Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 2018: Help

at this time.

Su Jing has closed his eyes.

Stop thinking about external things.

He couldn't hold it any longer.

If I continue like this, I am destined to become part of the strange demon.

In this case, then put all your thoughts inside. If you can't resist, just make yourself able to resist.

The power of the resentment pool is overwhelming.

It just turned into the best place for me to practice.

The solar system has not yet been completed, and among the nine galaxies, only the last one, the Earth, has not yet condensed.

The earth is not the last planet... However, in my heart, perhaps because of its unique status, it has been delayed until the end.

The construction of each planet can bring one's cultivation to a higher level.

I am now the Supreme Being, and the power of Pluto cannot resist the invasion of this black ocean. But if the earth is rebuilt, then my solar system will be completely completed.

The nine planets can convert each other. If it can be done, the power of Pluto will definitely be so powerful that I can't imagine it now.

By the time……

Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

Thinking about it, he stopped listening to the noise in his ears and began to concentrate on promoting the creation of the earth.

Motivated by the powerful true meaning of Tao.

A water-blue planet slowly formed in the middle of the solar system.

Filling in the last blank of this galaxy.

It just filled up the last gap...but it seemed to bring vitality to the entire galaxy.

It was as if he had come alive.

But that's not enough. It has to be able to rotate and revolve on its own.

It's hard.

It’s almost impossible to deduce... The earth feels different from the other eight planets.

The other eight planets are completely hard work and can't be pushed. Little by little, little things add up. If you move a little bit today, move a little bit tomorrow, you will be able to finish it sooner or later!

But the really motionless.

If it doesn't move, it won't move.

I'm too lazy to be polite to you, so I just push it with all my strength.

At this time, Su Jing was no longer the Su Jing of before. He was so powerful that it was incomparably powerful. The power of the King of Strange Demons was entering his body like a flood. This power expanded so much that he felt like... Feeling like vomiting.

Just use it to push hard.

In my mind I seemed to hear the sound of violent friction.

The entire solar system is trembling and shaking desperately.

The earth, which was originally motionless, gradually began to move.

And for Su Jing, who focused all his attention on fighting with the earth, the noise in his ears seemed to be much lighter... Is it because his consciousness was focused elsewhere?

Su Jing was not polite either.

The power in his body is getting stronger and stronger. Every time a bit of power comes in, he will forcefully push this bit of power to the earth... so that the earth can rotate.

But not enough.

not enough……

Just get more.

Su Jing took a deep breath and tried his best to absorb the power of the resentment pool... more and more power.

The noise shook again.

No... If this continues, I'm afraid I will completely lose myself before I can complete the deduction of the earth.

Not enough, far from enough.

And at this time.

Qin Qiong just wanted to sneer.

Was he too sick to rush to the doctor?

Bixiao is the prop that connects two parallel worlds...the other eight Xiaos are all auxiliary, used to amplify Bixiao's effect.

But now, Bixiao, the most important prop, is missing.

Are you still thinking of borrowing your brother's power?

Impossible...impossible at all...

Besides, what you lack now is not strength. The strength of the King of Strange Demons may not be much inferior to that of your brother. You can now fully control his power. What if you absorb your brother's power? I can help you. Not outside.

She sneered.

But there was some inexplicable distress in my heart.

That was the brother she had been with for more than ten years. She watched him grow up to this day...

Now, we have to watch him fight stubbornly and then completely lose himself.

That's fine.

After all, he is still her brother. If she really wants to do it, she may not be willing to do it.

Just die.

By then, maybe, she can still shed a few tears...

It felt ironic that that was her brother, and her reason told her that she should be sad.

But the long years have made her seem to have lost the ability to be sad.

Don’t know what to do to be sad.

It's even hard to be shocked...

Qin Qiong's pupils slowly became dull.

Watching the eight jade clouds fall into his brother's body, the space-time rift previously opened by Bi Xiao was torn apart again.

The powerful torrent of power instantly passed through the sky, crossed the barriers of the parallel world, and once again flowed into the body of the brother in another world.

"How can it be……"

Qin Qiong looked at this vision in shock.

Chu Nan's body burst out with light, which was a hundred times more powerful than the blue sky. It was surrounded by the eight heavens, like stars holding the moon, transcending the limitations of time and space.

And at this time.

Within the black ocean.

Su Jing's body suddenly shone brighter, like a golden sun rising in the black ocean.

The earth, which had been rotated by brute force, began to move again.

It's still very sluggish, but it's no longer as reluctant as before, but really going with the flow.

There was a loud bang!

The coffin Chu Nan was lying on was immediately torn into pieces, and his body slowly turned into a void of light...

The light was very strange, as if countless colors were mixed together, like a piece of broken porcelain.

But even if it was broken.

It still flashed beautiful light.


Qin Qiong cried out.

And the soul light circled around Qin Qiong, and then merged with Baxiao.

It also passed through time and space and floated to another world.

Another world.

The murmur in the ear was suppressed again, replaced by a familiar whisper.

Pointing out...

The many mysteries of the true meaning of the earth.

How to deduce, how to practice, and what kind of precautions and taboos are there in the middle...

A more powerful force than the previous battle with the Demon King was integrated into his body.

Su Jing even had an illusion...

He seemed to have turned back to the scene when he was still Chu Nan.

He had an extremely vast and powerful force in his body.

But he was no longer holding on... It was not because of the body strengthened by the power of the Resentment Pool.

But there were countless other broken memories that merged into his body.

That was Chu Nan!

It was Chu Nan from another world... Those fragments of Chu Nan that had been killed by Qin Qiong and became part of Chu Nan.

But their power and their remaining consciousness were still retained in Chu Nan's body.

When Qin Qiong was restrained, they helped him...

And now.

As if they had sensed their own danger, they also appeared, using the same power to protect their own power and mind, isolating all the chaotic sounds.

The earth began to move rapidly.

With a mysterious trajectory that Su Jing could not imagine, it seemed that he had deduced countless times and succeeded countless times...

In those countless parallel worlds, everyone came to help him.

"Brother... this... so... is that what you think?"

Parallel world.

Qin Qiong fell to the ground with a plop, and a dull look appeared on his face.

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