Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 290 Good Man

"Why... the old monk took away all the precious things. Even if we don't use those things, in terms of value, let's not even say 50-50, not even 30-70. We will suffer a big loss. ”

Thinking of the things that were taken away, Lingyue was fuming, her cute little face bulged, and she said unconvinced: "Obviously, whether it's killing someone or finding this place, it was all us first, so why should we benefit from it?" But they were all taken away by that guy? He seemed kind-hearted. Was he the one who just bullied my uncle? "

"You don't know this, right? Just because we were here first, there are some news that only we know."

Su Jing smiled and said: "Lingyue, you have heard of the Imperial Pirates Sect and learned its stealing methods. Do you know the purpose of the Imperial Pirates Sect?"

Lingyue shook her head and said that she didn't know. The Tao Tuo taught her not to pass on the mantle, but to steal money. Naturally, she would not tell her this.

Su Jingdao: "The Royal Thief Sect does not steal money, only valuable treasures...and this treasure is different from the treasure in the eyes of the public. In other words, they only steal things that are extremely precious to others, or treasures such as family heirlooms. They look down on gold, silver and jewelry, but Lingyue, do you think there are any particularly precious treasures here?"

"Uncle, are you saying that this is not his real treasure house? The real treasure somewhere else? And these things are just a cover-up?!"

"He admitted it himself. You said it without filing it. This is indeed the place where he used it to hide his eyes from others. However, people from the Pirate Sect also need to use this method. It seems that he may have the right person in his real treasure house. It’s an extremely precious treasure to him.”

Su Jing took out the Zhenwu Sword, and pointed at the small pile of rocks that had just been covered by the wall, swish, swish, swish...

The blue bricks and stones had been directly chopped into pieces.

"The mechanism should be here... It's a coincidence. Lingyue, you said that the secret way to escape is here, but from the tone of the person who controls the pirate sect, it doesn't look like a secret way here, but a secret room... "

Su Jing looked around and groped around for a while.

I have successfully found a water glass on the table that I can't pick up.

Sure enough... watching more TV is still helpful. At least it doesn't take too much time to find the agency.

Su Jing smiled and stretched out his hand to twist it.

The clicking sound of the mechanism was heard.

The ground cleared by Su Jing slowly receded inward, revealing a staircase leading down...

Lingyue's eyes widened immediately and she said in shock: "This... this is..."

"This is where the true treasures of those from the Pirate Sect lie."

Su Jing smiled and said: "Is his real treasures all in here? Let's go, Lingyue, this time, uncle promises you that no one will share the things here with us. Everything is Ours.”

"Uncle, you are so awesome!"

Lingyue cheered happily.

"Little money fan, come on, let's block the door opened by Sanzang monk first, so that no one can sneak in..."

Su Jing sighed lightly: "After all, even these worthless things outside are worth a lot of money, right? Don't let your wealth show off."

As he said that, he himself couldn't believe it. He just... made a fortune?

Who is this guy from the Imperial Thieves Sect? He suddenly targeted me...and then gave me so many treasures. What did he mean?

"This is a good man too!"

Su Jing sighed, dragged Zhou Qing's body back, and then installed the deformed door with Lingyue... Anyway, this is the most dilapidated slum, no matter how messy the house is, it will not attract attention. .

After making sure that the strange thing inside would not be discovered from the outside, Su Jing carefully held Lingyue's hand, held a candle in the other hand, and slowly explored the tunnel... Although he really wanted to go there first. After exploring the truth, we found that Lingyue was unwilling to stay alone outside, probably because she did not dare to be alone with the body she had killed!

She is a little girl after all.

Fortunately... there are no traps in this secret passage. It is just a long passage with gravel scattered on the ground. It seems that it was done by myself just now. As the two stepped forward, one after another bright lights appeared on both sides. The light suddenly appeared.

Su Jing looked around, and was surprised to find that both the left and right lanterns were filled with the ever-lasting lanterns that had been taken away by Sanzang before. And judging from the number on both sides, there were probably at least dozens of them!

It looks like it has a bit of the style of the voice-activated lamp from the previous life.

Lingyue's eyes were straightened. She could clearly see Sanzang's persistence in this so-called ever-bright lamp, and such a precious lamp could only be used as road lighting here!

Going further and further down...

When you reach the bottom, you can see a house that is exactly the same size as the one above. Obviously, there is a different world between the top and the bottom!

The decoration is completely different from the one above. There are no tables, beds, etc. What is there are just large mahogany cases that look quite extraordinary one after another. On the cases, various kinds of items are neatly placed. Something like that.

There are furs that are full of plush and look as gorgeous as flowing light, and there are calligraphy and paintings that are completely spread out, and you can tell at a glance that they have a lot of history. There are also blood-colored transparent corals, precious jade and pure white agate, and ice silk threads that are transparent and dark. Such as jade, pig iron and all kinds of strange things...

How should I put it? The treasures above are extremely precious at first glance, but they give off a sense of nouveau riche. But below, everything is neatly arranged. Each treasure is antique and precious. You can tell from looking at it that it must have gone through the baptism and sedimentation of the years.

Su Jing picked up the calligraphy and painting at hand, opened it and looked at it, then raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "This... This is actually the authentic work of the painting saint Wu Daozi... There is a seal on it?"

He didn't recognize Wu Daozi, nor could he understand any portraits, but Qin Qiong seemed to be quite interested in calligraphy and painting. She once told him that she liked the painting saint Wu Daozi the most. Unfortunately, Daqin was too far away from Datang, and there were few authentic works of Wu Daozi circulated in the world, so even she had never gotten such a treasure.

At that time, Su Jing had joked with her that he would definitely give her a picture in the future...

It was because of this that he remembered the painting saint Wu Daozi.

Even the Princess of Daqin is obsessed with this thing. If this thing is sold, the price will be at least more than all the above. Even more, I am afraid that people will scold it for being disrespectful for selling such elegant and precious things.

And further ahead...

The pure white agate, transparent without any impurities, looks beautiful and warm. It is originally a low-grade jade, but it is so tender and jade-like that it really makes people want to see it.

And the white fur, under the light, emits a soft light.

Su Jing picked it up and rubbed it. It felt delicate and far better than any clothes he had touched.

He smiled and said, "The weather is getting cold, Lingyue, this fur is just right for you to make a fur coat, it will definitely be warm to wear."

As he said, he shook it, and the fur was shining and colorful, looking very gorgeous!

I thought this thing would be very popular with the little girl, but at this time, Lingyue was holding a small scroll in her hand, with a solemn look on her face. She didn't even look at the fur in Su Jing's hand, and murmured: "Uncle... come and take a look at this thing. I think it should be very important, right?"

Thanks to Annihilation Dream, Star Sea Heaven, and I'm Just a Lazy Cat for the 100 rewards!

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