Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 739: Do you want to just walk away after seeing me naked?

All the disciples dispersed.

Under the arrangement of Emperor Qian, the originally huge welcoming ceremony was directly transformed into a small-scale private reception.

But even though he knew it, Dao Wuya was still a little worried. Even though he was drinking tea with Emperor Qian, he still asked with some worry: "Is this really okay? Is it too rude to the envoys of the Tang Dynasty? ? It would be bad if people misunderstand that I, the Yin Yang Dao Sect, do not know etiquette."

"Hahahaha... Lao Ya, you are thinking too much. This boy named Su Jing is indeed the future prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, but he is also just like the message I sent you before. Faced with the invitation of the Tang Emperor, He refused. No matter how thirsty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty was for talents, he would never go to war for someone who had rejected her once. This time the mission was more about the Shangguan girl making the decision on her own. Hmm... Although this little girl is from the Tang Dynasty, she had a close relationship with me back then. She is considered a junior of mine, and her status is not simple... I am not hindering the Tang Dynasty, but because of my status as an elder. I went with her personally."

Qianhuang smiled and said: "Don't worry too much... As long as she makes sure that boy Su is safe and sound, basically, there will be nothing wrong with Daozong."

"That's good."

Dao Wuya sighed softly and said: "After all, twelve out of ten of my Dao Sect disciples are from the Tang Dynasty. If they are really at odds with the Tang Dynasty, it might not be a good thing... Dao Sect is not as deep as other sects, so it cannot withstand too much. A lot of waves.”

"Don't worry, come and drink tea... Also, where is the good wine you promised me? Why don't you bring it up quickly... I always drink tea, and I feel like a bird is in my mouth."

"Hahahaha, when the matter is over, if it is true as His Majesty said, good wine will naturally be served. Otherwise... I am afraid that the old man will not be in the mood to drink with His Majesty, and the wine resources will be wasted."

Dao Wuya joked that he had a good personal relationship with Emperor Qian. Since he said so, there should be no problem.

And at this time...

Shangguan Yizheng dismissed all his subordinates and walked side by side to the Tianqian Peak with Su Jing.

Along the way, you pass through beautiful and magnificent mountain and river scenery.

On the contrary, Shangguan Yi, who came here for the first time, was dazzled by the sight. He couldn't help but sigh softly: "Yin Yang Dao Sect has reached such a scale in just a few decades. It can be said that the rapid rise in this continent is unprecedented... ...However, he obviously possesses powerful power, but he has made achievements in side details. Dao Wuya really dares to think that ordinary people dare not to think. At least this kind of beautiful scenery, even I can't help but be moved. I want to build a suspended mountain in Chang’an.”

"Then your style suddenly fell off. This is Chang'an where all the people come to visit, not some fairy cave. If you do this, it will only show that the Tang Dynasty is superior, which is not a good thing."

Su Jing poured cold water on him without hesitation.

"Of course I know, and the cost is so high that it's probably beyond my ability. I just like the beautiful scenery very much."

"Once you get used to it, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will just look like that. At least if I look at it, I won't feel anything anymore."


There was an inexplicable silence between the two.

Su Jing knew some things well.

Shangguan Yi did not hesitate to travel nearly ten thousand miles to come to Daqian... was it really just to take back their so-called Prime Minister?

Li Zhao and she have a close friendship, but now that she is a noble of the Tang Dynasty, she cannot do whatever she wants, but Shangguan Yi allows her to take the initiative to tell the truth that her prime minister has been captured...

It must have cost a lot, right?

Thinking about it, Su Jing was quite moved in his heart.

"What's wrong, you suddenly look at me with such strange eyes?"

Shangguan Yi looked up at Su Jing and asked.


Su Jing smiled and said: "I just didn't expect that your power would be so great that it could even make your Majesty move. I remember that with your status, you probably don't have this right."

"Of course it's because I have another incarnation. You've seen my female body, so you should have guessed it."

Shangguan Yi seemed to have noticed something, and looked at Su Jing's face with a bit of trepidation, but she did not move her eyes away, just looked at him steadily and said, "Don't think too much, you You have sacrificed a lot for me, the Tang Dynasty. I originally thought that you would be tortured by the Taoist sect here, so I was eager to save you. But I didn’t expect that you would thrive here and prosper like a fish in water. Look, Come on, this trip is in vain."

"It's not in vain. At least if you hadn't put pressure on Dao Wuya from outside, my goal might not have been achieved so smoothly."

Su Jing smiled and said: "Anyway, I really want to thank you this time, Junxian, do you mind if I call you that?"

Shangguan Yi...

In other words, Li Junxian showed a slight smile on his face and said: "I knew you had guessed it..."

"After I saw your body, I met His Majesty's personal guard Li Junxian once again. Her expression at that time was very strange, and she seemed to be a little embarrassed. I didn't understand it at the time, but now that I think about it, any girl I’m afraid it won’t be too natural after someone has seen your body, right?”

"It's just the upper body, don't make it so ambiguous...have you ever seen anything...that...body..."

A slightly twitchy look appeared on Li Junxian's face. Recalling what happened that day, a beautiful blush appeared on her side. For a moment, she was so twitchy that she seemed to be particularly charming and charming.

She said: "Based on this, you guessed it was me?"

"Of course there are others."

Su Jing smiled and said: "You came here for the reason of saving the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty. There are only two women who are qualified and capable of sending out this spy. One is you and the other is your Majesty Li Zhao. Li Zhao Maybe he doesn't mind turning against the evil Taoist sect to save me, but at this critical moment, when everything is waiting to be done, it is impossible for Li Zhao to travel for months to find me in Daqian, thousands of miles away, so the only possibility is naturally The only one is Li Junxian. I once heard Li Zhao say that Li Junxian once studied with Xiang Huan with her, and she trusted her very much. I think the two of them should be like sisters, but it’s you who came here. …”

Thinking of the beautiful girl in armor holding a sword and wearing armor...

Su Jing sighed softly: "It's just that I never imagined that you would travel such a long distance to save me, even abandoning your duty to protect your Majesty."

"That's naturally because His Majesty has Zixiao body protection, so his life is basically not in danger, and just like you said..."

Li Junxian took a deep look at Su Jing and said: "I have a special status and it is unlikely that I will always be with someone like an ordinary daughter's family. In fact, I have very little personal time, so, I don’t have time to play around, so I come here and want to ask you bluntly, Brother Cheng, you have seen my body before, do you want to just walk away? "

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