Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 956 You are actually a good girl

As a supervisory team!

The five were the first to arrive on the isolated island...

On the beach, Ao Hongxue gathered the other people and said solemnly: "Now the Daowu battle is about to begin. According to the route given by our Shenyan Sect, all the disciples will arrive on this isolated island one after another within one day. However, the locations where they go to the island are different, and they may not be willing to follow the map, so it is estimated that it will be even more chaotic by then!"

"Then is our mission to end the chaos?"

With a charming voice, Yan Lingji took two steps forward and sighed softly: "To be honest, I don't like this job very much. I prefer to create chaos rather than ending chaos..."

As she spoke, there was a light bang in her palm, and a burst of hot flames ignited.

The red flames swayed and looked a bit moving.

"In fact, your mission is not to end the chaos. You just think too much."

As she spoke, Ao Hongxue stretched out her hand.

Without any gesture, and even without the flow of Qi, the flame in Yan Lingji's palm was extinguished immediately, leaving only a little white frost falling.

She said seriously: "Sister Su doesn't know martial arts, and the flames are violent and can easily hurt people. If innocent people are injured by mistake, it will be bad. So, Miss Yan, I know you are very powerful, but don't be too ostentatious."

Yan Lingji was stunned and looked at her palm in confusion. Her flames were not extinguished, but were directly eaten by the woman in red opposite.

Use the body...

Is her body made entirely of flames?

Or is it that the Fire Spirit Body is such a magical thing...

"It's getting more and more interesting, Ao Hongxue, right? I'm really interested in you. After all, as a woman, you like playing with fire just like me."

Yan Lingji licked her index finger gently and smiled, "In the future, we can get closer."

Ao Hongxue ignored her, but Su Moru couldn't help but sighed softly and said, "Miss Yan, right?"

"Why, does this sister Su have any advice?"

"I don't dare to give advice, but everyone present is a woman, you can actually You don't have to pretend to be so charming, after all, you can't seduce anyone..."

Yan Lingji said innocently: "But I am like this."

"If you really look like a seductive woman, how come you are still a virgin?"

Su Moru sighed: "I am a doctor, so I can see more clearly than ordinary people. So Miss Yan, you are a good girl, why do you pretend to be a bad girl?"

Yan Lingji: "……………………………………………………"

It was the first time that she was called a good girl, and she didn't know how to respond.

Su Moru secretly glanced at Qu Wuyi, thinking that the real bad girl was here.

But her love affair can't be said to be bad... It should be said that the guy who took Miss Qu's red pill is the real bad one, how could he bear it?

Qu Wuyi had no idea that she was being plotted. She snorted softly and asked, "Don't say unnecessary words. What exactly is our mission?"

"In order to prevent people from cheating, the map of the Daowu battle will become smaller and smaller. I will give each of you a map later. The map will mark the locations. The four of us will guard the four sides of the isolated island. When the time comes, someone will give you a signal, and you will need to force these wandering sect members to rush to the designated location."

"Don't stop the chaos?"

Yan Lingji asked. Perhaps because she was concerned about Su Moru, she was more serious this time. However, she couldn't hide her interest in Ao Hongxue's eyes. Obviously, she was quite competitive with this woman who was dressed in red like her but looked as transparent as a fairy.

Ao Hongxue replied: "What we want is chaos. The more chaotic it is, the more it can reflect a person's ability. Of course, if someone really violates humanity and does something despicable and shameless, you will also need to stop it!"

"For example..."

"For example, as far as I know, Yin Xiu has a poison that can turn living people into moving corpses. This poison is highly contagious. If it is not controlled, it is likely to develop into a world where the entire continent becomes a living dead. It is precisely because of this that Yin Xiu has fallen from one of the hundred cultivators in the past to the current situation where it is almost non-existent!"

"I understand."

Yan Lingji smiled and said: "You just made an analogy and did not give a detailed charter. In other words, the so-called humanity or inhumanity is actually judged by ourselves...right? Is it really okay to give such wide power?"

"If you go too far, I will stop you!"

"That is to say, just don't go too far... Got it."

Yan Lingji smiled as if targeting Ao Hongxue, "Then I have a friend in this trial, if she is in danger..."

"As long as it is within the scope I give you, you can help her!"

Ao Hongxue smiled slightly and said, "You are here on behalf of the Qin Dynasty, so I will not restrict you too much."

Yan Lingji nodded, and suddenly said, "If I have an enemy... I want to target him, of course, just a little bit, and I don't mean to attack him, okay?"

Ao Hongxue nodded and said, "As long as you don't take action, it's fine!"

Su Moru glanced at Yan Lingji, thinking that the representative of the Qin Dynasty... is from the Jixia Sword Palace?

I wonder if she knows about Su Jing’s wanted order?

Could the so-called target be Su Jing? Well...probably not. Su Jing's appearance is actually better than before. Although his facial features have not changed much, his temperament has changed greatly. If he hadn't been superb in medical skills, he might not have been able to recognize him at a glance as the young boy he met by chance.

If it had been anyone else, it would have been even more impossible to recognize him.

Ao Hongxue and Yan Lingji had a smooth question and answer session. Qu Wuyi remained silent, but silently memorized all the rules in his heart. He looked at Ao Hongxue deeply and said nothing.

Yin Jiu also remained silent, like a wooden stake.

Ao Hongxue handed out four maps that had been prepared from her arms and said: "This is the map. From now on, the responsibilities on this isolated island will be handed over to a few people. When the Dao and Wu battles are over, I will wait for the natural Thank you very much.”

"Of course we can say thank you later, but for now, Miss Hongxue, can you please return my flame to me first?"

Yan Lingji glanced at Ao Hongxue with a half-smile, and said, "Or do you want to keep this flame in your body first, and then find a gap to digest it later? That's not possible, that's dividing it. It’s a waste of my skills. It’s very rude to treat guests like this.”

Ao Hongxue was silent for a moment, then waved her hand, and the red flame ignited again on Yan Lingji's palm...

Apparently it was the one just now.

Ao Hongxue gently clenched her fists and praised: "Miss Yan is really amazing. She can enter the Tao with fire, and she can strengthen the flame to such an extent that even I can't absorb it. She is the first person I have ever met! "

"You're welcome, Miss Hongxue is truly amazing."

Yan Lingji praised sincerely.

It's really amazing to be able to suppress one's own flames within the body... Sure enough, did I underestimate the master of this plane before?

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