Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 608: The image of a master is shattered

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is different from internal Kungfu...

Mingyu Wedding Clothes Kungfu has extraordinary effects, but it only allows Su Jing to have powerful true Qi in his body. When the true Qi is used, it can exert various magical effects... But Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is purely a method of strengthening the body and refining strength!

There is no specific trick, but after practicing it, the power is infinite, and every move contains the power to split mountains and rocks.

At that time, there is no need for tricks. One punch will be unstoppable by the enemy. One force can defeat ten skills. When practiced to the extreme, it can even allow people to break through the limits of the physical body. I think this is also the reason why the exchange points of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu are higher than those of Nine Yin Manual?

After all, strengthening oneself is the kingly way.

Just like now, with the introduction of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, Su Jing can clearly feel that his body and muscles are extremely solid. It is estimated that even with a silver needle, he can't pierce it.

In terms of resistance to blows, it is quite strong.

It seems that the medicinal properties of the Shengyang Qi-boosting Pill that he had taken before, which were concentrated in his body, were originally only strengthening his body autonomously, but now, as he practiced the body-building exercises, they were gradually being absorbed by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Exercise!

No wonder his progress was so rapid.

Thinking about it, Su Jing got up, and Xiucheng had disappeared. It seemed that he had woken up early.

He looked outside the door...

Xiucheng walked in after packing up, holding a bowl of steaming white rice porridge in his hand. He looked at Su Jing carefully and said hesitantly: "You finally woke up. I saw that you seemed to be practicing just now, so I didn't disturb you, but it seems that you seem... different from before?"

He showed a strange look on his face, looking at Su Jing, whose spirit and energy were obviously different from yesterday.

Logically speaking, no matter what... after all, he had a defeat yesterday, his spirit should be a little sluggish, right?

But why does this kid seem... more confident?

The momentum was like a rainbow, and it was even as if he was extremely confident in his own improvement after years of hard training!

If he was still his captive yesterday... then now, this kid's demeanor actually had a faint feeling of competing with him.

It was like a young lion facing a mature tiger. Even though the young lion's strength was far inferior, it would not be afraid... because it knew that sooner or later, it would have the power to compete with it!

Xiucheng had no idea that although it was only one night for him, it was almost half a year for Su Jing. After half a year of hard training, plus the understanding of the use of ice and fire spiral power, especially the personal killing of the top innate master Jinlun Fawang, he was now full of vigor and spirit even though he knew that he was still no match for Xiucheng... naturally different from yesterday!

"Oh? What's different?"

Su Jing had a realization in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. He just stood up, took the porridge he handed over, and drank a sip..."

His eyes lit up, and he exclaimed: "It tastes pretty good."

"Hahahaha, I made it fresh, so of course it tastes good."

Xiu Cheng laughed proudly.

Su Jing was surprised: "You are the law enforcement elder of Dao Sect, and you can actually make rice porridge?"

"There's no other way. When you go out, you have to be nice to yourself. "

Xiucheng sighed and said, "Taoists are different from martial artists. Their spiritual consciousness is too powerful and their bodies are too fragile to bear the burden. Although their life span is not short, it is far from comparable to that of martial artists. Therefore, Taoists who are a little older pay great attention to health preservation... Like me and my senior brother, we never eat outside food when we go out, because it may be unclean and not good for our health... There is no other way. In order to live two more years, damn it, I am obviously invincible in the world, but I have to be careful about what I eat. It really makes me want to swear. I haven't drunk alcohol for three years. I used to drink frequently when I was young... Oh... It's good to be young..."

Looking at Su Jing, his eyes were already filled with some resentment.

Su Jing: "………………………………………………..."

Xiucheng seemed to realize that he was talking too much. He sighed and changed the subject, saying, "Okay, let's not talk about this sad topic. Let's talk about you... I don't know much about martial artists, but you should have realized something, right? ”

Su Jing nodded and said, “Well, yesterday I heard the sound of you grinding your teeth, snoring and farting when you were asleep... Suddenly I realized something, and my skills have improved a lot. Of course, I am still far inferior to you.”

“I couldn’t beat you when I was your age, so you don’t have to belittle yourself... Uh...”

Xiu Cheng was about to say something to comfort him, but after blinking his eyes, he realized that Su Jing seemed to be mocking him.

He hesitated and said, “My snoring problem... hasn’t been fixed yet?”

Su Jing asked, “Did you have this problem before?”

Xiu Cheng said helplessly, “I had it before, and people often complained to me. Later, after I became the law enforcement elder of my Dao Sect, this problem disappeared... I didn’t expect it to be there again now.”

“I think you have always had this problem, but since you became the law enforcement elder, no one dared to mention it to you. "

Su Jing finished all the porridge in no time. Indeed... this porridge is very healthy, with millet, rice, black beans, etc...

How can I put it?

When he thought of the Taoist masters who acted like masters in front of others, but when it was time to eat, they squatted on the ground, took out a small pot from the storage space, and then slowly fanned the small fire to cook the porridge, he felt very disillusioned.

Sure enough, masters are like the young handsome men in my previous life, you can only watch from afar, you can't understand them.

Handing over the bowl, Su Jing asked: "Shall we continue to set off?"

"Before we set off, let me confirm it first."

Xiu Cheng's face was serious, and he said: "Everyone in my Dao Sect needs you... So, it will only make sense if you sincerely help us! Su Jing, I ask you, are you willing to join my Dao Sect sincerely? Give us a helping hand?"

"I don't know how to help you, and whether I am willing to help you in this kind of thing depends on whether you are willing to help me."

"You and my senior brother will have to negotiate for this... But... At least, for now, we should have the same goal of returning to Dao Sect, right?"

Su Jing nodded.

Xiucheng smiled and said, "That's good. It seems that I don't have to worry about you running away on the way. You are too active, so I have to think more. Let's continue walking, or should I take you?"

"You fly faster?"

"That's right...Okay, let's go!"

Xiucheng shouted, and the cold sword light instantly filled the entire Taoist temple...wrapped Su Jing in the sword light, and then soared into the sky and flew towards the direction of Daqian Kingdom.

The speed was so fast that Su Jing was dazzled.

This was several times faster than his own flying knife...Sure enough, when the sword cultivator's strength reached the highest level, it was so incredible?


"I'm really confused."

He sighed, "I was sitting in a carriage and walking slowly, but you were so fast. You actually looked for me for more than a year? Elder Xiucheng... Are you the legendary road idiot?"

Xiucheng's face turned dark blue in an instant, and he said angrily, "Don't mention it... If that bastard hadn't pointed me in the wrong direction, how could I... In short, I was harmed by a villain. Remember, when you return to Dao Sect, don't mention this to anyone, understand?"

Su Jing looked at Xiucheng's face that was swollen to the point of almost exploding. At this moment, it would not be an exaggeration to say that his hair and beard were all standing up.

He sighed, "It seems to be a sad story."

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