Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 1906 Out of Control

Dongfang Bai said it tactfully.

It can threaten his life. Su Jing's strength is far inferior to him, so it can naturally threaten Su Jing's life.

Although he didn't quite understand why the omnipotent master in his imagination was now so weak... Dongfang Bai was used to this feeling.

I can't think. Once I think about it, I will have a splitting headache and feel as if my soul has been torn in half.

So, no need to think.

Just protect the master in front of you with peace of mind.

Thinking about it, his eyes glanced at Yan Lingji who was wearing a red armored skirt.

It is rare that there is not much resistance in my heart.

"But it is unavoidable. Sooner or later, we have to face it. If we face it later, we might face a ghost king with twice the strength. Now the chance of winning is even higher."

Su Jing didn't take Dongfang Bai's words to heart.

He told: "This is the Huanyue Cave, the forbidden area of ​​Qingyun Sect. There are extremely terrifying illusions in the cave, which will make people miserable. It will not be easy to get over. I will protect you with my spiritual consciousness. I guess it can be of some help." , in case we get separated, we all hold hands..."

As he said that, he took the initiative to hold the hands of Hanwan and Li Qingchuan.

Then, Yan Lingji took the initiative to hold Li Qingchuan's hand.

Qu Wuyi and Murong Ruo also followed.

Dongfang Bai doesn't have this kind of treatment... and he doesn't need to have this kind of treatment.

Once you step into the Supreme Path, you can freely control your five senses.

His ability is actually no different from that of the Huanyue Cave... What he wants to see and what he doesn't want to see is all determined by his own mind.

Huanyue Cave's influence on him was almost zero.

In other words, the impact on Su Jing and others is actually almost zero.

Very strange feeling.

Stepping into Huanyue Cave, it is obvious that it is an extremely deep cave.

But when you step inside, there are no stones or narrow passages around you... Instead, it seems like another vast world.

Faintly ahead, among the clouds and mist, you can even see a quiet courtyard village.

It looks like a paradise-like place.

Looking at the style, it feels a bit strangely familiar.

"Is this Huanyue Cave Mansion? It's so amazing... This is not a cave, it's clearly another dimension, right?!"

"But the style here is a bit familiar."

Yan Lingji frowned and said: "It feels quite similar to Baiyue where I lived in the past... Hmm... does the environment here automatically change according to our arrival?"

"have no idea."

Su Jing shook his head and said: "I only know that when I enter here, the most painful wound in my heart will be torn apart, similar to refining the heart... The pain is beyond what ordinary people can endure, so..."

"But there's no danger. Why do I feel like you are deliberately taking advantage of Hanwan and Qingchuan?"

Yan Lingji looked at the three people's hands held together with a half-smile, her bright eyes turning into crescent moons.


Su Jing said without changing his expression: "If I want to take advantage, do I need to make excuses?"

Huanwan was so shameless that she didn't care at all... But Li Qingchuan couldn't help but let out a low cry and wanted to shake off Su Jing's hand.

"Don't move, it's somewhat dangerous here."

Su Jing tightened his grip and said, "Let's go ahead and take a look. Since a village will appear strangely, I'm afraid this village is not simple. There may be some secret in it."

With that said, several people walked inside.

Huanyue Cave Mansion...

No matter how powerful the Ghost King is, he is definitely the only one in there.

So in this place, after Su Jing and others are prepared, the possibility of a sneak attack is almost infinitely close to zero.

So, just find the Ghost King directly and kill him.

Well...simple and straightforward plan.

Or, if you can't fight and escape, then you want to use a roundabout strategy.

But this possibility should be unlikely... Even if the Ghost King has the power of Shura, he chose a place with the most unfavorable geographical location.

Without the help of those bloody people.

With only the Ghost King alone, wouldn't this mean cutting off one's own arm? !

Su Jing is somewhat confident in himself.

I just didn't expect that the ghost king with whom I had not met, but who could be regarded as a good friend, would turn out to be a must-kill enemy in this dimension of my own.

I don’t know what happened to that little girl in Baguio.

I have seen too many characters in the plot. Su Jing is not like those time travellers. When he sees the original characters, he can’t wait to kneel down and lick them... Just like just now, it is very likely that Lu Xueqi also fell under his sword nirvana. Maybe, maybe not.

He is now able to regard these plots and characters as passers-by.

But Baguio is different... This little girl has been saved by him at least, so she has a good destiny.

And Xiaobai.

What is going on in this plane, because it has nothing to do with his mission, and due to time constraints, Su Jing has not gone to find out... but he is somewhat concerned about it.

Maybe, if you meet the Ghost King, you can talk to him first.

After all, he has that kind of good fate... As long as he tells Su Jing's name, he doesn't believe that he has the nerve to face himself, the benefactor who saved his mother-in-law, his wife, his daughter and even his mother-in-law's whole family. Come up and do it.

Thinking about it, Su Jing had already made up his mind.

Several people have already set foot in that village.

Only then did everyone realize that this was no longer an illusion, but a very real village.

It was so real that there was no flaw at all. The surrounding grass, flowers, trees, and even the hens walking leisurely inside the fence, and the children running and playing in the distance.

This is not an environment at all, it is a paradise.

And the clothes of these people...

Qu Wuyi looked at this peaceful village and hesitated: "It feels a little wrong."

"Well... things seem to be a little out of our control."

Su Jing looked at the seemingly ordinary house in the distance with a serious face.

It was a very ordinary yard and stone house... simple, but its owner was obviously very attentive to it, with small flowers and some exquisite ornaments arranged around it.

And in the distance.

There were also a few children about five or six years old, jumping and jumping around a beautiful woman in witch costume, and the beautiful woman had a doting smile on her face, looking at the children around her... The loving eyes made people unable to help but be intoxicated by this intoxicating beauty.

"This is not the territory of Shenzhou. If you must say, it is more like Southern Xinjiang."

Watching from such a close distance, Su Jing could see...

Why is it familiar?

Because they came from Southern Xinjiang, but it had been destroyed long ago, so they didn't realize that the destroyed place was so similar to the intact place.

"So, she is..."

Su Jing looked at the witch who was playing with the children.

It was just a moment of distraction.

The previous laughter and joy had disappeared.

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

The witch was standing there quietly, staring at Su Jing and others...

including the jumping children and the people around who were busy.

Everyone stopped.

Turn around quietly and face Su Jing...looking at him.

That look makes people palpitate.

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