Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 340 Do you believe me when I say I slipped?

"Hmph, I thought it was that old poisonous creature who came to my Peach Blossom Island, but I never turned out to be a group of minions!"

Watching the boat break into Peach Blossom Island and then falling into his own formation, the dozen or so people in the world included some martial arts masters... but compared to Ouyang Feng, they were much weaker.

"It's really ridiculous. If I want to kill you, I don't even need to do it myself. I just need to trap you, just... boldly!!!"

Huang Yaoshi was instantly furious, but these people couldn't get out of this weird-looking peach blossom forest. One of the martial arts men actually took out the fire seal from his arms and was so bold that he planned to set the forest on fire.

How could he tolerate these people burning down this peach blossom forest that had been the focus of half his life?

At that moment, he shouted angrily. Even though he was holding the child in his arms, he still moved quickly and lightly and shouted: "Xiao Xiao, take your life!"

Seeing someone appear, those people in the martial arts world were not surprised but happy, and they all shouted with joy!

"Someone is here, catch him and ask Mei Chaofeng about their whereabouts!"

"We are worried that we can't get out of this ghost forest. Someone will lead the way for us and catch him alive."

"He brought a little one here... Hahahaha, it seems he is either a madman or a fool!"


All the martial arts masters burst into laughter. The sword debate in Huashan was a few years ago. Who could have imagined that on this insignificant island, there would be a person with the highest martial arts skills in today's martial arts world. What about one of them?

Immediately, he tried to capture him and asked about Mei Chaofeng's whereabouts. When Huang Yaoshi heard the voices of these people, his heart ached, knowing that these people must be chasing his disciples. Mei Chaofeng said before that she was being raped by the whole family. Wulin chased and fled to the Peach Blossom Island, and it seemed that he was not lying.

It's just that even if he is a traitor, he is still his disciple. Now that she sincerely repented, she should naturally consider her. Send all these enemies down to see her!

Thinking about it, the outstretched hand suddenly turned into a claw!

He was taking away the forehead of the person who was rushing towards the front...


Although he didn't know the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, Huang Yaoshi's skill was far superior to that of Mei Chaofeng. With a strong grip, the man's brains exploded and he died!

"He also knows the Nine Yin White Bone Claw and is Mei Chaofeng's accomplice!"

"catch him!"

"Hahahaha... Today, I, Huang Yaoshi, will go on a killing spree!"

After learning about the deaths of several of his disciples one after another, and witnessing the female disciple whom he had always loved commit suicide in front of him, Huang Yaoshi laughed happily when he saw someone attacking his Peach Blossom Island.

Rush into the crowd.

Although he is holding a baby in his arms, his martial arts skills are far superior to those of ordinary warriors. He can kill people with every move he makes. Palms, fists, claws, fingers... he can do any of the moves at his fingertips, and he doesn't even have the skills to master them. With that, screams could be heard all around.

In an instant, a bright red color was added to the colorful peach petals of Luoying!

These people in the martial arts world have always been hanging far behind Mei Chaofeng. Maybe there are reincarnations among them, maybe not, but regardless of whether they are there or not, under the hands of Huang Yaoshi, who is full of murderous intentions, the fate of these people has been changed. It's doomed!


far away……

Looking at Qiu Chuji from a distance, there was a look of joy in his eyes, and he said: "The martial arts of Huang Island Master is so high. Ouyang Feng is as famous as him, so he won't be much inferior to him. In this way, fortunately he has done it before The Toad Kung Fu was defeated by Master, otherwise, even if we join forces, we may not be able to deal with it!"

Murong Ruo sighed softly: "It's a pity that Ouyang Feng didn't catch up, otherwise I'm afraid he would have suffered a loss today. He is blind in one eye and his vision will definitely be limited. Even if Huang Yaoshi is holding a child, it will still be inconvenient. But his martial arts skills are no longer as good as Huang Yaoshi."

"Thanks he didn't come!"

Qu Wuyi nestled in Su Jing's arms. After such a long time, she was basically used to being held by Su Jing, and she even chose a comfortable position...

What he said made Su Jing smile for a moment, this vengeful little girl.

And just in the blink of an eye.

There were more than ten people from the Jianghu below, all of them were lying dead, no one was alive.

"Hmph, how dare a bunch of losers come to my Peach Blossom Island?"

Huang Yaoshi killed many people, but his green shirt still fluttered without any trace of blood. Even the baby in his arms did not wake up because his movements were too gentle and was still asleep.

Notice the line of sight next to me...

He jumped over using Qinggong and said: "My two disciples have been buried?"


Su Jing sighed: "It's a pity that Brother Chen and Sister Mei both have nothing to offer. The Nine Yin Scriptures are indeed not in their possession."

"This is also God's will, so that I have no chance to have the Nine Yin Sutra!"

Huang Yaoshi just saw with his own eyes that Su Jing took out a lot of messy things from Chen Xuanfeng's arms, so naturally he would not doubt it. But now, he no longer has much interest in the Nine Yin Manual. What he really cares about is …

"You just said that A Heng and you..."

"By the way, Lord Huang, I have something else to ask of you!"

Huang Yaoshi frowned, quite unhappy with being interrupted, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"This is Taoist Master Qiu, the Changchunzi of Quanzhen Sect. He came here because he heard that Zhou Botong of Quanzhen Sect was imprisoned on Peach Blossom Island, so he wanted to meet him. I heard that Zhou Botong was Wang Chongyang's junior brother, but he actually taught him martial arts. So, I thought that Master Wang Chongyang had always done a lot of research on Ouyang Feng, and my female companion Qu Wuyi was poisoned by Ouyang Feng's snake venom, so I also wanted to meet him and ask him if he had a way to detoxify!"

"What?! The last name is Qu?"

Huang Yaoshi's face changed slightly, and then he realized that the time didn't seem to match.

But the surname Qu is extremely rare, how could it be such a coincidence...

Qu Wuyi rolled her eyes at Su Jing, very dissatisfied with his hint, and said: "Don't misunderstand, Island Master Huang, my Qu has nothing to do with Qu Lingfeng's Qu... I didn't know him at all before."

Su Jing smiled and said: "Yes... yes, I don't know him, Wuyi, whatever you say is true."

"Go and see him!"

Huang Yaoshi waved his hand indifferently, saying: "He lives in a cave far away, but even if you meet him, the oath he made in the past cannot be violated. If Zhou Botong has no medicine to cure the poison of this little girl, you can come to me, maybe I can find a way!"

"Of course!"

Su Jing smiled, and pinched Qu Wuyi's thigh with his hand imperceptibly. Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with her for destroying him in public.

Qu Wuyi's eyes were about to burst into flames...

Su Jing: "I said my hand slipped, do you believe me?"

"What do you think?"

Qu Wuyi said coldly: "You should be thankful that I can't do anything now, otherwise, the double rings of love would have been buckled around your neck a long time ago."

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