"Luo Yuan classmate..." Sakai Yuji came over immediately after seeing Luo Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi talking.

  "Don't be so restrained." Luo Yuan said to him in a gentle tone, and then motioned for the two of them to walk towards the classroom.

  "We won't hurt humans. As for your situation, I will find a way to help you when we leave here."

  Yuji Sakai immediately showed a look of reassurance, but then he looked worried again.

  Luo Yuan immediately guessed what he was worried about.

  "Don't worry, I will not take back the gift to you. After the hidden dangers of your body are resolved, the gift will bring you more good changes."

  "thanks, thanks!"

  Yuji Sakai immediately looked grateful. After being transformed by Luo Yuan's blood, he basically understood the various benefits that this kind of power could bring to him, and naturally he didn't want to lose it in vain.

  "But there is one thing I want to make clear in advance." Luo Yuan looked at Yuji Sakai meaningfully, intending to give him a vaccination in advance.

  "The girls who are related to me hope you and your friends don't think differently, otherwise it won't be good when something unpleasant happens."

  Sakai Yuji suddenly looked surprised. There are three girls related to you. I didn't expect Luo Yuan to openly express that he wanted all of them. He couldn't help but admire him even more.

  "Don't worry, I will persuade them when the time comes."

  Although he didn't know who would dare to attack the girls that Luo Yuan liked, he decided that no matter who it was, he would try his best to dissuade him.

  After all, if he really lost his existence and disappeared, he would feel cold all over just thinking about it.

  The two did not return to the classroom until the end of class.

  On the way back to his seat, Luo Yuan noticed that Yoshida Kazumi kept blushing and bowed his head after seeing him appear. That shy look was so cute.

  When he sat back in his seat, Shana looked at him suspiciously for a while, and she must have been wondering what would happen to Sakai Yuji when he found him.

  The main reason is that she noticed that Yoshida Kazumi looked a little weird when she returned to the classroom, and her sixth sense as a woman made her feel that her behavior might be related to Luo Yuan.

  It's just that Luo Yuan finally returned to the classroom with Sakai Yuji, which reassured her a little, but she was not completely relieved.

  Luo Yuan smiled at her very candidly, and then touched his lips subconsciously. The look of pointing made Shana's cute face red.

  She remembered the sweet and long kiss between the two of them last night, especially the bastard who made her delicate lips red and swollen at the end, which caused her to not sleep well last night until she found that the swelling had subsided this morning. Just let go.

  Looking at the initiator, she glared at him fiercely, and then turned her head away with a snort, for the time being she didn't care about what happened just now.

  Fortunately, the class bell rang in time, so that everyone's mind returned to the class.


  py a comprehensive manga with infinite flow, not a harem

  "The crown alchemist who fights monsters and upgrades in the infinite dimension world"

Chapter 62: If it's delicious, eat more

  Now the teachers have become sensible, and they are in class, and they don't care about Shana at all.

  Shana is naturally not a person who has nothing to do. Occasionally, she is bored and flips through books, and most of the time she is in a daze.

  It's just that when she was in a daze, she blushed inexplicably, and she looked no different from an adolescent girl who had just fallen in love.

  Luo Yuan was also a student who deserted in class. He occasionally put his mind in the class, and most of the time he watched a few girls with interest and observed the movements of a genius teacher.

  Hirai Yuki is better, Yoshida Kazumi occasionally glances at Luo Yuan from the corner of his eye, Shana stares at him from time to time, but there is embarrassment in his eyes.

  Luo Yuan didn't provoke her in the way of spiritual dialogue, Shana Jiang couldn't stand it.

  And the genius free teacher Lamy, who is Lian Nancy, was honestly wandering around the city, taking away the torch that was about to disappear, and collecting the power of existence with a ball of wool.

  This kind of free method of storing the power of existence is quite interesting. In the afternoon, in the way of normal encounters, you can get in touch with her.

  He didn't catch her directly and left because he didn't want to be like the Red World Demon King who regarded her as a bird in a small night. That kind of experience might also be her nightmare.

  It's just that her freedom method is very helpful to herself, and the resurrection from scratch has a taste of reincarnation.

  With this ability, she can be regarded as innocent and guilty, similar to John, but she is an existence with insufficient strength.

  It can be said that since she was born, she has basically faced the malice of others, and it is rare for a human painter to show her kindness and make her fall in love.

  Although it was later discovered that she was eating humans, she was hated and left, and she was caught by the enemy of the last war and used cruel means to make her die.

  Desperate to learn that the human artist fulfilled his promise to help her paint a painting, but it was destroyed.

  Then she survived because of the help of the previous generation "Brightening Eyes". Since then, collecting the power of existence to repair the painting has become the meaning of her next life, and it has been hundreds of years.

  To say that their relationship may not be too deep, after all, they only got along for a while because of the kindness of others, or when Lian Nanxi concealed her identity.

  Maybe that painting was just a reason for her to continue to live when she was persecuted by others and felt hopeless, and it became an obsession with the passage of time.

  Once the obsession is completed, then you can let it go and start a new life again.

  As long as there is power of existence, then I can provide it myself. After all, "Zero Hour Mizi", something that brushes the power of existence, is unnecessary.

