Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 66 This is the special treatment for the Lord God's agent

[Welcome back to the main god space! ]

Su Jing's figure suddenly appeared on the huge platform, and a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

Su Jing looked around and found that it was the place where he had appeared once before, but this time, he was confused: "Where are Jiang Liu and Murong Ruo? Why are they not here?"

[This is the reincarnation space that belongs to you alone, they don't have the permission to enter here! ]

"Is that so? I thought they would return to the same place with me!"

[No... In fact, only teammates can return to the same place. ]

"So we are not teammates yet?"

[You are just temporary teammates. Because the time of reincarnation coincided with the same point, you were arranged to train together. If you want to become real teammates and train together in the future, you need to spend 500 points of luck and sign a contract! 】

"So you can make money from it again."

Su Jing said unhappily: "I have never seen a main god who is so stingy as you, whether it is stingy or mean."

[It is also the first time I have seen a reincarnation like you who caused the main god to lose more than 10,000 points of luck value in his first return. 】

"You are just being harsh in words, count my gains!"

[Understood. 】

As he said, a floating window appeared in front of Su Jing.

It had a lot of information, writing Su Jing's income and expenditure this time!

[Task: Escort Zhang Wuji back to Wudang Mountain safely! Mission completion 100%! , get 1000 points of luck! 】

[Kill the Qi Refining Realm warrior Wei Rong, get 500 points of luck! 】

[Teammate Cui Yucheng died, deduct 500 points of luck! 】

[This plane gets a total of 1000 points of plane value! 】

[Host: Su Jing/Chun Nan! ]

[Luck value: 1330 points! ]

[Deviation value: 22 points! ]

[Strength: Warrior (Qi Refining Realm)]

[Evaluation: Congratulations, you have successfully evolved from a chicken to a chicken! ]

Only the most basic rewards.

Su Jing was silent for a while, and said: "Does this comment belong to everyone?"

[No, this is the honor of being the Lord God's agent, I added it specifically to spur you. ]

"Can it be removed?"

[No! ]

"Okay... I still have two secret books here..."

Su Jing fell silent, hesitated for a while, and asked: "The secret book of the Seven Injury Fist, if I want to repair the defects in it, how much luck value do I need?"

He has now felt that the Lord God... is actually a stingy program. You need luck value to do anything you want it to do for you. Although its own repair is free, it will definitely find it back somewhere else. Now, for the luck value of more than 10,000, it is looking for kickbacks on itself!

[The Seven Wounds Fist, a superb martial art, requires 1,000 points of luck to repair its defects! ]

Su Jing was shocked and said, "What? So expensive? How much did I spend on exchanging for Mingyu Gong? This thing only requires 1,000 points of luck to repair? This is all the rewards of my plane!"

I always feel that you are pricing it based on my luck!

[Although the Seven Wounds Fist is only a superb martial art, its power is comparable to those low-level innate martial arts. It is only rated as a superb top grade because of its defects. If the defects are repaired, it will become a skill comparable to the innate lower-grade martial arts. If you want to exchange it after repair, at least 3,500 points of luck are needed! ]

"Really? Is the Seven Wounds Fist so valuable?"

[Yes! As the treasure of Kongtong Sect, the Seven Injury Fist is theoretically at the same level as the Wudang Sect's treasure Tai Chi in the plane you are training in. It's just that it is much weaker, but it can't be said to be weak. In terms of lethality, it is superior to Tai Chi! 】

"In that case, then you should exchange it for luck points for me."

Su Jing said: "You said at least 3500 points, which means that after removing the 1000 points for repair, this extraordinary secret book can still be exchanged for 2500 points of luck points, right? Alas... It's not easy. I finally got back to more than 3,000 points of luck points. Although my luck is still not very good, I shouldn't step on banana peels when walking, right?"

It can be clearly felt that the Lord God hesitated for a moment, and then asked: [Do you want to exchange this secret book? 】

"Yes, if it takes so much luck to repair, why should I exchange it... You should know that luck is very important to me now!"


"But what? 2500 luck points, you said it, what, do you want to regret it?"

[Of course not, I just want to give you a suggestion! ]

"What suggestion?"

[The Mysterious Nether God Palm in your treasure chest, as an extraordinary middle-grade martial art, although its power is more powerful than the Seven Wounds Fist, it will collapse when it encounters a strong opponent, so it basically has no effect on you, because anyone with a little ability is stronger than you. I actually suggest that you exchange the Mysterious Nether God Palm and then repair the defects of the Seven Wounds Fist. ]

"So? How much luck can you give me for the Mysterious Nether God Palm?"

It seems that there is some negotiation in the voice of the Lord God, [How about... one thousand points? ! ]

"Two thousand, otherwise no deal!"

[One thousand and one, how about it? ]

"One thousand and five, no bargaining!"

[1200, the lowest expected price. This is the privilege only you have. You have already gotten a bargain. If an ordinary reincarnation wants to exchange for luck points, I will give him at most 500 points! ]

"1500, no bargaining!"

[1300, it really can't be higher! ]

"1500, no bargaining!!!"

[1400! The last psychological price! ]


[1500, this is my last concession. If you don't agree, then exchange for the Seven Wounds Fist! ]

"Okay, 1500!"

[Uh... okay, 1500 points, I'll exchange for you! ]

As soon as the voice fell, a treasure box floated in front of Su Jing. Wasn't it the treasure box he got from Murong Ruo before? This treasure box directly sank into the huge ball of light, and then the secret book of the Seven Wounds Fist also emerged, the handwriting on it floated for a while, and the pages turned rapidly.

After a moment, a secret book that had been changed beyond recognition fell directly into Su Ning's hands.

The Lord God asked: [In the last plane, you didn't even use your weapons. Are you interested in exchanging for luck points? If so... I can give you a discount! ]

"No thanks, I'm not interested!"

Su Jing thought to himself that I didn't use weapons because I had two free laborers, Yu Lianzhou and Ku Tou Tuo, to use. Otherwise, I might have to kill people and blood would flow. I understand the plot, but it doesn't mean that I can always find helpers... It's good to keep a weapon, even if I don't understand swordsmanship, at least it's better than fists!

Su Jing looked at his luck value, and it really changed from 1330 points to 1830 points. Although it still can't be compared with before exchanging Mingyu Gong, the luck should not be too bad!

Thinking about it, Su Jing said: "Okay, since the statistics are finished, you should send me back."

[So soon? Are you not exchanging anything anymore? If your luck is...]

"Forget it, I don't want to be the first reincarnator in history to step on a banana peel and be killed after traveling through time! I can't afford to be embarrassed..."

[Okay, I'll arrange for you to return.]

Thanks to Ran Geng for the 200 reward! Lingsha Luoxue, Xinghai Zhutian, and Target to See the Stars for the 100 reward!

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