Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 30 Who is hurting whom?



Two screams, one with panic and fear, the other with confusion and confusion...

There was no time to react, and everything happened too fast. Qin Hai didn't even have time to withdraw his energy. The fist with burning energy had already hit his own face!

Suddenly, a smell like burnt meat emitted from the room...

The skill that he cultivated was not weak, but it made him suffer a lot.

Qin Hai screamed miserably.

At this time, Su Jing's body had also collided with Qin Hai's heart. Qin Hai felt his chest stagnate and the two of them rolled into a ball.

Su Jing rolled around on the ground several times, and his body was covered with mud. Qin Hai's badly injured cheek rubbed against the bluestone floor, and a large piece of skin came off!


Qin Hai's screams suddenly became even more piercing. Su Jing could even see the tip of his tongue trembling from a close distance. He must be in extreme pain, right?

"Chun Nan, I want you to die!"

Before, I just wanted to teach Su Jing a lesson, but this time...

Looking at the scraped blood on the ground, with some burnt red flesh and blood, it was all the flesh and blood on his face.

His face was burning, and besides the pain, there was more fear.

own face...

Qin Hai didn't even dare to think about what he looked like on his face!

A huge sense of fear has overwhelmed everything.

Along with the huge fear, there was uncontrollable rage. Without thinking about why his fist suddenly rebounded, Qin Hai shouted frantically: "Su Jing, I'll beat you to death!"

He clenched his fist, summoned up all his energy, and no longer cared about any moves, he just gathered his heavy punch and hit Su Jing!

"Asshole Qin Hai, how dare you attack me?!"

Su Jing also yelled. When faced with Qin Hai's heavy punch, he did not use Mingyu Kung Fu to resist it. After all, his Kung Fu was just a beginner's practice and was very meager. Compared with Qin Hai's hard training for many years, he was extremely solid. The skill of "Qingyan Divine Fire Technique" is far behind. The only thing you can rely on is the martial arts of transferring flowers and jade to reverse the opponent's strength. I'm afraid it is very rare in this world, right?

It's enough to catch him off guard!

But if he takes action too obviously, he might notice the clues!

Su Jing didn't fight back by moving flowers and picking up jade, but directly hugged Qin Hai's waist, jumped over, and his waist suffered severe pain again, and as expected, he accidentally bumped into the table leg next to him...

The force of the two people's roll was astonishing. The table was not spared this time. The brand-new red sandalwood table that had just been moved over. Before they even had time to use it, the legs of the table were split directly from the middle. The corners of the table fell down. Aiming at Su Jing’s forehead!

Bad luck... If it's really here, all the bad luck will come from me!

Fortunately, he had been prepared. At the critical moment, Su Jing lowered his head and buried his head on Qin Hai's chest. The sharp edge of the table brushed against the back of Su Jing's head.

Su Jing only felt a sound of wind passing by, and at the same time, there was Qin Hai's crazy scream, as if he was being skinned.

He looked up and saw that the corner of the table was hitting Qin Hai hard on the face. The face that was dripping with blood just now was hit hard again by the sharp table corner!

Under the severe pain, the strength of the fist was reduced by half!

Su Jing hesitated for a moment. He didn't have time to think about it, but he still didn't dodge, but let the punch hit him!

There was a sudden pain in my back...

Su Jingwa spat out a mouthful of blood.

But was not as painful as imagined, even...

A look of understanding flashed across his eyes, which randomly turned into a fierce light!

Acting is acting, and if I get hurt, I will never suffer it in vain.

He yelled and reached out to grab Qin Hai's half of his face that was completely covered in blood.


Qin Hai's screams gave the gloomy corpse garden an even more eerie feeling.

"Let go!"

"no way!!!"

The two struggled together desperately.

Everything in the house was knocked to pieces. Just because of bad luck, anything that was torn off and fell fell on Su Jing, including candlesticks, stools, and even the cabinets that were knocked apart by the two of them. And those miscellaneous things...

But Su Jing was well prepared and relied on Ming Yu Gong's sharp ears and eyes to be able to dodge in time.

Qin Hai, on the other hand, failed to react in time. Even though he punched Su Jing several times in succession, he was still knocked unconscious by those messy things!

His face was greeted several times, half of it was rough, but the other half was as ferocious as a ghost...

It looks really terrifying!

The two people were rolling and struggling on the ground...

How long did the fight last?

have no idea……

All I knew was that when he was pulled away, Su Jing's chest and front skirt were already stained red with blood, and he had vomited an unknown amount of blood.

Qin Hai, as the perpetrator, was even more miserable. His face was half human and half ghost, and his ferocious flesh and blood were dented inward. It looked as if the wound had been hurt a second time by something, and his forehead was injured a second time. The swelling is high. This is because the cabinet hit me on the forehead. There is a blood hole in the eye. It is because the sharp thorn of the candlestick was pierced...

It seems that the only difference between Qin Hai and a dead person is that he still moans in pain!


Zhao Xi had a dull look on his face. He didn't expect such a thing to happen... He heard his subordinates report that there were screams in the pile of corpses.

He thought that Su Jing was bullied by someone, so he hurried over to help him.

But now it seems...

Did the Second Prince bully the Eleventh Prince? Was the Second Prince bullied by the Eleventh Prince?

But why did the Second Prince come here to be bullied by the Eleventh Prince?

Now this scene is no longer a fight between princes, but... a fight for life and death.

He screamed in a shrill voice: "Quick! Call His Majesty!!!"

Only His Majesty can handle this kind of thing.


Qin Qiong finally arrived late, stumbling in. Seeing the blood on Su Jing's lips and chest, her face turned pale and she screamed, "Brother, are you okay?!"

After touching Su Jing's chest, she immediately burst into tears and choked, "I'm sorry, brother, I should have found out earlier, but I didn't realize it until I arrived at the Jixia Academy and found that Qin Hai was not there..."

She turned her head viciously, like a lioness who was bullied by her cubs, and shouted angrily, "Qin Hai... er..."

The anger stopped abruptly!

It's true that my brother is miserable, but looking at Qin Hai lying there with dull eyes, almost breathing in and out...

Qin Qiong felt that no matter how much she protected her shortcomings, she couldn't say anything to blame.

Brother, is this a big advantage?

"Hai'er... Hai'er..."

At this time, you finish singing and I come on stage.

Another female voice with deep worry came over, and a woman dressed in luxurious clothes and elegant demeanor rushed into the dilapidated courtyard in a hurry.

It was obviously Qin Hai's mother!

When she saw Qin Hai's miserable appearance, she screamed, rolled her eyes, and fainted directly.


The servants who followed were all panicked and screamed to give her first aid!

Thanks to hadowkey for the 2000 reward! Little Demon Emperor for the 1000 reward! Quietly Sleeping, hxpbz, Lingsha Luoxue, Xinghai Zhutian, Shuai Daile, Xiahou Ming, Ye Luoshui Piaoyun, and Zhibi Chengkong for the 100 reward!

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