Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 799 You two really have a deep brother-sister relationship

in the next few days.

Su Jing naturally practiced more diligently every day.

With the help of the Evil Emperor's relics, although the power in the body has not improved rapidly, it has never encountered a bottleneck. Every day, there are almost extremely new changes.

In the end, Ao Hongxue couldn't stand it anymore.

Her current situation is basically similar to that of Su Jing. In her body, she is also embedded with the Scarlet Sky Jade Pendant. Her endless vitality has brought great changes to her. At the very least, she only sleeps for an hour every day, or even does not sleep at all. Not sleeping has no effect on her so far, and she has always maintained a high-spirited attitude.

Moreover, the skin becomes more and more moist and shiny. If you keep a certain posture without moving, you may be misunderstood as a peerless beauty carved from natural jade.

Feeling the many miraculous changes in himself, he knew what kind of evil thing the young master possessed in his body. The Evil Emperor's relic was not a good thing according to its name, let alone the extremely evil aura inside it... ...She really didn't want Su Jing to absorb too much essence inside.

It's a pity that Su Jing is not someone she can control, and so far, he has only benefited from the evil emperor's relics. As for those extremely evil auras, they really have no effect on him at all.

For a moment, Ao Hongxue had no reason to stop him.

But even so...

She was still quite worried, and even she was surprised by her thoughts. She didn't expect that she would turn into someone like an old woman. In the past, others had advised her not to work too hard, but now , I would actually worry about someone like this.

I can only blame the young master for working too hard.

She had no choice but to find any excuse to persuade him to go out more and practice hard in seclusion. Her own cultivation might be greatly improved, but it would be harmful to the broadening of her horizons and realm.

What Ao Hongxue said seemed to make sense.

In addition, Qin Qiong has not returned for a long time...

Su Jing's thoughts also changed. From the beginning, he wanted to wait for her to come back and take a look at her from afar. But now, he felt that if he didn't take the initiative to find her, his trip might be completely in vain. No one could see her at all.

Is she avoiding me?

Su Jing was puzzled, but now that Ling Tianzong was aware of his existence, he naturally no longer had to hide it secretly like before. At the moment, he was able to browse the entire Shenyan Sect openly.

As long as Ao Hongxue had free time, she would be there to keep her company.

In just a few days...

His footprints have spread all over the Shenyan Sect, and he has visited almost all the scenery except the forbidden areas.

Although the weather in Shenyan Sect was much hotter than that in ordinary places, there was only one place that he liked quite a lot.

It was a small and quiet lake...

The surrounding grass is lush and colorful, leaning against the cliff, and it is quiet and silent.

Even Ao Hongxue could not imagine that there would be such an elegant place in the huge Shenyan Sect. If Su Jing Yujian had not taken her to fly around in the sky, she might not have noticed this place.

But Su Jing likes it here because of other reasons...

The scene here is quite familiar.

Speaking of which, it is quite similar to the creek that he and Xiaoqiong passed by when they were going to and from school in Afang Palace.

There, he and Mo Mengsheng began to have a friendship, and it was also there that Xiao Qiong secretly kissed him when he said goodbye.

Thinking about it now, it feels like a lifetime ago.

But this did not prevent Su Jing from falling in love with the elegant scenery here. He spent most of the day here to escape the heat... lying under the tree, quietly watching the sun in the sky teasing the clouds.

It felt like I was back in Afang Palace, but I no longer had the gloomy mood I had at that time.

When I think about it, I feel better immediately...

And sometimes when the mood strikes, he jumps into the lake and takes a dip.

After all, the weather in the Shenyan Sect is hot. Although he has great skills and has long been immune to the cold and heat, his habit for many years is still there. In hot weather, he always wants to dive into the water... He even has an intuition that he can't survive here. After living there for just a few days, I found a place that was very similar to the place where the two of them fell in love...ahem, there was no reason why Xiaoqiong couldn't find it.

She must come here to play from time to time, right?

Su Jing knew his sister and was sure that she would definitely stay here for a long time. So, wouldn't waiting in Taoyuan Villa be the same as waiting here?

