Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 390 Li Qingchuan = Princess Wencheng?

Su Jing was worried about something else... something he couldn't tell anyone.

In fact, he had already keenly noticed that this world was actually very similar to the world he was in before, as if many people who appeared in his previous life could find projections in this world.

Qin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, and Xia Dynasty...

Although he had never heard of whether the Qian Dynasty appeared in the history of the previous life, many people could still find projections in the history of the previous life.

And what he was worried about was Li Qingchuan.

Although he had only dealt with her twice, she must have her own uniqueness in terms of personality, and more importantly, Su Jing had a very good impression of her.

He had never heard of this name before, so he didn't take it to heart, but now, as the purple mansion sea of ​​consciousness gradually expanded, a lot of information that might have only been a glimpse in the previous life gradually emerged in his mind.

The name Li Qingchuan had never appeared in his previous life, but... Prince Anding Li Zongdao, I had browsed this information on the Internet by chance.

Not Li Zongdao, but... Jiangxia County Prince Li Daozong!

Of course, he himself may not be too famous, but his daughter is very famous.

Su Jing could never have imagined that the Li Qingchuan who had crossed paths with him was actually the legendary Princess Wencheng... Or, in his memory of his previous life, Li Daozong's daughter was Princess Wencheng, but now that he has come to this world, he doesn't know if Li Qingchuan still has such a fate?

"Should I interfere?"

Su Jing thought with some distress...

He had a good impression of Li Qingchuan. As a reincarnation, this woman was quite low-key, but also quite shrewd. She could reincarnate so many times without dying. Obviously, this woman must be talented.

What impressed him even more was that Li Qingchuan's deviation value was only 3 points!

What a concept...

She has definitely experienced more reincarnations than me, but she has never done anything wrong.

"Although we are not friends, she is Rong Ruo's friend after all. If you can help, it is better to help, right?"

Su Jing suddenly said.

"What did you say?"

Qu Wuyi was stunned and asked.

"Nothing...I just suddenly had something to do and wanted to go out for a while."

Su Jing thought to himself that it was not a big deal to go and pass on a message for Murong Ruo's sake...With Li Qingchuan's shrewdness, as long as he informed her in advance, it would be fine if there was no problem, but if there was, she would probably be able to handle it properly.

Lingyue moved her lips and wanted to go out with him. She had just broken through, and she couldn't wait to show her ability to Su Jing.

Qu Wuyi stopped her and said, "Okay... but come back early!"

"Well, I'll be back soon."

Su Jing had just spoken when he couldn't help but move his heart slightly. He felt that this tone seemed to be...

"Don't laugh!!!"

Qu Wuyi obviously discovered his own speech error and couldn't help but get angry.

"Yes, yes..."

Su Jing smiled and replied.

"I've said it before. Just say it once. If you say it too much, it will seem insincere."

Su Jing laughed even more happily. So what if you are about to reach the innate state? Even if you have entered the Tao, I will tease you without any discussion. This little girl looks really cute when she gets angry when she is teased.

She made a face at Qu Wuyi, and then stepped lightly on the calm lake in front of her a few times, and had already jumped directly across the river... to the other side.

A voice sounded in the distance.

"I will come back early and not let you worry about me!"

The last two words "worry" were said with a heavy tone, obviously...

Qu Wuyi snorted softly, but she was not angry as Su Jing thought, but an inexplicable strange look appeared on her face, looking like shy?

Then she noticed Lingyue's curious gaze, she cleared her throat and said, "Forget it, since this guy ran away, I am too lazy to chase her, let's go back... Lingyue, didn't you just enter the realm of refining essence into qi? As far as I know, entering the realm of refining essence into qi can fuse with your natal flying sword. As for you, have you made a choice?"

"Yes, I have!"

Lingyue nodded and smiled, "My uncle robbed me a flying sword, but I don't know how to refine it yet, so I may have to wait for my uncle to come back."

After all, I can't see the content about refining essence into qi in the sword book.

"Okay...then wait for that guy."

The two girls of similar height, who looked like sisters, walked back shoulder to shoulder.

At this time...

Su Jing had already set foot in the East City.

In Chang'an City, the East City was inhabited by dignitaries, and the West City was inhabited by ordinary people, separated by an inner river.

With this jump, Su Jing jumped directly from the mundane life of ordinary people to the luxurious and arrogant world of aristocrats...

The heavy bluestone floor had long been polished to a smooth shine. The pedestrians passing by had a contented look on their faces, dressed in brocade and silk, with a calm and relaxed look, walking their birds, or playing with their dogs. The local people of Chang'an always give people a feeling of luxury and grace!

The streets no longer sell those small and cheap things, and the decorations of the shops around have also risen several levels. Even...the Hu people and foreigners walking on the interface all have some cautious and respectful expressions on their faces, and they seem to be afraid of accidentally bumping into someone.

Because the birthday party is only a few days away.

The entire East City is crowded with people, and the air seems to be condensed with a tense atmosphere...

Su Jing naturally knows where the Anding Palace is.

In other words, he has already memorized the entire map of mountains and rivers. Su Jing knows at least three secret passages that can lead to the Anding Palace...Although he doesn't know if there are guards there, after all, Prince Anding must have seen this map.

But Su Jing is confident that with his own cultivation, he can easily deceive those guards, so it's not a big problem.

On the busy street, a few turns and a few turns...

The flow of people has been directly reduced by more than half, and the area has also become much quieter.

It's hard to imagine that in this prosperous East City, there would be such a remote place... But it's not surprising. Chang'an City has a population of three million, and the population is large. The alleys and lanes are winding and winding. Even locals sometimes find it difficult to get familiar with the roads.

And walking from the remote place...

After about half an hour, along the corner of the wall, it turned two more corners, and in front of it was a white wall two meters high, with green tiles and shade, extending very long.

Su Jing nodded gently, walked a few steps along the wall, bent down, and saw a very big hole in the corner of the wall, which was covered by vines. If you don't know this place and look for it specifically, it's probably not easy to find this place.

Bending down and walking through the vines, it is an extremely dark passage, damp and deserted. Obviously, no one has passed through it for a long time.

When he walked out, he was faced with a high wall. He jumped up and walked forward a few steps on the green tiles. He didn't make any sound the whole time. He jumped and jumped into another courtyard.

Anding Palace...

Here we are.

"But where does Miss Qingchuan live?"

Su Jing looked at the unfamiliar Nine-Curve Corridor with a confused look on his face.

Thanks to Xinghai Zhutian for the 100 rewards!

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