  This is like an ordinary person who has a private account in the bank with a fixed amount of money. As long as you don’t use it up at one time, the amount will be restored to you the next day.

  How good, just don't be too cool.

  The morning passed quickly like this. The three of them came to the rooftop of the building when they had lunch. After seeing Luo Yuan's magical ability, Hirai Yuki was not surprised that he took out so many delicious food out of thin air. Weird.

  When Yoshida Kazumi saw the three of them leave the classroom, she seemed to want to follow, but after a long struggle, she chose to give up.

  After all, she didn't have any close relationship with Luo Yuan, so she couldn't be so proactive with her character.

  Luo Yuan felt that it was not good for the three of them to be so isolated from the masses. Maybe they should keep a low profile in the future and bring their lunch out to the classroom to eat better.

  For the lunch between the three, Luo Yuan must not be able to feed Shana as usual, but he dared to do it, but Shana was embarrassed to eat it, and Shana was a little unhappy about it.

  "The relationship is still not in place!" Luo Yuan thought so in his heart as they ate casually with them.

  There was still no breakthrough in the afternoon class. The teachers all suffered from Shana's phobia, and they were very honest.

  After school, Luo Yuan secretly gave Yoshida a wink, and then returned home with Shana Hirai.

  It's not difficult for him and Yoshida Kazumi to secretly visit the art exhibition, the main thing is to be invisible, at least not let Shana find out.

  So after returning home, Luo Yuan quickly prepared dinner for them, and then went back to the room on the pretext of studying the free method, leaving an avatar to pretend, and the main body went directly to the vicinity of the art exhibition hall.

  It was less than an hour before school was over, and it was about the same time as he and Shana and the others walked home and then came to the art museum again.

  Yoshida Kazumi was standing at the entrance of the art museum with her schoolbag in her hand, looking around nervously, as if she was afraid that he would miss the appointment.

  "Sorry, have you waited for a long time?"

  Luo Yuan quickly walked up to her with an apologetic smile.

  "Ah, ah, no, no!" Seeing Luo Yuan's appearance, Yoshida Kazumi immediately shook her head happily, and her face was a little red.

  Now the two of them should be dating like this...

  "Hey! This is for you." Luo Yuan handed a box he prepared in advance to Yoshida Kazumi.

  "In order to express my apology for making the girl wait for a long time, I specially brought some cakes I made myself. You should be hungry at this time."

  "Thank, thank you..." Yoshida Kazumi immediately showed a look of surprise, and took it with some embarrassment.

  "Did Luo Yuan make it by himself?"

  "Because my sister also likes to eat, so I prepare some every day at home."

  Luo Yuan nodded, then pointed to a place where there were few people at the entrance of the art museum and looked at her: "Let's go there first and destroy the food. Maybe it will take a long time to go in, and there is definitely no way to eat inside."

  "Good, good!"

  The two came to a step in the corner and sat down, and Luo Yuan took out a bottle of water from the bag in the other hand and handed it to her.

  "Drink some juice, so as not to choke for a while."

  Yoshida Kazumi took over and thanked her with a blushing face. She thought that Luo Yuan was really considerate. Even if the pastry tasted average, she must say that it was delicious.

  "Oh~ it tastes really good!"

  Originally, I thought that even if the boy's craftsmanship is still good, it should not be as surprising as his own Yoshida Kazumi. I didn't expect that Luo Yuan is not only such a good person, but even the cakes he makes are so delicious.

  "Ha~ it's delicious, then eat more, ah~"

  Luo Yuan picked up a piece of cake and handed it to her mouth very naturally.

  "That, that..." Yoshida Kazumi didn't expect Luo Yuan to actually plan to feed her, and her face turned red, but she, who was somewhat fond of him, naturally couldn't refuse, so she opened her mouth slightly with a blushing face.



  PS: By the way, isn't this style of writing too serious?Now during the crackdown, I want to be a little bit swaying, but I'm afraid of going too far, so I haven't slapped the heroine off now...

Chapter 63 I beg you to be a person

  After the cake was finished, Luo Yuan carefully wiped off the residue from the corner of her mouth.

  "Come on, let's go in!"

  The innocent Yoshida Kazumi was a little dazed at first, but now she feels even more dizzy, and it took a while to react when she heard his words.

  "Ah? Oh oh..."

  Luo Yuan was very funny and followed the suddenly stupid Yoshida Kazumi into the art museum.

  As long as such a simple girl has a good impression of you, as long as she doesn't suddenly do too much things, a little bit of intimacy will only deepen her affection.

  Yoshida Kazumi remained blushing and shy until she entered the museum.

  Luo Yuan didn't tease her anymore, and naturally accompanied her to visit all kinds of colorful works of art.

  Of course, he also paid attention to Lian Nancy, who had already come to the hall to collect torches.

  As the two of them admired the exhibits full of art and beauty all the way, Yoshida Kazumi was gradually diverted his attention, except that his face was still a little red, he could communicate with Luo Yuan naturally.

  "Doesn't this look beautiful?"

  Luo Yuan casually pointed to a colorful ceramic vase and said to her that it was rare for a girl to take the initiative to invite her, and she couldn't keep taking the initiative.

  "Ah, yes, yes."

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