"Cough cough!"

  At this moment, a thick male voice sounded in the living room. It was a silver-white figure with a pair of winged monsters about [-] to [-] centimeters above the coffee table.

  Alastair, the god of punishment "Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire" who ate a belly of dog food on a daily basis, couldn't help it. He pretended to cough twice to announce his existence, to remind the two of them to restrain themselves a little.

  The blush on Shana's face, which had finally disappeared, crawled back to her face again. She sat up straight, but did not leave Luo Yuan's embrace, and just concentrated on watching the TV show.

  Luo Yuan's rippling smile was also abruptly closed, and he returned to his serious appearance. At the same time, he was also attracted by the content of the program being broadcast on the TV.

  "...It is understood that a man of American nationality who disappeared in New York ten years ago was recently found in the city site park of Yogi City.

  According to the man, he was a well-known male model in the United States ten years ago. As for why he appeared in Neon, he did not know, nor did he know what happened in the past ten years.

  It is understood that the man's dress is exactly the same as ten years ago. What happened during this period?

  Now the police of the Sendwood Department has been involved in the investigation..."

  Looking at this news, Luo Yuan's heart moved, remembering that in the original plot, Shana dealt with a red world apostle here before she arrived in Yuqi City.

  So what will she do now?

  Luo Yuan couldn't help showing an interesting smile, looking at the girl who was lost in thought with interest.

  "There must be apostles of the Red World here!" Once Shana entered the state, her IQ immediately went online. With the visions that the Red World apostles had brought to the surroundings, she was keenly aware of the problem.

  "Then what should we do?" Luo Yuan continued to stare at her cute face, the thinking girl frowned slightly, and she was cute and a little bit heroic and fierce.

  "Of course we have to investigate. If there are any Red World Apostles, they will be eliminated decisively."

  Shana simply said, and then looked at Luo Yuan just looking at herself, and her face turned red again.

  "Stupid, stupid! I'm going to bed!"

  "Then go to sleep!" Luo Yuan was very funny, he seemed to make a statement to her, and he seemed to pretend to be ignorant of the implied words.

  "Do you want me to carry you?" Luo Yuan whispered in her ear when she saw that she was about to move.

  If Luo Yuan had executed it directly, the girl might struggle and let him hug her shyly.

  But Luo Yuan said it, which made the arrogant Shana suddenly retorted loudly and annoyed.

  "Who, who wants you to hug me, idiot, hentai..."

  After saying a few words incoherently, she got up and stomped Luo Yuan hard, and then ran back to her room.



  "How to Train Your Dragon, Kobayashi, My Cousin"

  Facing a dead end at the beginning?

  You want to send me back just after crossing?

  Finally, the plug-in went online and lived a stable life for a few days, but was involved in the extraordinary.

  An ordinary high school student who is socially lazy said that he just wants to live an ordinary life, in which he has nothing to worry about eating and drinking, and can play with beautiful girls when he has nothing to do.

  Leisure retirement essay.

Chapter 31 The whereabouts of "Zero Hour Mizi"

  This is a hardcover apartment with two bedrooms and one living room, just a place for them to rest temporarily.

  And it was more than ten kilometers away from the location of Yogi City in the news just now.

  In the past two years, he took Shana along the way, clearing the apostles of the Red World along the way.

  In fact, most of the time is spent resting. Shana is in Tiandao Palace all day apart from training and reading. Even though Luo Yuan has given her a lot of care in life, he still feels that it is not enough.

  So taking advantage of these two years, he took Shana to play and fight, and he didn't take the girl to fly directly or teleport to the apostle of the Red World. Most of the two were on foot.

  And the apostles of the red world encountered during this period were also weak, so that Shana could easily solve it with the huge existence power in her body and the cover of Zhidian.

  At the same time, because of Luo Yuan's connivance, Shana doesn't have many freestyles, basically relying on equipment and level to crush, after all, she is an artifact.

  The same is true for Shana in the original plot. She doesn't know anything about the more complicated way of freedom, and claims to hate trouble.

  No wonder the protagonist asks her if there is any way to cool people down, which makes her furious with shame.

  And in order to make up for the hardships she suffered in Tiandao Palace, Luo Yuan took her to basically go through everything she could play and eat, and it could be regarded as where she went, where she could eat, and where she could play.

  Today this arcade fighting game is naturally one of them.

  Perhaps because she is also an expert in fighting, she has a soft spot for fighting games.

  Luo Yuan also often played two games with her, and then naturally added a bet and the like.

  The two parties who like each other have no objection to this charming bet.

  It's just that Shana is always arrogant and refuses to admit her feelings for Luo Yuan, even if the interaction between the two is actually no different from that of a couple.

  Luo Yuan is also very happy about this, especially for the upcoming city, he is full of bad taste.

  If he doesn't admit it, it's fine. If he doesn't admit it, he doesn't have the right to interfere with his private life, so Luo Yuan didn't make it clear to her.

  He was very much looking forward to the day when Shana, the famous arrogant girl, couldn't help but take the initiative to confess to him.

  Just thinking about it makes you feel happy!

  "With your clearance progress, it's difficult to complete our bet in ten years, right?"

  When Shana returned to her room, Alastair couldn't help complaining to Luo Yuan.

  The content of Luo Yuan and his ten-year contract includes all the messed up apostles of the red world in the entire world.

  And two years later, Luo Yuan is still wandering in this small Oriental country, and he doesn't seem to be in any hurry.

  In order to protect Luo Yuan's face, he tried to be a little more euphemistic. What he actually wanted to express was that if Luo Yuan continued at this pace, the bet would be lost.

