Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 818 Nemesis

That moment just now...

He actually couldn't feel the slightest breath of that girl at all, as if she was completely hidden in the darkness, blending in with the darkness without any trace.

Even the nerves that were extremely tense due to the opponent's attack relaxed in an instant, as if... the attack just now had never happened.

Although he knew that the other party was still surrounding him, his body couldn't help but relax.

Oops! ! !

His pupils shrank and he shouted: "Everyone, be careful!"

After the words fell, he raised his hand, and the four-sided soul flags slanted behind his back rose up with trembling hands, flying around in the air, firmly protecting himself...

Although people are slacking off, the magic weapon will not slack off and can still protect their own safety.

But around him...

However, shrill screams sounded one after another, and the demon sect members gathered around seemed to have suffered an invisible blow. The dozen or so people closest to them all fell to the ground.

Red blood spattered and corpses were everywhere.

"Do it!"

Su Jing also shouted loudly, and Murong Ruo's Ice Wolf Sword, which was already ready to go, was unsheathed. The already extremely cold ancient temple suddenly became even colder. There was frost in the air, and the shadow of the sword flickered. She had directly He rushed into the encirclement of those demon sect members.

The sword moves like a dragon, twisting and turning, unparalleled...

The murderous intention was already in his heart.

Although the Ten Swords of Extreme Emotions are swords that enter the Tao, their attack power is slightly weaker after all. But now that Murong Ruo was so angry, his sword was hard and his heart was cold, and his attack was so fierce that it seemed like the Dugu Nine Swords, but it was even more fierce and decisive.

The Ten Swords of Extreme Passion...there are ten styles in total.

Most of them are moves that mainly focus on trapping people and secondary on killing enemies.

But now, with the help of the rage in her heart, she has once again mastered a move, the most lethal one among the Ten Swords of Extreme Swords! ! !

There are thousands of sword shadows, dense and dense.

A sword thrust out, but the sword energy was criss-crossed and airtight...

Amidst the shrill screams, for the first time in his life, Murong Ruo showed no mercy. All the members of the Demon Cult within three feet of him died miserably. They were all accomplished masters of Taoism, but in front of him... But she didn't even have the slightest ability to resist the angry Murong Ruo.

"You are so bold that you dare to kill people from my demon sect. Today, I will definitely make you all become one of these skeletons!"

Seeing that the weird little girl missed him, she turned to attack his subordinates...

On normal days, he would naturally not take the death of these subordinates seriously, but today, it was quite different.

Wouldn't it be bad if we taught that person to misunderstand his own limited abilities?

The demon sect protector roared angrily, and the several soul flags behind him no longer surrounded him. They flew towards Murong Ruo as if they were spiritual beings. The power of blue thunder attached to them seemed to be terrifying.

These flags are soul-calling flags that he refined from the souls of thousands of children. They are extremely powerful. Even when facing the most powerful magic weapon of the righteous path, they are not inferior at all. This time, when he attacks with all his strength, the magic thunder is everywhere and the Yin Qi is scattered. , but in the blink of an eye... Murong Ruo has been trapped in it, giving him no chance to escape!

"Hey, little virgin, if you fall into my hands, today, you will definitely have no choice but to live or die, so you should just obediently become a spirit under my summoning banner, hahahaha."

The Demon Cult Protector smiled proudly.

Murong Ruo was speechless. Seeing that he was in a dangerous situation, he did not panic at all. Instead, he raised his magic weapon, jumped into the air and stabbed the demon sect protector with a sword. Seeing that he had no chance of returning, he seemed to be trying to kill him. Use all your own skills to make that throw and fight hard.

But in the eyes of the Demon Cult Protector, although this girl's strength is not outstanding, she is not in his eyes. If she goes all out, she is just a mantis using her arms as a chariot, and is of no importance at all. The Soul-Calling Banner can easily turn her body into pieces. When the time comes, the soul will be sucked in...

The proud thoughts have not yet faded away.

His pupils shrank suddenly, but he saw the man in red make a random move, and a small sword that was only half the length of an ordinary weapon flew out of his body. The flying sword was as red as blood, but it was sprinkled with snowflakes. Red and white, really beautiful.

Flying sword! ! !

It was obviously the first time he saw such a weird weapon, but the devil's guardian still had this shocking thought in his mind...

This is the real flying sword. In comparison, the weapons used by those famous and decent sects are probably just the clumsiest long swords, but this sword is truly the most suitable posture for flying swords.

The flying sword came first, and although it came out from the young man's hand, it flew in front of the girl holding the sword first, and stabbed at the soul-calling flag blocking her!

Obviously the momentum is not that terrifying, but the flying sword itself seems to have extremely scorching power. It is infinitely majestic and dazzling. It feels like a sun rising from near the soul-calling flag...

His extremely cold magic power quickly began to melt like ice and snow exposed to the sun.

And the soul-calling flag seemed to have encountered a nemesis. It was cut into two pieces directly under the flying sword, and pure white flames ignited on it...

Then, the flying sword was like a broken bamboo, coming towards him!


One of the four soul-calling flags was broken directly by the opponent's sword. The pupils of the Demon Sect's protector shrank, and his figure suddenly became illusory. Obviously, although this young man was powerful, he was not outstanding in his opinion, but the opponent's The weapon contains extremely magical power, even compared to the legendary Haotian Mirror that contains awe-inspiring righteousness.

This is the nemesis of the weapon he uses.

Seeing the blazing flying sword and the cold long sword joining forces, advancing hand in hand, sealing off all the places where one could dodge!

He gritted his teeth and decided to cut off his wrist.

Without hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the flying sword that looked extremely hot!

The sharp flying sword was directly held in Shengsheng's hand.

The extremely hot feeling burned all the flesh and blood in his palms in an instant, and even the white flames burned blazingly, contaminating it. But in the blink of an eye, even his arms...


Roaring crazily, the Demon Cult Protector was half angry and half roaring. His arms suddenly fell off his shoulders, and even the flying sword was tightly stuck in the palm of his hand. After all, his bones were tougher than those of mortals. There were so many, even the divine flames of the Divine Phoenix could not burn through them for a while. The flying swords shook one after another, and they could not escape the control of his palm!

At the cost of sacrificing his arms, he was finally able to contain the opponent's flying sword.

The purity of this flying sword is not inferior to the mighty power of the Haotian Mirror. Even if it is me, I am afraid that I will die if I am stabbed.

He gasped softly.

look up……

The cold sword that he ignored was already close at hand.

But he is just a mortal soldier, so he still wants to harm his body that has almost become a Yin God?

A sarcastic smile appeared in his pupils... He opened his mouth and bit into the Ice Wolf Sword!

Thanks to Unlucky Boy 2 for the 1000 reward! 500 reward from the second Western leader! 100 reward from XSXAS and Xinghaizhetian!

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