Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 386 Night Attack

At this time, Lingyue had already been intoxicated in Su Jing's purple sea of ​​consciousness.

When had she ever seen such a vast and beautiful place?

Looking at the dead and empty sea of ​​consciousness around her, although there was no breath of life, this place was not lonely. The twinkling stars everywhere made everyone intoxicated. She murmured: "This place... is so beautiful. Is it like this after I opened up my own purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness?"

Su Jing replied: "No... There was a description in the sword canon that everyone's purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness is different, but I don't know how it is different. But after you open up your own purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness, maybe we can know what is different. Lingyue, there is not much time left for you. I can't hold on for too long. Lingyue, you only have half an incense stick of time. After half an incense stick, whether it succeeds or not, I have to withdraw my spiritual consciousness, and you have to come back to your mind in time, otherwise, I am afraid that your soul will be lost in my purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness and sink completely!"

"Half an incense stick... What should I do?!"

"I don't know... It depends on your own enlightenment."


Lingyue was speechless, not knowing what to say...

How could she know what enlightenment was?

I thought I could just listen to my uncle... But now...

Looking at the stars around her, Lingyue was confused. Enlightenment? Where to enlighten? The starry sky was brilliant and splendid, as if it was as warm as her uncle's embrace, but...

She was a little confused.

And Su Jing sat down cross-legged quietly, with beads of sweat on his forehead...Obviously, the spiritual consciousness did not have the magical effect of Mingyu Gong, so if the loss was too great, it might leave him with irreparable hidden injuries.

This is probably the price he had to pay as a guide. After all, there are probably only a few people who can comprehend their own purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness at once, and if he continuously outputs his spiritual consciousness like this, it will cause great harm to his body!

Especially his own sea of ​​consciousness...

Everyone's sea of ​​consciousness is different, and his own sea of ​​consciousness is like the universe, which can be said to be infinite. Lingyue was like dust in it. How could she...


Half an incense stick of time passed.

Su Jing smiled bitterly and retracted his spiritual consciousness.

No success...

Lingyue opened her eyes with a guilty look on her face, looked at the pale Su Jing, and said ashamedly: "I'm sorry, uncle, I failed you."

"Nothing... There's nothing urgent anyway, let's try again tomorrow."

Su Jing smiled gently and hugged Lingyue's delicate head, saying: "If it's so smooth, wouldn't the world be full of Taoists? Don't worry, just come again tomorrow..."


Lingyue nodded firmly and said: "I wanted to try if there is an end to uncle's purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness, but I didn't find it... It seems that I have to change direction later."

Su Jing nodded, it seems that he really needs to try a few more times.

Qu Wuyi went back to the inn and didn't come back until noon.

After lunch...

In the afternoon, the two began to spar again. Anyway, there was nothing else to do...

But this time, Qu Wuyi was obviously more disappointed than yesterday.

"What's going on? Yesterday you were able to take on my 100 moves without losing, but today you were beaten back to your original form?"

She said dissatisfiedly: "We have already raised the stakes, but you are still playing the trick of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days?"

Su Jing half-knelt on the ground and panted lightly for a while, and smiled bitterly: "Sorry, I may have consumed a lot today."

There is no way. Although the consumption of spiritual consciousness is too large and it does not affect Mingyu's true energy, it will make her less agile when looking at things. Even when looking at Qu Wuyi's moves, she feels that she is a little slow to react...

Could it be that spiritual consciousness can also have the insight function of the Sharingan?

Su Jing thought to himself that it might be possible. It was obviously difficult for him to see her movements clearly today, and it was obviously not the case yesterday.

"Forget it, maybe I was too harsh yesterday. Have a good rest tonight and we'll come back tomorrow."

Qu Wuyi glared at Su Jing, frowned impatiently, hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you can help me a lot, to be honest, it's not impossible to raise the stakes a little bit."

Su Jing laughed suddenly...

It seems that she was stimulated when facing the old monk Sanzang before. In order to break through, this girl Wuyi started to seduce herself.

He said proudly: "Okay! When you break through to the innate realm, I will raise the stakes! Tomorrow, I will definitely not let you down!!"

"That's good!"

Qu Wuyi looked around and looked at the courtyard that had become even more dilapidated after their two battles. He said: "Also, you can find someone to repair this courtyard. The sword energy is no longer there, and there are many traces of my attacks here. You are just passively defending. This place will no longer be misunderstood as the real place where the previous Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation fell."

As she said this, she sighed softly with some regret, as if she regretted that she could not witness the power of the Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation.

Su Jing nodded and said: "I know."

"I will continue to practice... I will break through soon. When I break through, my skills will improve greatly. At that time, I will be more confident in the next experience."

Qu Wuyi said lightly: "The last experience was Rong Ruo's, and the last time was yours. This time, it is probably my turn, right? My difficulty should be the highest... I must be strong enough to protect you!"

Su Jing: "………………………………"

She said seriously: "Don't say that we don't need your protection. I am stronger than you. The danger level of the next experience must be quite high for you. Don't be too careless."

"Of course I understand!"

Su Ding nodded.

Qu Wuyi hummed, went back to his room, and continued to practice cross-legged.

And that night.

After dinner.

In the dead of night, Qu Wuyi had already rested...

In the quiet courtyard, a white figure quietly swept out of Su Jing's room. He carefully surveyed the surroundings and saw that no one noticed his traces. Then he used Qinggong, almost without touching the ground. He quietly walked to the door of the quiet and elegant room on the side.

He leaned against the door and listened carefully to make sure that the people inside were still sleeping. Then he carefully used his spiritual consciousness to quietly move the wooden sill that closed the door up, then opened the door and sneaked in.

The whole process, not a single sound was made.

Inside the house, the girl was sleeping soundly, her gentle breathing, with a faint fragrance, giving the whole room a lovely atmosphere!

Su Jing slowly walked to the bed and looked at the sweet little girl sleeping on the bed. He sighed softly and was about to reach out...

The girl suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the figure who suddenly appeared next to her bed with a wary face, and asked: "Who is it?!"

"It's me... keep your voice down!"

Su Jing hurriedly covered her mouth and said, "Don't wake anyone else's me!"

Thanks for the 10,000 reward for Swordsman Kenshin mk2 oh oh oh oh... and the 1,000 reward for Night Sky Morning! A reward of 100 from the stars in the sky and newspapers in the wind!

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