At this time, the pedestrians on the road have gradually become scarce, and there seems to be some subtle emotions quietly rising between the two.

  Luo Yuan's mouth had an inexplicable smile, and the hand hanging on Yoshida Kazumi's side rubbed the back of her hand intentionally or not.

  A bit of blush gradually appeared on Yoshida Kazumi's lovely face. She slightly bowed her head a little embarrassedly, but her hands did not make any precautionary actions, and were still hanging naturally.

  Luo Yuan was no longer hypocritical, and took advantage of the moment when the shadows of the two merged and held her hand.

  "Ah..." Yoshida Kazumi was startled subconsciously, and then she reacted, not daring to look at Luo Yuan, and her face quickly turned red.

  "Can you?" Luo Yuan asked gently.

  "...Hmm." There was an answer like a mosquito from the side.

  Yoshida Kazumi's little hands are soft, just like her character, making Luo Yuan's heart soft at the same time, he wants to bully her fiercely.

  So the fingers of the hand holding her were slightly separated, and she took advantage of the trend to cross her little hand and clasped it together.

  Yoshida Kazumi's head drooped even lower, and it was obvious that her breathing became a little heavier, and a little sweat began to appear in her palms.

  "Maybe this is fate?"

  "Ah?" Hearing Luo Yuan's sudden words, Yoshida Kazumi immediately raised his head and glanced at him.

  "Oh~ I mean, maybe this is the fate between me and Yoshida classmate!" Luo Yuan began to take advantage of the opportunity to gain a good impression.

  "I have a good impression of Yoshida-san on the first day I came to the class!"

Chapter 65 You Are Awkward

  "Really, really? Classmate Luo Yuan!" Yoshida Kazumi suddenly looked at him with a look of surprise.

  I really want to say that I should have a good impression of him on the first day, right?It seems to be fate...

  "Luo Yuan!"


  "Please call me Luo Yuan!" Luo Yuan looked at her and said seriously again.

  Yoshida Kazumi's eyes lit up, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "Luo, Luo Yuan!"

  "Then I'll call you Yimei?"

  Luo Yuan approached slightly.

  "Hmm... um!" Yoshida Kazumi was embarrassed by him, and nodded vigorously while replying softly.

  "It seems to be doomed now. I didn't expect that I live so close to Yimei's family. What does this mean?"

  "Say, what do you mean?" Yoshida Kazumi raised her head and looked at him dumbfounded.

  With the change of names between the two, the distance between the body and the heart began to narrow as the two held hands.

  "It means that we can not only get out of school together, but also go to school together~ Huh!"

  Luo Yuan shamelessly talked about pure love with the innocent Yoshida Kazumi. He suddenly looked at the front of the street that he had just turned around: "Is that your home?"

  "Ah..." Yoshida Kazumi pulled back her hand subconsciously, and then reacted immediately, and immediately explained to Luo Yuan stuttering: "That, that..."

  She didn't expect how to get home so soon, obviously she felt like she had to go for a long time before.

  "Ha~ it's alright." Luo Yuan knew she was shy and didn't take it seriously, so he touched her head affectionately to comfort her, and then handed her the schoolbag.

  "Go home now!"

  "Well..." Yoshida Kazumi immediately smiled sweetly at Luo Yuan when she saw that Luo Yuan was not angry.

  "Then I'm going home."

  "Wait a minute." Luo Yuan couldn't help but approached when he saw her cute side, then leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  "See you tomorrow!"

  "Ming, see you tomorrow..."

  Yoshida Kazumi became dazed again, and walked towards the house with a blushing face.

  Luo Yuan looked at her reluctantly as she walked and turned back, and his heart was soft, watching her quietly until he returned home.

  "Heh~ that's really timid!"

  Luo Yuan also kept an eye on Lian Nanxi's movements on the way home with Yoshida Kazumi. I didn't expect her to be so timid. She ran away as soon as Luo Yuan left the art gallery, and now she has left Misaki City. Even so many torches that were picked up in vain could not be taken care of.

  However, Luo Yuan was not in a hurry, and he also showed a wicked smile. Although he was in Misaki City, there was a fire and fog warrior outside Misaki City who was eyeing her.

  Ma Qiong Linduo was afraid of Luo Yuan's strength and did not dare to return to Misaki City, but she did not stay away and stayed outside Misaki City. Now Lian Nanxi ran out of Misaki City and was hit by her.

  "Heroes saving beauty or something, it's really a cliché and fun thing!"

  Luo Yuan murmured a few words and quickly disappeared.

  Outside Misaki City, the torch incarnation of Lian Nanxi's real body has just left Misaki City, and before he can breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly notices a blue flame appearing nearby, and quickly forms a free law seal within a radius of several hundred meters. shrouded.

