Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 393 It's not me who is being reserved, it's you who are too reserved

A very ordinary room... even a little simple, the wardrobe, tables and chairs are already very old, but it is very tidy. The whole house is in order. It is obvious that the people who live in it are very thoughtful and tidy everything up. Very good.

"Mom, I brought a friend to see you."

With a soft smile on his face, Li Qingchuan looked at the plain-faced woman on the hospital bed. Her usual cold demeanor was gone. At this time, she really looked like a teenage girl.

"Friends...what kind of friends can you have..."

With a helpless smile on her face, the woman slowly stood up from the bed, and then saw Su Jing standing behind Li Qingchuan...

Luxuriously dressed, calm-looking, and fair-skinned, he looks like a man of fine clothes and fine food.

In fact... this guy has really suffered a lot since he was a child, and he has almost never touched oil or water. Unfortunately, the effect of the Nine Beads Chain is so strong that he has a fair complexion now. How can he see the suffering he suffered in the past?

But the woman was startled and exclaimed: "This...Qingchuan, this young master is..."

She was really shocked.

Is there anyone in the world who knows her daughter better than she does?

Although she always had an indifferent expression in front of outsiders, her status in the palace was also special. Her relatives looked down upon her, and the maids also stayed away from her. If there was anyone who could speak to her, there was no one in the palace. none.

But in fact, his daughter was so arrogant that even she didn't know where her arrogance came from. In her usual conversations, she seemed to ignore Li Zongdao.

This poor fate of a life as high as the sky and a body as thin as paper, this poor daughter of mine...

What she was most worried about was that if she died in the future, her poor daughter might not even have anyone to talk to. But now, she quietly brought herself a friend, and he was...a man. ?

Could it be...

This possibility suddenly appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but panic... After all, among other things, such a well-dressed master must love to play and make trouble, and the ridiculous master could not just play casually with his own daughter. It's just for fun. My daughter has been lonely for too long. As long as someone catches her eye, something bad will happen.

At that moment, the eyes looking at Su Jing were already a bit hostile.

"Mom, you don't need to be so guarded. This is my friend Su Jing. He is absolutely trustworthy. We were once friends of life and death!"

Li Qingchuan stepped forward and helped the woman sit up, letting her lean on the backrest behind the bed. That skillful posture made Su Jing immediately realize that she was obviously very strong and blessed with great fortune, but Still nestling in this palace, being an illegitimate daughter who washes clothes for others...

Maybe it's because of her?

At this time, Li Qingchuan said softly: "Mom, he came here to report to us... We can stay here for a long time. We will pack our things tonight and find a suitable time then, and the three of us will go out together. !”


Su Jing next to him was startled, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Pointing to his nose, he asked in confusion: "Is there anything else about me?"


Are you kidding? I'm just here to report the news. Once the report is over... there won't be anything left to do with me, right?

Su Jing previously thought that Li Qingchuan was not weak, and how could the palace send a real master to deal with her. He told her the news himself, so she could keep it to herself and don't have to worry about it.

But this woman was so scheming that she tricked herself into the room.


She is actually the same mother who was lying on the bed before?

This is very... It is not unusually difficult to leave the heavily guarded palace with a sick person.

Also confused was Li Qingchuan's mother Juanxiu. She coughed a few times and said in confusion: "Didn't your father agree to let us go free? What...isn't he unwilling to let you go? I told you earlier. However, don’t disobey your father..."

"He wants to marry me off. Although it's not confirmed yet, I feel that with his personality, I'm afraid we'll be inseparable!"

Li Qingchuan sneered, "This guy can never keep his word, which is a new level of shamelessness in my mind. However, I will not just accept his mercy. It's better to know in advance to avoid it." They fought in public, making him unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life... But now, we'd better leave early..."


An inexplicable look of regret appeared on the woman's face, and she sighed: "He is indeed the ruthless and unjust Prince An Ding, Qingchuan. You did something wrong for provoking him before."

"I didn't do anything wrong. If I wasn't worried about you, I would have fought to death with him. Isn't it the same now? Also, if it weren't for you, do you believe I could let him accompany my wife and then lose the army? "

Li Qingchuan said unpleasant words, but the expression on his face was inexplicably soft. Su Jing was surprised when he saw it, and thought that the way the mother and daughter got along was weird. Although Li Qingchuan was dragged here because of his mother, But when her mother spoke, shouldn't she say comforting words such as that's not the case and that this is what I should do?

Did she reveal her dissatisfaction so directly?

Of course, in fact, if Su Jing heard this woman say that she wanted a son and did not want to give birth to Li Qingchuan, she would probably be even more shocked.

The woman didn't respond to her daughter's words. She seemed to have heard too much and asked, " are you going to escape?"

"This...what can you do?"

Li Qingchuan turned to look at Su Jing.

Su Jing: "…………………………………………"

"Miss Qingchuan..."

"Brother Su, just call me Qingchuan. If you bring a girl or something, it would be a shame!"

"No, no, no... you are too private."

Su Jing stopped trying to avoid suspicion, took her hand and walked out, saying, "Auntie, your daughter and I have something very important to talk about, so... take leave for now!"

With that said, the two of them were already out the door.

"Brother Su, what are you doing?!"

Li Qingchuan still asked curiously.

"That's what I'm asking... You have a mother and you are filial to your mother. I am very touched... Really, but I didn't say I would help you send your mother out, right?"

Su Jing said sternly: "We don't seem to have such a good relationship between the two of us. I personally feel that sending you a message is already the most benevolent and righteous thing to do. I'm helping you send your mother out..."

"I don't want to trouble you, but apart from you, I have no helpers, and I can't do anything on my own!"

Li Qingchuan smiled bitterly and said: "You should have noticed that I am quite marginalized in this palace... I am just one person, but I can't leave my mother alone."

"so what?"

Su Jing sighed: "Unfortunate people have their own misfortunes. I know that your life experience is pitiful. I am also very touched after knowing that you have violated yourself for your mother. But the problem is that I am not the Holy Mother, and you and I are not friends of life and death." , I really can’t find any reason to risk my life and death for you!”

" have it!"

Li Qingchuan said.

"What reason?"

Li Qingchuan couldn't help but blush. Although he knew there was no one there, he still looked around, quietly whispered something into Su Jing's ear...

Su Jing's face gradually became stiff.

After looking blankly at Li Qingchuan, who couldn't help but feel a little shy, he asked: "What you said...seriously?!"

Li Qingchuan nodded and said: "Seriously!"

Su Jing sighed: "Well... I have a good friend named Qu Wuyi, who is very powerful and far better than me. If she helps, I will be more confident!"

Li Qingchuan said seriously: "Thank you very much!"

"No...this is what I should do."

Su Jing murmured, with a look of both laughter and laughter on his face.

And at this time...

inside the house.

"Alas... I have burdened you again, my child. You are really wronged."

Juanxiu listened to the inaudible sound outside and smiled bitterly. She had also learned some superficial martial arts from Li Zongdao back then, but she had not used it for many years, but it made her eyes and ears more sensitive, allowing her to hear clearly. Sounds outside.

Touched the vial under the pillow...

There was a look of reluctance in her eyes.

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