Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 2011 Come, guess it

Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation and Nirvana.

It is not Su Jing's most powerful attack...

But it is definitely the most dispersed skill.

Especially Nirvana, which is known as the best AOE skill. The sword energy bursts out with all its strength. The sword energy in units of ten thousand sprays in all directions. Wherever it passes, no grass grows and there is nowhere to hide.

At this time, Su Jing already knew the ability of the Demon King.

Although he successfully avoided the sneak attack before, he forced himself to avoid it again after he successfully touched him.

In fact, it is very simple...

It is so simple that people can't believe it.

The ability of the Demon King can also be regarded as a kind of true meaning of Tao, and it is actually an extremely simple one.

The ability to micro-manipulate space.


He can control the distance freely, so Lang Xiao almost exhausted all his strength just to get close to him... So Li Luo used all his strength to perish with him.

But he was only slightly injured.

In fact, if the Demon King was not using his own body at that time and could not control it freely... he might not even be injured.

So all attacks, when facing him, would fail because of excessive consumption.

Because although he is here, his true body is probably far away from the plane, even separated by countless worlds... Power is not eternal and uncertain, and there will always be some consumption during the impact, even if it is only a little...

As long as there is a little.

Then the Demon King can easily wear out the opponent's power.

However, such a simple ability makes almost everyone helpless.

This itself is a kind of space ability. His space true meaning is above anyone else. Even if he has mastered the higher true meaning of Tao, it is impossible to hurt him.

As for the time true meaning...

It is absolutely impossible.

He has lived for thousands of years.

Although the time true meaning can reverse the time, for him, one year and a thousand years are no different.

Although he is here, his real body is not here at all... Even if I go back a thousand years and cannot touch him, it will not harm him at all.

No wonder he died in my hands.

The true meaning of time has little effect on him, but the true meaning of space...

And the true meaning of time and space that is above space.

"I am not afraid to tell you the truth!"

Su Jing was mixed in the sword energy.

He rushed straight towards the King of Demons.

He told the King of Demons the truth, but it disturbed his mind. "Just now I cut off the corner of your clothes. Although you successfully avoided it, I still figured out the true meaning of your Tao. Since I know it, then my sword energy can naturally hurt you. Although only a part of my full effort has the ability to hurt you, King of Demons, guess which of these sword energies can hurt you and which can't hurt you?"

The voice is parallel to the sword energy.

The voice is gone...

The sword energy is also here.

The sword energy swept everywhere, filling the world.

It was like a vast ocean forming a vortex in the void, surging towards the Demon King.

And Su Jing was in it, shouting loudly...

A sword fell straight towards the Demon King.

The Demon King raised his hand.

The true meaning of Tao was activated... Su Jing used all his strength to attack, and just exhausted all his strength.

And other sword energy swept in.

The Demon King roared.

Countless sword energy was powerful, but they were all consumed by his true meaning of Tao. The powerful sword energy like the sea and the ocean before, mixed with the endless power of time and space, still could not escape the control of the Demon King, and all disappeared on the way to him.

Can't hurt me?

The Demon King was stunned, and before he could be surprised...

Several fragmented sword energy flew straight to the Demon King like lightning.

Caught off guard.

Several small scars appeared on the body of the Demon King.

Then, the sword energy came again.

It turned out to be here.

The Demon King shouted in a low voice, no longer dodging with his own true meaning of Tao, but waving his hand... his fingertips lightly touched, and the opponent's sword energy was completely dissipated into nothingness.

He sneered: "My bloodline, you can't be so naive to think that I can only rely on the true meaning of Tao... I can become the Demon King now, not relying on the continuation of bloodline, but relying on my strength."


Su Jing sneered.

He moved forward again.

He held the Mowang Sword in his right hand and the Xihe Sword in his left hand.

The power of time and space around him exploded...

The solar system in his body was close to collapse. The too powerful force kept coming into his body from another parallel world, and then turned into sword energy to attack the enemy. This too powerful sword energy made the Demon King couldn't help but feel shocked.

He didn't understand why he could have enough power to compete with himself.

He inherited the power of the Demon Resentment Pool, but... what did he rely on?

Su Jing didn't care.

Although his body was in pain as if it was torn apart, he even felt... afraid that his body had left a hidden wound that would never heal.

No matter.

He felt that his body seemed to be splitting apart.

No matter.

He just borrowed Chu Nan's power and burst out with a force that was ten times or a hundred times greater than his own. For every move, it seemed that someone was giving instructions in his ears. Compared with the previous violent and unparalleled, his sword blade now had no fireworks at all.

But the power increased by more than a hundred times.

At this time, Su Jing's eyes were completely blurred.

He was totally out of focus, as if the Demon King in front of him was completely invisible to him.

What he saw.

was a fierce battle.

He was the protagonist of the battle, and the enemy was the Demon King.

And this tragic battle ended with his victory.

Watching the battles, his performance became more unrestrained.

His will was also more resolute.

For a moment, even the Demon King couldn't help but feel admiration... How did a young man in his twenties cultivate such a perfect sword move?

If it were in the past, he only needed to use the true meaning of Tao to easily resist, and even let the opponent's moves, no matter how strong they were, be eliminated invisibly.

But now.

Su Jing revealed the true meaning of Tao and showed that he already had a way to fight back.

Although the sword energy was useless before.

But his words were not false at all, and he summarized his abilities very clearly.

He must have made a move.

His killer move was probably hidden in the sword energy that filled the sky...

At that moment, he did not dare to display the true meaning of Tao anymore, but concentrated his mind and calmed his breath. In a rare move, he directly drew forward and stalemated with Su Jing's two swords.

The King of Demons has survived for nearly ten thousand years.

Even after mastering the true meaning of Tao, he rarely fought with others, but it did not mean that his strength was inferior to others.

In fact...

Even with Chu Nan's instinctive teaching.

Su Jing still had no advantage against the King of Demons.

At this time, his strength was slightly better than that of the King of Demons...but the King of Demons still made light of it and easily blocked his attack three feet away.

No matter how Su Jing's sword energy was wielded, no matter how the true meaning of Tao in his body was displayed.

The King of Demons did not lose the upper hand at all...but gradually took the initiative.

But at this time, the expressions of the two were completely different.

Su Jing's face was pale. It was obvious that using such a force that was dozens of times stronger than his own was a huge burden for him, far beyond his tolerance.

However, the Demon King was relaxed and carefree.

However, the expressions of the two were completely different.

On the contrary, the Demon King was full of solemnity and anxiety, while Su Jing, on the contrary, performed casually, completely ignoring that his own injuries had already reached an unbearable level.

The two were in completely opposite states!

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