  But he also thought that Luo Yuan was not the kind of character who likes to blow the air, so he was very confused about his behavior.

  "This is what I call: sharpening knives without accidentally chopping wood!"

  Luo Yuan leaned on the sofa and looked at Alastair, who looked like a figure.

  He deliberately misinterpreted Shana's careful thoughts and wanted to chat with Alastair, but he had too many things to do, so he didn't want Shana to be bothered, just let her fight the mobs.

  "Oh?" Alastair was also aroused curiosity. He wanted to know how Luo Yuan could complete the gambling contract in the next eight years.

  "Let's hear what your plans are, maybe I can give you more details."

  "That's... Keep it a secret for now!" Luo Yuan smiled meanly, pretending to be mysterious.

  In fact, it's really hard to tell him, if you tell him in advance that you plan to cooperate with the "creation god" sacrificial snake.

  Then maybe Alastair turned around and guided the gods to directly banish Luo Yuan into the "permanent trap" where the sacrificial snake was trapped to be with him. Who would he cry for then?

  So he could only come secretly, neither allowing Alastair to discover his thoughts, nor the masquerade to discover his purpose.

  At present, he is not yet qualified to cooperate with the "Creation God" sacrificial snake on an equal basis, at least until he regains his full strength before he can compete with him.

  No matter where he is, strength is the only criterion for speaking. Now that his strength has dropped greatly, he hastily ran to the masquerade party, and maybe he will be killed by Sanzhuchen.

  And he still lacks a crucial token, that is the Noble Phantasm "Zero Hour Mizi".

  It can be said that the whole drama of the eye-catching Shana revolves around the Noble Phantasm of "Zero Hour Mizi".

  And the "zero-hour fan"'s power of existence recovery function also makes him very coveted.

  In his previous life, he also knew the general working principle of "Zero Hour Mizi", in fact, to put it bluntly, it is a bit similar to his own situation.

  Because he himself can recover his strength by absorbing the power of existence that is free in the void, but his current strength is weak and his recovery is slow.

  And "Zero Hour Mizi" may be due to the use of some of the rules of this world, and it can quickly restore the power of existence consumed by the holder that day in a short period of time.

  Luo Yuan admires "Cai Piao" Felice and "Eternal Lover" John, who created "Zero Hour Mizi". A red world demon king and human beings can create this almost infinitely blue artifact. It can be seen that two People are also very smart and capable.

  But they were unlucky, and they encountered "Bad Blade" Shabrak, the top "assassin" in the Red World Demon King, which led to John being assassinated to the point of death, and Ferris sealed him in the Noble Phantasm to save his life. In "Zero Hour Mizi", which triggered a series of subsequent plots.

  And Luo Yuan also knew, this is what happened in the two years that he and Shana left Tiandao Palace, and he was almost involved in the whole process, because of Will Amina.

  Will Emina went out alone, even if she was a veteran Fire Mist Warrior, with rich experience and strength, she was still decent, but how could Luo Yuan be at ease?

  So Luo Yuan left his divine will to protect her on the handbag she used to store things.

  Although his own body strength is now greatly damaged, and the divine will is not strong, but there is no problem in ensuring her safety.

  After she and Luo Yuan parted at the location of the Tiandao Palace, in order to relieve the upset mood, she accepted the entrustment of other fire and fog warriors in the outer room of the fire and fog warrior's alliance agency, Pietro Montebetti, the "Hand of Infinite Hearing". Ya chases the Red World Apostolic Transport Organization "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk".

  But in the process, he stumbled into the trap of "Bad Blade" Shabrak, the Devil of the Red World, and Shabrak's original intention to set up the trap was actually to deal with the "promised two" Ferris and John.


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  "Reality Distortion on the Science Side"

Chapter 32 The Offensive and Defensive Battle Between the Two

  It's obvious that Shabrak accepted the masquerade's commission and wanted to play the "zero-hour fan" idea.

  The Masquerade's desire for "Zero Hour Mizi" is naturally to rescue their leader, the "God of Creation", the sacrificial snake.

  In the original plot, Sabrak beat John to the brink of death, and Ferris had to seal him in the "zero-hour fan" to survive.

  However, Shabulak took the opportunity to also put a free law "Psalm of Great Life" into the "Zero Hour Mizi", which is exactly the trick of the masquerade. In the present world, the agent "Tyrant 1" intends to snatch the "Zero Hour Mistress".

  Luo Yuan guessed that the so-called "tyrant 1" must have some of the characteristics of the sacrificial snake, and perhaps part of his consciousness was hidden in it.

  "Tyrant 1" and "Tyrant 2", which collects human emotions in the present world, merged together to become a complete representative of the sacrificial snake, which is the so-called avatar.

  And because of Luo Yuan's intervention, Will Amina fell into Shabrak's trap and there is no danger to her life, but his unique "stigma" of freedom is more troublesome, which can make the wounds he caused continue to expand and bleed.

  Shabrak's body is actually a mud-like monster hidden in the ground ten kilometers in diameter and composed of dark red flames. The image of a human man is the incarnation of its body to facilitate battle and communication.

  And this incarnation is easy to create for the main body, so Luo Yuan's divine will found another one appeared after killing him unexpectedly, and immediately stopped consuming his own energy, just secretly protecting Will Amina Blindly dodging, during this period, he met the "promised two people" Phyllis and John, the holders of "Zero Hour Mystery".

  Since then, he has thoroughly used soy sauce, as long as he protects Will Amina, and his divine will has not manifested in form, and Will Amina is only aware of his existence.

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