Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 741: Love grows over time, it's all about compromise

The towering and majestic Feilai Peak, the bottomless Tianyun Pool, the magnificent Aoling Mountain, and the endless plank road hanging high in the sky...

If it weren't for Li Junxian's arrival, Su Jing himself might not know that there are so many beautiful scenery for people to enjoy in this Yin-Yang Taoist Sect.

And if it weren't for Li Junxian, Su Jing probably wouldn't have the idea of ​​traveling with others.

In just three days...

The two of them traveled all over the Yin-Yang Taoist Sect, which attracted a lot of hot eyes.

There was no way, Li Junxian still acted as Shangguan Yi, wearing a man's outfit, especially handsome and pretty, plus Su Jing's appearance was now at least 70% like his mother, two handsome boys traveled together, in an intimate manner...

Let those Taoist nuns really be intoxicated, for a while, unknowingly, Su Jing actually established a high prestige in the minds of those female disciples!

Or reputation...

During these three days, Su Jing did not practice again, and Li Junxian did not follow the normal process. You know, foreign envoys must have a detailed discussion with the local leaders as soon as possible when they go to a foreign country...

She actually completely ignored Emperor Qian and Dao Wuya.

Su Jing once asked Li Junxian about this problem. Would it really not cause problems in the diplomatic relations between the two countries?

If you just throw Emperor Qian aside, will he really not get angry and think that he has been insulted, and then go to attack Tang in a rage?

The Tang Dynasty can't stand the war now, right?

And this behavior of completely forgetting official duties seems to be slightly different from the serious and rigid girl I knew before.

Is it because I have completely let myself go?

"Because time is really too limited."

Li Junxian complained to Su Jing, with a coquettish tone in her voice that she herself could not detect.

"Besides, Emperor Qian and I actually have some fate. Strictly speaking, he is also my elder, so he will help me do what I should do, and he won't care about being rude."

It can be seen that Li Junxian really cherishes the free time in these three days.

Every day before dawn, she would go to Su Jing's room to find him, and she would not say goodbye to him reluctantly until it was dark and everything was quiet.

Even for things like eating, she was unwilling to let others do it, but went hunting with great interest. The girl who did not show her talent was actually a very strong master, and her swordsmanship was quite neat and tidy. It was a pity that it seemed that she had the skills to slay dragons, but she had no place to use them. Even if she beheaded a mere chicken with one sword...she was very excited.

Seeing the girl's pretty face flushed with excitement, and even a few small transparent beads of sweat on the tip of her nose, Su Jing really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought that being Li Zhao's personal bodyguard really made this girl feel suffocated. But it was true. The dignified Tang Emperor, the most noble person in the Tang Dynasty, if even she could be in danger, it would probably only be possible when the Tang Dynasty was facing the danger of extinction.

In fact, even in the last rebellion of the Five Surnames and Seven Families, she didn't seem to do much.

"It's a pity that you have such a unique skill. At such a young age, you have already achieved the cultivation of the Sea of ​​Gods. It can be seen that you must have suffered a lot when you were practicing martial arts?"

Seeing Li Junxian happily disemboweling a cute rabbit, her face full of novelty did not allow Su Jing to intervene at all. In her words, she had never cooked for anyone before. This was the first time she could cook for someone she liked, so she must have performed well.

Even though her cooking skills were a little rusty, Su Jing had no intention of stopping her.

It was just a little unpalatable anyway, but how could it be worse than the food in the Afang Palace that had no oil or water at all?

It was better not to let down the beautiful woman's kindness.

However, Li Junxian seemed quite dissatisfied when she heard Su Jing's words with some regret. She glanced at Su Jing and said, "I am older than you."


Su Jing was surprised and said, "It doesn't look like..."

"That's because you are mature at a young age, and I look younger. I am the same age as His Majesty. You call His Majesty Sister Zhao, so I should be your sister. Come on, call me Sister Xian."

Li Junxian's eyes were teasing.

"Don't even think about it."

Su Jing flatly refused.

Li Junxian laughed, "I didn't expect that I would fall in love with a man younger than me."

"But I don't have much texture."

Watching the rabbit meat gradually burn under the heat of the flame, the rich meat aroma gradually became extremely pungent, but Li Junxian was at a loss and continued to roll on the flame. Su Jing smiled and said, "We haven't met many times, and you suddenly came over so eagerly and told me that you like me..."

"How long does it take to like someone?"

Li Junxian looked at Su Jing steadily.

The roasted rabbit that was originally rotating curiously stopped moving, and was just stuck in the flames. She looked at Su Jing steadily, with waves in her eyes, and said, "Is it really love that grows over time? I think it's a kind of compromise in the name of love because you are used to having someone around you...True love should be love at first sight, and after getting to the bottom of it, you still believe that the other person is the person you want in your life..."

The two of them played all over the Yin-Yang Dao Sect in the past two days!

During the process, the two of them never talked about this topic again, as if they were really just friends, as if Li Junxian had never said that she admired Su Jing, and Su Jing didn't know her feelings for him... The two of them were just ordinary travel buddies.

Su Jing could see that Li Junxian had never really let go and had fun, so he didn't want these things to bother her happy mind.

But after all, the time was too short...

It was only three days, and now it has passed.

That means tomorrow, Li Junxian will leave.

She wanted an answer, even if it was negative.

It really won't work if she doesn't make it clear.

"You mean, you fell in love with me at first sight?"

"Yes, I fell in love with you at first sight."

After Li Junxian finished speaking, he shrugged his nose and said in confusion: "No, what's the smell?!"

Su Jing smiled and said: "Nothing, it's just that the rabbit you roasted has been completely burnt."


Li Junxian was startled and looked at the rabbit stuck straight into the fire.

Now, it can only be barely recognized from the appearance that it is a rabbit...but its inside has completely turned into charcoal.

Even if Su Jing had thought that even if it tasted a little bad, it was a gift from a beautiful woman, but now...

Even if it was the gift of the king of heaven, something that cannot be eaten cannot be eaten after all.

" rabbit..."

Li Junxian screamed loudly, not caring about the burning flames, and hurriedly reached out to pick up the rabbit in panic, not caring about the heat, trying to put out the sparks on it.

But the rabbit has been completely carbonized, how can it be saved?

Apart from the smoke and black dust, the rabbit still looked dead, without any change.

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