Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 592 You're crazy again

There were only four reincarnators left in the huge tent...

Yufeng closed his eyes, was silent for a while, and asked: "Look, how is this Su Jing? Is he trustworthy?"

Si Xiuming said: "I think it's okay. When we assassinated Guo Jing before, this guy was so scared that he didn't dare to take action... I think such a person would do whatever it takes to save his own life. ”

"I think he seems to have misunderstood something?"

Nong Yuanliang said: "He thinks that our mission target is Guo Jing? It doesn't seem strange... In order to deal with Guo Jing, we did not hesitate to kill the innate master Huang Yaoshi. The price we paid was too high and beyond imagination. Unfortunately, this kid I don’t know that there is a kind of mission in this world called a redemption mission, especially for you, boss, your deviation value should be close to 100, right? This redemption mission is very important to you..."

Yufeng remained silent, turned to look at Yi Yun, and asked, "Yi Yun, what do you think?"

Yi Yun thought for a while and said: "Besides, he misunderstood that our mission target was Guo Jing. He thought that we would return immediately after killing Guo Jing, so he was willing to send Guo Jing to us..."

Yufeng nodded and said: "Well, this should be his idea. He felt that after we killed Guo Jing, we would have no chance to kill them again, so he agreed so happily."

Yi Yun sighed softly: "Besides, when I sniped Guo Jing before, I discovered that that guy was very powerful in martial arts, even better than Huang Yaoshi, and he was very good at responding to the enemy's sudden changes. If you weren't a ghost cultivator, Feng, you wouldn't be able to do anything. Afraid of ordinary enemies, I am afraid that if the four of you and I join forces, we may not be his opponent. If such people fight back desperately, they may even die together with us. "

"In other words, do you think it's credible?!"

"I don't think they have any means to harm you as a ghost cultivator. I don't think they can pull off any tricks under the siege of more than 100,000 Yin zombies."

"In that case, let's wait."

Yufeng said: "It's rare that he misunderstood. It's rare that this redemption mission can be completed more easily. Who wouldn't want to?"

She smiled proudly and said, "Anyway, there's nothing they can do about me, so they'll just give you this face, Yi Yun."

Yi Yun smiled, his expression inexplicably softened, and said, "Then I really want to thank you."

Yufeng smiled and said: "I just want to thank you for not disdain my ghost cultivation body and still willing to stay with me and assist me..."

Yi Yun said softly: "Between you and me, why should we say thank you?"

Jifeng also smiled, and a little blood appeared on his pale face, and said: "Yes, between you and me, why should we say thank you?"

Si Xiuming and Nong Yuanliang both hurriedly covered their faces and exclaimed in shock: "Ah... so... so disgusting... I can't do it anymore..."

It's a pity that they don't know the language of Su Jing's previous life, otherwise they might scream about dog abuse.

Yufeng glared at the two people who were pretending, and said impatiently: "What are you talking about? Why don't you go and continue to transform the Inferi... Although there are nearly one hundred thousand, in fact they are only more than ninety-eight thousand. We must gather ten Only tens of thousands will do!”

"But... isn't more than 90,000 enough?!"

"No, one hundred thousand must be one hundred thousand, it can only be more, not less!"

Yufeng said: "The medicine is in your hands, hurry up and do it!"

"Yes, I won't disturb the captain and vice-captain's love affair!"

"That's right, that's right. Get out of here as an eyesore..."

Yufeng shouted: "Get out!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two of them ran out laughing!

The space was left to Yifeng and Yi Yun.


At this time, inside Xiangyang City.

"Send Guo Jing out?!"

Qu Wuyi and Murong Ruo looked at Su Jing in shock and exclaimed: "Are you crazy again?!"

After Murong Ruo finished speaking, he said confusedly: "Eh? Why should I say it again? No...Brother Su, you have been crazy a lot during this time..."

"Crazy or not, I've seen all of the hundreds of thousands of corpses..."

Su Jing sighed: "It's really a huge crowd. It's beyond the power of ordinary human beings to contend with. If you want to win, you can only do this. Wealth and honor are found in danger. We may not have a chance to win. But if we don't take risks, we are doomed to fail."

Qu Wuyi frowned and said: "But if we are surrounded by those 100,000 Yin corpses...even if we wait, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill them, right? Are you sure you want to give up the natural protection of Xiangyang City and take such a big risk?"

"Don't worry about this. I got three jade pendants from her, which can prevent the Inferi from harming us. Although I don't know if it will still be effective after the guy gives the order to the Inferi, but I think we can take a risk. Isn’t it exciting to capture the thief first and capture the enemy’s general’s head among a hundred thousand enemy troops?”

Su Jing said.

"I don't find it very exciting... rather..."

Murong Ruo looked at Su Jing, with a slightly worried look on his face, and said: "I think, Brother Su, you said that your success this time is all due to that fellow Taoist cultivator. He is very kind to you. I think, you must If you don't discuss it with him, can you truly find a win-win solution? After all...Brother Su, I know how you are as a person. If others treat you with sincerity and care, you will still feel entangled in your heart even if you act decisively, right? "

Su Jing's relaxed smile stopped. Thinking of the figure who always laughed heartily, he was silent for a moment and said, "No need... If it were normal, I might still be entangled, but now, even if it is him, there is no need to hesitate, just kill him. When have I ever let personal feelings affect official business? Don't worry, it's no problem."

"Why kill him?!"

"Because he is dead!"

Su Jing said indifferently: "If I don't kill him, he will not live... I simply killed him with my own hands, which can be regarded as giving him a quick death."

"What do you mean?"

"No meaning, anyway... I will explain it to you later..."

Su Jing sighed and said, "What a pity, he and I should have been friends, right? But to be honest, I don't understand why such a Taoist cultivator seems to be a person. Quite kind, he actually mixed up with the ghost cultivators who are hated by gods and ghosts. "

Qu Wuyi said: "Whether he mixed up or not, I saw the strength of that guy. In terms of the power of Taoist cultivators, he is above you... With only the three of us, we are still at a disadvantage, and it is difficult to be sure of victory! If you have any other ideas, tell me all of them. I know that you don't fight a battle without confidence. "

Su Jing smiled slightly, and his face regained its cheerfulness. He said: "Wuyi still understands me. By the way, I never said that it was the three of us who went together, right? It's not that there are no helpers... Rongruo, do you really think that I will do useless work? Don't worry... I will definitely not do it without more than 80% confidence. This time, the victory is destined to be us, or the opponent is them. If we still can't win, it will be really embarrassing. "

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