Moreover, there are many weeds and wildflowers here. If she appears then, it will be very convenient for me to hide my traces.

Well, it's too late now. The next experience is not close, but it's not far either. But it's just right. If I arrive at Tianyahai Pavilion empty-handed, I'm afraid I won't be sincere enough... I'd better wait until the next experience. , exchanged for Tianxiang cardamom, and then went to pick up Yue'er and Lingyue to go back to Yin Yang Daozong for treatment.

Anyway, if he flew with his sword at full strength, he would be able to reach Tianya Hai Pavilion in just a few days at most.


Basically it doesn’t delay too many things.

After making up his mind, Su Jing settled down in the Shenyan Sect with greater peace of mind.

And this day...

As usual, Su Jing came here to play after breakfast.

"Young master seems to like this place very much."

Ao Hongxue personally accompanied Su Jing and sat in the lush wild grass, surrounded by sparse flowers. The scenery was quite pleasant.

With a kind smile on her face, she held Su Jing's head and let him lean on her lap...

Could it be...the legendary knee pillow! ! !

To be honest, Su Jing was actually quite hesitant, but seeing Ao Hongxue's determination, he had no choice but to agree with a bit of embarrassment.

Lying on your side is actually much more comfortable than that warm and fragrant soft couch.

Ao Hongxue's thighs are slender and warm. Although they are slender, they are not too skinny. They are the type that look very thin but feel fleshy, and the touch is quite first-class.

Su Jing just leaned on...

Listening to Ao Hongxue whispering some harmless gossip to herself, nothing serious, but listening to the sweet voice swaying gently in her ears like wind chimes.

My mind couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

"Young Master seems to like the scenery here very much?"

Su Jing closed her eyes comfortably and whispered: "Well, this place is quite similar to the scene that Xiaoqiong and I used to have in Afang Palace. At that time, the two of us often chatted and played there. How should I put it? In Afang Palace, my identity is discriminated against everywhere, so I can relax only there when no one else is around.”

Ao Hongxue suggested: "Then how about I just encircle this place?! When the time comes, only the young master is allowed to come here..."

"Why bother, these days, I often play here, and I don't see anyone coming. I guess there are no people in the deep mountains and forests. Don't be so overbearing. If someone gossips about you, the young sect leader, wouldn't it be wrong? Not mine anymore?”

Su Jing smiled, closed his eyes and said, "Anyway, there are actually only three of us here..."


"Xiao Qiong will definitely come here."

Su Jing smiled and said: "I know her well. Her whereabouts are actually very fixed and she doesn't like to go to strange places. Therefore, there must be a secret base that is not known to others and that she often goes to. I guess this is it. "

"Young Master really understands Xiao Qiong."

Ao Hongxue gently reached out and stroked Su Jing's delicate brow, and said softly: "It seems that you brother and sister have a really good relationship."

"Of was all about her back then."

Su Jingxiao said something and her breathing gradually calmed down.

Surrounded by delicate fragrance, the warm air does not feel hot at all. Instead, it is like the sun in winter, bringing endless warmth.

Just lying like that, looking at the beautiful snow-white face above her head, I felt a trace of sleepiness coming over me.

"Master, are you sleepy?!"

There was a hint of smile in Ao Hongxue's voice.

Su Jing hummed.

"Then young master, please sleep for a while, Hongxue will guard you..."

Ao Hongxue pursed her lips and smiled, with a playful smile in her eyes. She even raised the hem of her skirt slightly and placed it on Su Jing's body.

It is as if I am your bed and I am your quilt.

Su Jing smiled and nodded...slowly closing his eyes, and gradually, everything in front of him fell into darkness.

Recommend a friend's new book "Mythical Primitive Species"! Is the end of science the end of myth? When humans are already like gods, does that mean we have explored the end of the universe?

Humans are already like gods, but myths will never end.

What we need is not just resources, but civilization itself.

Feng Linwen: What fake? Who dares to call me fake? My life is pure and flawless.

Just pretend and run away, hehe, it’s so exciting. ! ! !

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