So for Shana's ignorant appearance, she chose to turn a blind eye.

  After two days of understanding, Luo Yuan also understood that the education level of this school is really not good. Most of the teachers are scumbags, especially the physical education teacher.

  When he was in class, he was in the same state as Shana. Most of the time, he was distracted, but with his ability, the teacher easily ignored him, and he didn't have to worry about being caught deserting.

  In addition to admiring the girls in the class, he was also observing the two uninvited guests in Misaki City, especially the old gentleman-like apostle of the Red World - "Bone Picker" Rami.

  Or it should be said that "spiral organ" Lian Nancy, this old gentleman-like guy is actually a super cute pink-haired little loli, although her appearance age is set to be about twelve or thirteen years old and Shana, but she But it looks a little more immature.

  She is obviously just a weak apostle of the red world, but she has a very magical ability, and can construct the law of freedom at will.

  The most famous one is "Fenjing". The original author of this free law was Dantario, the Red Devil King, "Exploring and Asking", but because it was too complicated, almost no one used it. Later, it was rewritten and simplified by Lian Nanxi. Anyone can use it.

  The war in which the previous generation "Bright Eyes" was killed was also largely due to her existence.

  From a certain point of view, she is similar to the nine-tailed fox, both of which can affect the existence of the entire world, but the nine-tailed fox relies on beauty, while she is ability.

  Now that you're in Misaki City, don't leave. As for Ma Qiong Linduo, another fire-mist warrior who had her idea, Luo Yuan didn't care too much. He would let her get out of the way at a critical moment.

  The three classes ended so quickly.

  The next class is physical education, and you need to change into sports clothes in advance.

  Luo Yuan found that the girls' sportswear was not so revealing, and the lower body was actually boxer pants, similar to the safety pants they were wearing, so he felt relieved when he saw this.

  And because of the turmoil that Shana made before, many classroom teachers recognized her, and this physical education teacher, who was not a good thing at first sight, also wanted to kill her spirit.

  So they went straight to the marathon in this class, and Luo Yuan, without exception, just randomly mixed in with the team to fish.

  Well, he was actually watching the performance of girls in several sports.

  Because of them, Hirai Margin basically followed them except in class, and this time was no exception. She and Shana both wore high ponytails and looked very cute and cute.

  Due to the transformation of Luo Yuan's blood, Hirai Yuki no longer has the frailty of ordinary girls, and followed Shana's pace and ran in the first echelon.

  Shana has always been competitive, so it's understandable for her to run first.

  Next is Sakai Yuji. This guy got Luo Yuan's favor and is now physically strong. Perhaps because he was worried about Luo Yuan and the others, he was not too pushy.

  After running for a few laps, most of the people were tired and panting, especially a few weak girls who had already turned pale and clung to the back.

  "You give me a serious run!"

  Seeing that the long-distance running team was in chaos, the irascible PE teacher began to yell.

  "Are you all right?" Luo Yuan ran to Yoshida Kazumi with a concerned look on his face.

  At this time, Yoshida Kazumi was already sweating profusely, her face pale and her running posture was a little shaky.

  "Luo, classmate Luo Yuan... ah..."

  When Yoshida Kazumi saw Luo Yuan, she was a little nervous, her footsteps were chaotic, and her body suddenly lost her center of gravity and fell forward.

  How could Luo Yuan let her fall to the ground and hug her delicate body at the right time.

  "Why do you look so bad?"

  At this time, due to the accident of Yoshida Kazumi, most of the students stopped and gathered around.


  "A beauty!"

  "Hey - what are you doing?" The physical education teacher still yelled after seeing the situation here.

  "Yoshida! Don't be lazy!"

  "Teacher, let Yoshida take a break, she's a little bit anemic!" A girl spoke righteously.

  "Shut up, if you always find excuses to be lazy, how can your physical strength get better?"

  "I, I'm fine..."

  Yoshida Kazumi heard the teacher's words and said to Luo Yuan barely breathing.

  "You look so bad, you're still anemic, why are you running? I'll take you to the infirmary!"

  Luo Yuan couldn't help but say, a princess hugged her directly and walked out of the playground.

  "Ah... classmate Luo Yuan..."

  Yoshida Kazumi felt like she was about to faint. She had already exhausted her physical strength, and now she is still being held in the arms of the boy. She was introverted and shy, how could she bear it, and her face was so red that she seemed to be burning.

