Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 853: Frustrated


A strange look suddenly appeared on the blood demon's face.

It is very strange that as Haoran's righteousness is continuously released from the body, the power in his body is also constantly increasing. Even the now weakened purple and green swords cannot threaten him at all. After a moment, it was enough to completely crush the two people in front of them.

Although he was also very surprised, why the union of ordinary people only lasted for a moment, but these two people had been united for such a long time, but they still seemed to be unfinished?

But what's even stranger is...

"what happened?!"

I had slowly pulled out the purple and green swords, but now, they have been completely pulled out of my body. As soon as I have accumulated enough strength, I will immediately kill the master of the purple and green swords. Not only that, but also Only if his soul is completely held in his hands can he be tortured day and night.

But now, the power of the purple and green swords suddenly increased a lot, and it actually came towards his chest again.

Then, the skin was pierced, and the bright red blood slowly dripped down the blades of the two swords, staining the purple and green swords into a burning red.

How could his power suddenly become so powerful? !

The Blood Demon was extremely shocked... and then suddenly realized that it was not the other party's strength that was increasing, but his own that was weakening again.

The Haoran's righteousness that had been released from his body unexpectedly returned to his body again.

"How is it? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Su Jing gritted his teeth, his body was already rolling like three rivers, and his internal organs were aching.

The awe-inspiring righteousness is the foundation of all cultivation in the righteous way. Its purity and quality are unparalleled by ordinary people. Even if the seven stars have been shifted and its power has been greatly weakened, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. This is still not the case. Su Jing can compete.

That is to say, while Su Jing is absorbing it, he is constantly transferring Haoran's righteousness to the Blood Demon. In other words, the Blood Demon's side is expelling Haoran's righteousness, but on his side, he is also transferring this Haoran's righteousness. Haoran's righteousness restrained itself and was re-instilled into his body.

"how did you do it?!"

The Blood Demon screamed in shock, even he couldn't bear the awe-inspiring righteousness. This boy with far less magical power than himself could actually do it... Who is he?

Su Jing gritted his teeth and didn't care to answer.

Haoran's temperament is too pure and pure. After all, Su Jing's skill is still insufficient. When he keeps transferring flowers and jade to the outside, there is still an extremely small part left. But even if there is only a trace left, this is a monk in the world after all. The foundation for a foothold... is completely beyond what his level can bear.

In other words, Su Jing's Zifu Consciousness Sea is an infinite universe. Otherwise, he would have been bleeding from all his orifices, and his brain would have been squeezed into white pulp.

Even so, for the first time in his life, Su Jing still felt a bit of pain. It felt like he was suffocating in water. His whole brain was buzzing and he couldn't hear what the person on the other side was saying. , even the face that was exactly the same as his own gradually became blurred.

All he could do was to desperately run the Taoist cultivation techniques in his body, rotating Mercury over and over again, rotating Venus over and over again, and even forcefully pushing the movement of the third star, Mars!

Once the third star is activated, the power required is so powerful that it is even greater than Venus and Mercury combined. Su Jing suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

At the moment, I forcefully pushed Mars to move, but I couldn't help but smile bitterly in my heart, thinking that this probably means that the whole world is helping me practice, right?

I dare not stop for a moment...


The blood demon roared angrily. He was horrified to find that the speed of the Haoran's righteousness that the other party was transporting into his body was getting faster and faster. From the beginning, it was just barely equal, but later, it was even faster than the speed that he was expelling. many!

He was forced into a weakened state, and the purple and green swords stabbed deeper and deeper. The blades were covered with red blood, and he could even hear the thumping of his heartbeat.

The sword was already very close to his heart.

Will I die under the purple and green swords? To die in such humiliation...

For the first time in his life, the Blood Demon regretted his greed. If he had not thought about swallowing up Haoran's righteousness at that time, but entered the demon world directly, by now, he would have learned the supreme magic and become invincible in the world, even if there are still demons in the world. Those righteous people, but how can these righteous people compare with themselves?


"I'm not convinced!!!"

With his unyielding will, the blood demon grasped the tips of the purple and green swords, and the two sides immediately reached a stalemate.

At this time, Su Jing's condition was also extremely bad. Mercury was rotating week after week, and Venus was rotating week after week. Along with this, Mars, which should have been quietly meditating for a while before starting to rotate, was also in this world. Under the urging of the original power, the life and death operation was completed directly.

Within the sea of ​​consciousness...

The third planet, Venus and Mercury, each moves in its own unique trajectory without stopping at all.


The second level of refining qi and transforming into a god!

Even so, the powerful origin still did not stop. After pushing the third star to completion, it also forced the operation of the fourth star, Jupiter... Under the violent shock in the body, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was in turmoil, and the huge word "Tao" below the universe also trembled with the entry of the righteous energy. The cracks on it that were originally extremely conspicuous and eye-catching were repaired by the righteous energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It became a complete word "Tao".

Even the fourth star was operated more than half in the blink of an eye...

Oops, if this goes on, I will die first with a brain explosion!

Su Jing knew that if he continued to break through like this, it would be a real bad thing. He didn't care that he was in a state of unity with Qu Wuyi at the moment. He used his own skills to fight against the blood demon. His spiritual consciousness was running, and his mind shouted: "Meteor shower!"

The fire magic of the Five Spirits Magic was launched without hesitation. Even, under the blessing of his mind, he instinctively urged the fire magic.

Then, the roar of the flames exploded.

From the sky, a huge flaming meteor fell towards the direction where the blood demon was standing...

The meteor hit the blood demon!

The blood demon suddenly emitted extremely scorching smoke, and his face looked even more painful.

To Su Jing's surprise, the last time he used the Five Spirits Immortal Art to attack the blood demon, it didn't have any effect, but now the power of the fire magic is more than twice as strong as before?

What kind of flame is on the meteor? It is clearly scorching magma, dripping hot, and the flames are like a river, converging and flowing. The power is so strong that even the naked eye can see it at a glance. Compared with the past, it is more than a world of difference?

Mars... can actually make my fire magic so much more powerful?

Su Jing was secretly shocked, and then ecstatic.

Thanks to Yang Guang Chu Sheng, Xing Hai Zhu Tian, ​​and book friend 20180802140930828 for the 100 rewards!

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