location for them!

Su Jing had an unknown premonition in his mind...

Watching the human race lose their geographical advantage bit by bit.

The city walls are gradually melting...

It can no longer defend as before, and at this time, the human race and the strange demons are completely on the same plane.

All the alien demons charged forward without fear of death. On this plain, the two armies of humans and alien demons gathered directly in one place like two torrents.

I can no longer tell you and me apart.

Both sides are fighting each other without fear of death...

Especially the strange demon, with an almost crazy coldness in his eyes.

Su Jing saw with his own eyes that even though one of the strange demons had his knife-holding arm cut off, there was no sign of pain on his face. Instead, he rushed forward and allowed the human soldier to shoot him through the heart.

And he slid forward a few steps along the gun shaft, ignoring the spear passing through his body.

One arm hugged the human soldiers tightly.

The big mouth bit directly into his throat...

Wait until he falls to the ground and dies.

The human soldier also covered his throat that was spurting blood, and screamed horribly. He just screamed twice, and his head was beheaded by a strange demon behind him!

In an instant, blood rose into the sky.

Compared with the human race, there is order and regular resistance.

The strange demons are coming much more wildly, without any order or any command... The innate master is also mixed in with the ordinary strange demons, killing the surrounding soldiers wantonly.

The war has continued for more than half an hour now.

In this more than half an hour...

The human casualties have exceeded 30,000!

The price paid by the alien demons was at least twice as much!

From this point of view, humans have the absolute upper hand.

But there are endless strange demons ahead, rushing straight towards them.


Ao Hongxue, as the Supreme Taoist, is naturally unwilling to take action easily...

With a slightly brooding look on her face, she whispered: "With more than twice the casualties, why don't these strange demons care at all? We have never taken action, but no one has stipulated that after we take action, many of the strange devils have entered the Tao Supreme Only experts can take action... If we were in such a situation, we would have been tempted to take action to restore the situation. Why are they still so slow and unhurried now?

"It's not like the current commander of the strange demon is an idiot!"

Ling Tianzong said curiously.

Yun Feiyang's pupils slowly shrank, and he said: "The question is, do the alien demons have a leader? In my opinion, their fighting style is completely unsystematic, rushing forward, exchanging lives for lives... It seems that the number of alien demons is really far beyond our imagination. Otherwise, with this kind of death, we only need to set up defenses in each city and county to consume their lives freely. When we reach Xianyang, no matter how many soldiers they have, most of them will be eliminated!"

"It won't be that simple."

Master Yan coughed up a mouthful of blood, stood up, and white light appeared around him.

He shouted loudly: "The heaven and earth have righteousness, which is mixed and flowing. Below is the mountain, and above is the sun and stars!!!"

He began to chant the song of righteousness loudly.

And as the sound of the song of righteousness resounded throughout the sky... the huge Sishui County was covered with a thin layer of white light.

This white light seemed to have no killing power, and it could boost the strength of human soldiers when it fell on them.

But once the alien demons were touched, they all wailed in pain.

Beads of sweat slowly oozed out of his forehead...

At this time, Su Jing was in the middle of the battlefield.

He was fighting against the alien demons, and no one could match him in his hands. No matter whether they were alien demons or alien demons, they were all killed with one sword.

Although I was told before that it was best to stay in the center and not take risks easily.

But in this situation now...

Even if the Supreme of the Tao took action, I could withdraw in time, and Qu Wuyi was by my side. As long as we were willing, we could join forces at any time.

There was no need to worry about safety issues, so killing a demon meant one less demon, right?

Su Jing naturally had his own calculations...

Up to now, the number of demons who died in his hands may have exceeded thousands.

At this moment.

A loud shout suddenly rang in my ears.

"Chu Nan, you are dead!!!"

A stream of light, like lightning and falling stars, rushed straight towards Su Jing, ignoring all the enemies around him!

In his eyes, there was only Su Jing.

Su Jing blocked with his sword, then took a step back...

Looking at the ferocious face of the attacker, he couldn't control his shock.

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