Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 588 Please do not doubt my integrity


You can only take risks.

Although Su Jing is in the Guo Mansion, he can know the affairs of the world. He has been resisting the Mongols all year round. With Huang Rong's intelligence, he has naturally established his own intelligence system. He can sit at home and know the affairs of the world.

Apart from other things, he knew that many people in the martial arts world had defected to Mongolia.

He knows better...

The news that Guo Jing's life or death was uncertain indeed attracted the attention of those truly peerless masters, and they headed in the direction of Xiangyang.

But at this moment...where is the enemy?

"Just give it a try."

Thinking about it, Su Jing sat cross-legged and sunk his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness in Zifu...

The vastness of the universe.

There was only one huge sun, emitting intense light and heat. The blazing temperature seemed to burn everything around it.

Standing at the center of the universe...

Su Jing looked at the deserted scene in his Zifu Consciousness Sea and sighed: "Although Xiucheng warned me that doing this may cause my soul to disperse from the earth, I have tried it so many times before and there has been no problem. , it shouldn’t matter, right?”

Thinking about it, the blazing sun suddenly fluttered its wings and turned into a three-legged golden crow, breaking free from the shackles of the body and flying into the boundless sky.


This was the first time that he flew into the sky with his spiritual consciousness alone. Su Jing never expected that he was not the invisible and immaterial power of spiritual consciousness, but the incarnation of the golden crow in mythology.

Could it be...that in my subconscious, the sun is the Golden Crow?

So in my sea of ​​consciousness, the sun can transform into the image of the Golden Crow? So... if we look at it not from a mythological point of view, but from a scientific point of view, the sun is actually...

As soon as Su Jing's thoughts changed, the Golden Crow immediately converged its wings and turned into a huge fireball.

Hot tongues of fire kept spitting out.

It's just that the light is obviously much inferior to that of the real sun...

"It's strange, why did it suddenly become hot?"

In the courtyard, one of the two maids who were passing by wiped the sweat from her head, turned a blind eye to the sun above her head, and just talked to her companions.

"Yes, that's right, I feel the same way. It's so suddenly feels hot. The sun is obviously very bright today."

They can't see me?

This thought flashed through Su Jing's mind...

But if you can’t see it, that’s much better.

He flapped his wings again, transformed into a three-legged golden crow, and flew towards the sky.

Spiritual consciousness roams the earth. He has done such a thing before, and if he does it again now, he will naturally be able to catch it.

Moreover, in the Tang Dynasty, one had to worry about whether other Taoists would pass by and discover their own spiritual consciousness. But here, in this plane, there are only two people with spiritual consciousness, which means...

Su Jing deliberately expanded his spiritual consciousness to the maximum, traveling back and forth between heaven and earth. He was high in the sky, looking at Xiangyang City below him... He could see the people in the city talking in low voices in small groups. People are panicked, and some are pretending to be firm...

All human expressions can be seen in one's eyes.

Su Jing hesitated for a moment, then flapped his wings and flew towards Mongolia...

Even though the soldiers and horses have not arrived, he can fly freely within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Then, it didn’t fly very far.

Sure enough, we saw the yurts unique to Mongolia, stretching for miles...

Has the Mongol army arrived? !

Why didn't we get any information?

Su Jing's heart was shaken, the golden crow's wings fluttered, and he continued to soar forward...

Then, along the way, I saw that the entrances to the yurts were all closed, and no one went out, not even patrolling soldiers.

These yurts seem to appear there strangely, empty and empty...

And I can't hear any sound at all. What the hell is going on here? When did these things appear?

Su Jing thought to himself that I am now the incarnation of spiritual consciousness. In the martial arts plane, I am afraid no one can hurt me, right?

In other words, it would take at least a master of the Five Absolute Levels to truly harm my spiritual consciousness, and the only Five Absolutes level Jinlun Dharma King in Mongolia has been destroyed by me in the Quanzhen Sect.

And the baby exploded.

Thinking about it, he flapped his wings and flew towards a yurt below... wanting to go inside and find out.

Then, I felt dizzy and felt as if I had hit a hard wall, and my whole body fell directly towards the yurt below.

Su Jing was suddenly frightened, and hurriedly flapped his wings in an effort to maintain balance. After flapping for a long time, he barely managed to stop himself...

Looking up, he saw an awe-inspiring white crane, fluttering its wings and hanging in the air. Its sharp eyes like an eagle stared downwards and shouted: "Are you also a Taoist disciple? Since you are a Taoist disciple, don't you know , will it be easy to lose your spiritual consciousness and die if you travel around the world? Didn’t your master tell you this?”

This guy's spiritual incarnation is White Crane? !

Su Jing's heart suddenly suddenly dawned. He flapped his wings and flew directly opposite the white crane. He said seriously: "Of course I know the risks involved, but if not, how could I meet my senior brother..."

" are..."

"Su Jing, a disciple of Xiucheng, the law enforcement elder of Yin Yang Dao Sect, pays homage to senior brother. May I ask his name!"

"Yin Yang Dao Sect?! But Da Qian's Yin Yang Dao Sect?"


Bai He's eyes softened a little, especially when he heard the name of Xiucheng, his eyes became more understanding, and he said: "As expected, I didn't expect that you would be a disciple of the branch. In this way, we can be regarded as a family. , I am Yi Yun, the eldest disciple of the Taoist Tianfeng Seat, and I had a relationship with Master Xiucheng back then. Didn’t you expect that now, Master Xiucheng has become the law enforcement elder of the branch? "

Taoist? ! ! !

Su Jing's heart was shocked, but his face remained calm, and he said happily: "It turns out that he is the senior brother of the main sect. I never expected that I would meet my senior brother in this reincarnation space. It's really great."

"Are you the enemy's reincarnation?"

Bai He said in surprise: "I have met three reincarnations from the competition before..."

"Yes, I am one of them. At that time, I recognized that what my senior brother used was my Taoist method. As the saying goes, the Taoist sects in the world are one family, so I did not take action without authorization."

Su Jing smiled shyly and said: "Although we are in a competitive relationship between reincarnations, we are not enemies of life and death, and the Lord God has not forced us to kill each other. How can I regard the rules of my Taoism as nothing? "

"You are quite honest."

Yi Yun sighed and asked, "Have you been in this reincarnation for a short time?"

"Senior brother, what are you talking about?"

Su Jing said angrily: "I was born as a Taoist, and died as a Taoist ghost. Taoism is my root. The reincarnation space is just a place where I can gain more experience. If I am allowed to violate my principles, I would rather abandon this reincarnation space." ...Senior brother, you really underestimate me!"

"Well... it's my fault. I'm sorry, little junior brother. It's my brother's fault. I apologize to you for my brother's fault."

Yi Yun looked dumbfounded, but seeing Su Jing's angry expression, he had to soften his expression and apologize to Su Jing.

Su Jing finally suppressed his anger and said: "Forget it, senior brother, please don't doubt my integrity... Although we are in the enemy camp now, I came to find you today, but I came with good intentions."

Thanks to Xinghai Heavens for the 100 reward! The total number of rewards is exactly 400... More updates will be added today...

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