  "Huh? There is a situation!"

  At the same time that Fengjue appeared outside the city, in Misaki City, on the roof of a mansion, Shana, who was dressed in cute clothes, was also fiercely alert.

  At this time, she had just finished special training for Hirai Margin, and Hirai Margin, who was exhausted after being healed, went to take a bath and rest.

  And she started today's second special training, the proficiency training of the free method.

  "You don't have to worry about it, it's just the battle between the fire and fog warrior who defeated you last time and a red world apostle."

  "Luo Yuan" on the other side of the roof explained with a gentle smile.

  No matter what Luo Yuan's excuse for studying the free method is, it's not as important as Shana's training. When Shana trains Hirai, his avatar can hide, and when Shana trains himself, he naturally appears.

  In fact, Shana didn't want him to guide much, but she just needed Luo Yuan's presence to give her a sense of peace of mind.

  "Really?" Shana squinted at him with a subtle expression.

  She always felt that something was wrong, it wasn't the battle that was happening over there that was wrong, but the Luo Yuan in front of her.

  This Luo Yuan is too serious. When the two of them were alone before, he always wanted to eat himself up, and he was flustered and secretly delighted.

  But now, although he looks at him with his eyes that are still so tender and doting, he feels a little less, and he doesn't even hug him when he goes up to the roof, which is not like him at all.

  "Of course, let's get started. Today we need to have a deeper grasp." "Luo Yuan" urged with a calm smile.

  "Humph!" Shana snorted and didn't say much, and put her mind back on the use of the power of existence.

  Maybe he also wanted to use this method to make himself feel at ease and master the Law of Freedom?Um!must be so...

  "Oh hehe...I finally waited for you~ "Corpse Collector" Lamy!"

  When Feng Jue appeared, Ma Qiong Linduo also completed her transformation. With a loud bang, she laughed wildly and appeared directly in front of the old gentleman with a shocked expression.

  "It happened!"

  Lian Nanxi in the old gentleman's body felt bitter for a while, and she went to avoid the big tiger in Misaki City. I didn't expect that there was a hungry wolf outside Misaki City.

  "Be confused!"

  But she didn't panic at all, and directly urged Zizifa to transform into countless white pigeons flying around in Fengjue.

  "Wow... Well done, so I don't know where you are hiding..." The bear-shaped monster that Marjorindo transformed into suddenly made a frivolous voice of Maxias, but then she took a deep breath and swelled her chest and abdomen , and then aimed at the current space with a fierce spray.

  "Haha... I lied to you!"


  The blue flames that filled the sky enveloped the entire area where the entire flock of pigeons was located.

  With the disappearance of the flames, the flock of pigeons also disappeared, and the old gentleman was forced to show his body, with a rare trace of panic on his expression.

  The shocking and oppressive and majestic body of the bear monster quickly came to the old gentleman, clasped his claws and raised it high, intending to crush him to death.

  "Next is your death... uh..."

  But suddenly it was like an inexplicable blow in the chest, and the huge body flew upside down like a teddy bear and smashed into the ground, and even the ground shook a few times.

  "Hey... I invite you, this little guy, to come to my house as a guest. If you don't come, now you meet a rogue, right?"

  Looking at Luo Yuan who suddenly appeared and knocked the bear monster flying, Lian Nanxi, who was transformed into an old gentleman, trembled in her heart.

  "Little guy? Did you discover my true face,'re just good at it...Yah!!!"

Chapter 66 Is It Really Perverted?

  The old gentleman stepped back unconsciously. If Luo Yuan was really so perverted, she felt that she should let the fire fog warrior destroy this torch body!

  "Be careful when you run again, I'll catch you and spank you, okay?"

  Luo Yuan looked at the old gentleman with a playful smile, er, to be precise, it should be Lian Nancy.

  But if he knew what she was thinking at this time, then he would definitely not have the heart to deal with Marjoram Lindo any more, and he would definitely crush her torch incarnation into anger, and then grab her real body and beat her to tears. Wang Wang just gave up.

  "Hey!!! Guo, is it really a pervert?"

  Liannan Heather trembled. When she was looking for the torch to hide her true body, she chose the appearance of such an old man after considering various reasons.


  Lian Nanxi burst into tears.


  "Who... it's you again!!!"

  The bear monster suddenly jumped up from the ground, roaring and rushing towards Luo Yuan, but when she saw that it was Luo Yuan, she was frightened and angry.

  "Go away, I don't want to fight you, but this guy must die today!"

  "She is covered by me, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

  Luo Yuan looked at the crazy bear monster in front of him without hesitation, his tone was casual, and he didn't pay attention to her at all.

  "Damn it..." Marchionndo was trembling with anger.

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