  "What do you want to do?" The irritable physical education teacher stopped in front of Luo Yuan in a panic.

  "I want you to go back immediately and continue running!"

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan saw that the unscrupulous physical education teacher was about to start, but then he stopped.


  The physical education teacher was kicked and flew out, and behind him was the angry Shana.


  The onlookers were stunned that this student Shana hit the teacher.

  "Xana! How dare you hit the teacher!"

  The physical education teacher stood up abruptly with a look of disbelief, the current students, this is going to be the opposite.

  "Xana, I'll leave it to you here!"

  Seeing that Shana had controlled the scene, Luo Yuan turned around and left while holding Yoshida Kazumi.

  "You..." Shana was so angry when she saw that Luo Yuan was holding the girl, she just ran over to clean up the teacher when she realized that the physical education teacher dared to get along with him.

  Unexpectedly, Luo Yuan actually slipped away with other girls now. She was about to follow and was stopped by the physical education teacher. Suddenly, her anger rose, and she rushed directly with her feet.

  "You bastard, die for me!"

Chapter 53 Bastard Bastard Bastard!


  The physical education teacher suddenly screamed.

  "Uh..." Sakai Yuji suddenly had an idea when he saw Shana who ran out of the playground after knocking down the physical education teacher twice.

  With the confidence brought by his strength, he dared to try things that he had not done before.

  "Teacher, it is very dangerous to suddenly rush into the track when everyone is running. Is that what everyone says?"

  It was rare to see this nasty physical education teacher deflated, and the eyes of the rest of the classmates lit up when they heard Yuji Sakai's suggestion.


  "Yes, I saw it too!"

  "It was the teacher who crashed into the runway and was injured!"


  "Damn, you guys..." The physical education teacher gritted his teeth angrily. If everyone blamed him, then the beatings this time would be in vain.

  "You wait for me..."


  "Then, that student Luo Yuan..."

  Yoshida Kazumi almost didn't dare to look at Luo Yuan, and the body he was holding seemed to have no strength.

  In fact, she is still very familiar with Luo Yuan, with a gentle and unique temperament, and a very attractive appearance. She naturally has a good impression of him.

  Coupled with the fact that he seems to be special to himself these two days, he will take the initiative to greet himself, and he is so nervous about himself, Yoshida Kazumi feels dizzy and seems to have a fever...


  Luo Yuan looked at the blushing girl in his arms, knowing that he must have left a good impression on her, and his tone couldn't help being more gentle.

  "Don't worry about the class, now the main thing is to take a good rest, do you know?"

  "Oh..." Hearing Luo Yuan's gentle concern and a bit of domineering, Yoshida Kazumi nodded dazedly.

  The health room has arrived.

  Luo Yuan remembered that the health room was a good place. In the past, he also spent many good lunch breaks in the health room with several girls from Guilty Crown.

  He looked at the girl in his arms and shook his head. He definitely wasn't good enough now, so he couldn't be too hasty, and Shana was already on her way.

  "What happened to this classmate?"

  As soon as the door of the health room was opened, a health care teacher who looked like a kind middle-aged woman suddenly asked in a hurry.

  "Teacher, Yoshida almost fainted while running, please take a look..." Luo Yuan said with a straight face and anxiously.

  After a while, Luo Yuan turned around and took the door of the infirmary and left.

  Yoshida Kazumei had nothing to do, but just needed a rest, Luo Yuan simply comforted a few words and quickly withdrew, and if it was later, it would be too late.

  Sure enough, as soon as he turned a corner, he saw the angry Shana, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

  "Xana, why are you here?"

  "What did you do just now?" Shana asked him, raising her face.

  "Nothing? Just sending the classmates to the health room." Luo Yuan explained casually, and at the same time held her little hand very naturally.

  "Don't touch me!" Shana stepped back and opened his hand, she was very angry now, super angry.

  She saw that Luo Yuan hugged the girl just now, and hugged it so far. He used to only like to hug himself.

  The treatment that is obviously her own is now distributed to other girls, which is worth it.

  What is Luo Yuan going to do, will he do to those girls what he did to himself in the future?

  Thinking of this, she was very jealous, very jealous. She was still very angry after beating up the teacher just now, full of gunpowder.

  "Why are you hugging that girl?"

  "It's just like that!" Luo Yuan said shamelessly as a matter of course, and then he showed an inexplicable smile.

  "Also, why can't I hug other girls? You're not my girlfriend!"

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