Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 765 It was you who was behind all this.

"What? Is it Young Master Eleven?"

"How is this possible... Master Eleven has been missing for a long time, hasn't he? It is said that he died in an unknown corner somewhere."

"But his appearance does seem to be that of the Eleventh Young Master. I used to be a guard in Prince Qin's palace, and I had the honor to see Princess Qingxin's appearance. He...his appearance is very similar to hers!"


Knowing that the murderer turned out to be the eleventh son of the Qin Kingdom, the expressions of all the Black Dragon Guards suddenly changed slightly, but the previous hostility was inexplicable, and they all turned into looks of fear.

How should I put it... Qin Zheng Tianwei had already left an indelible trace in their hearts. Now that they knew that this person was actually a blood relative of His Majesty, most of their hatred of the same enemy disappeared instantly, or in other words, they did not dare to Have a spirit of resistance.

"What are you afraid of?!"

An excited expression appeared on Wang Ben's face. He looked at Su Jing as if he were looking at a prey waiting to be slaughtered. He laughed and said, "Have you forgotten that His Majesty has completely turned a blind eye to this kid from the beginning? Even Because he killed the young master Qin Hai, His Majesty issued an arrest order for him, and the Wang family also gave him a large sum of money. Whoever kills him will be granted the title of marquis and prime minister in the future, hahahaha! !”

As soon as these words came out.

All the Black Dragon Guards had excited expressions on their faces.

Indeed, although he is His Majesty's heir, he is indeed a key criminal wanted by the empire, and the reward from the Wang family, the Shengyang Qi Replenishing Pill, is a real benefit.

The weapon that was about to be put down was firmly held in his hand again.

"It seems that you have convinced me."

Su Jing smiled slightly and said: "Wang Ben, Wang Ben, do you still think that I am the Chu Nan who was bullied by you and Qin Hai? Do you really think that if I am not completely sure, I will be unprepared? Appear in front of you?"

"I don't know if I'm sure, but I know... we've been looking for you for two years!"

Wang Ben shouted coldly: "My nephew was killed, and my father became seriously ill. Chu Nan, the hatred between you and my Wang family has already spread across three rivers and it will be difficult to wash away. Even if I bring you back alive, , the reward is more generous. It’s a pity that you appeared in the wrong place and fell into my hands. I will go back directly with your head. I can still do the job and kill him!”


The Black Dragon Guards all responded!

Even though he is the Eleventh Young Master, he is also a wanted criminal who has killed many of their colleagues. He and others are not allowed to harm his life, but even if they catch him, there must be many rewards, right? !

Thinking of this, the courage of the remaining nine Black Dragon Guards suddenly surged in their hearts. They each waved their weapons and rushed towards Su Jing.

These people obviously cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding. In the blink of an eye, their weapons intertwined and their steps were neat and tidy. In just a few breaths, they had directly blocked the front, rear, left, right, top and bottom of Su Jing's position. In the blink of an eye, he had already There is no way to heaven and no way to earth.

The weapons overlapped and were passed directly towards Su Jing!

Su Jing's expression did not change, but he secretly sighed in his heart that the Black Dragon Guard was really powerful. Although the individual strength was not too strong, they cooperated with each other so well. If you think about the status of these people, it is only equivalent to the elite soldiers of other countries. You can imagine How elite were the Qin soldiers?

No wonder Qin and Chu fought and dynasties changed. Except for the Xia Dynasty, which foolishly ran to pick up the bargain and was beaten and fled for three thousand miles, neither the Tang Dynasty nor the Great Qian Dynasty took advantage of others' danger. Their feelings were not that they didn't want to, but It’s a rat-proof weapon!

Any one of these people is enough to compete with me who just left Afang Palace...

It's a pity that I am no longer Wu Xia Amon.

Su Jing sneered, and did not draw his sword. He just slowly raised his hands. Facing the weapons that were directed towards his vital points at the same time, he suddenly turned his hands. In the palms of his hands, there was endless true energy, which alternated between hot and cold. Ice and fire...

Everyone's expressions changed at the same time, and they felt that the weapons in their hands were stabbing directly at their colleagues as if they were out of control.

What's more, everything happened in a flash of lightning, but even they themselves didn't realize that the weapons were already within easy reach of their colleagues.

It seemed that with Su Jing as the center of the circle, nine people were fighting each other. Everyone was attacked by each other, but Su Jing was the only one in the middle of everyone, but no one's weapon was pointing towards him!

"withdraw troops!"

The person headed by the Black Dragon Guard was an elite in the Divine Sea Realm, but he still couldn't avoid Su Jing's casual move. His expression changed drastically, he shouted loudly, and hit his right hand with a heavy palm with his left hand, causing his arm to go numb. He has loosened his grip on the weapon...

When the others heard the order, although they had not yet reacted, years of orders had made them instinctively loosen their weapons.

Swish, swish, swish...

There were several sounds, and the weapon let go.

The weapons that lost control suddenly lost their accuracy and grazed past them. However, two of them were unable to withdraw their hands in time, but they directly caused the two colleagues on the opposite side to scream in agony and were killed by the knife!

Just one turn.

All nine people's weapons were thrown away, and two people died tragically on the spot...

"Good boy, it was you who was responsible for this!"

It was still unclear before, but now he saw with his own eyes that Su Jing had inexplicably deflected the opponent's attack. Wang Ben had a good memory and instantly thought of... the mystery of Qin Hai's serious injury.

And it was precisely because of this incident that he angered His Majesty even more, and he no longer valued him, so that he fell into this situation now.

Thinking of this, he was furious and shouted: "Get out of my way, I want to kill this kid with my own hands!"

As he said this, he saw Su Jing was surrounded in an encirclement...

He shouted loudly, jumped up, like a roc spreading its wings, and a dark shadow covered Su Jing's whole body, falling from the sky...

He put all his strength into a palm.

Inside the palm, the flames were crisscrossed, and the heat was unparalleled!

The Flame-Bearing Divine Fire Art!!!

Wang Ben practiced this technique, and his strength was more than a hundred times stronger than Qin Hai at the beginning. The scorching airflow instantly burned the weeds in the cracks of the surrounding walls into charcoal...

The invisible palm power enveloped Su Jing's body for a few feet, so that he could not find any chance to escape!

But why should I escape? !

Su Jing sneered, and put his index and middle fingers together to form a sword finger, mixed with Yuxiao's magical power, and used all his strength to attack Guiyuan... The left hand's wedding dress magic was as hot and violent as magma, not inferior to the Qingyan Divine Fire Art at all! And the Mingyu Qi in the right hand was as cold as the cold thorns of the Nine Netherworlds, icy and piercing.

Both hands met Wang Ben's single palm at the same time!

Within the fingertips...

The wedding dress magic and Mingyu Qi were entangled like a spiral, intertwined endlessly, and intertwined to meet the Qingyan Divine Fire Art!

With a loud bang.

The invisible sound waves swept around, shaking all the surrounding Black Dragon Guards away. Even the most powerful Black Dragon Guards in the Divine Sea Realm could not resist this surging power and could not get close at all.

Wang Ben's face turned pale. He felt that although the other party's true energy was one, it seemed to have two completely different characteristics. It was either hot and violent, not inferior to the Qingyan Divine Fire Art, or cold and icy, and it was tit-for-tat with the Qingyan Divine Fire Art. In terms of quality, it was even superior to his own family's martial arts!

How could this guy have such completely contradictory martial arts at the same time, and even like this...

His mind was shocked inexplicably.

He thought of the most supreme treasure of his Wang family that he had wanted but could not get, but was given to his nephew.

"Ahhhh... Chu Nan, I want your life!!!"

Wang Ben screamed madly.

Thanks to book friends 160709105115983 and Xinghai Zhutian for their 100 rewards!

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