Surrounded by some young and beautiful women, I was surprised to see a young man suddenly appearing here. Later, I realized that this was not a women's bath, and this young man was obviously a lucky customer who had won the lottery.

  When they saw Luo Yuan, their eyes lit up one after another. Luo Yuan just unintentionally revealed a temperament that they had never seen before. Coupled with Luo Yuan's well-proportioned and fit body, his appearance was also very attractive. Many women They all moved their feet and were ready to talk to each other.


  Luo Yuan calmly felt the gazes around him, and now he has the capital to make women easily tempted.

  The iconic nail palace proud voice line let him know who came.

  As soon as Luo Yuan turned around, a smile appeared on his face. Shana had already changed into her swimsuit. Since Shana's physical development stopped at the same time when she became a Fire Mist Warrior, she had almost no figure.

  Shana was wearing a plain white one-piece swimsuit, and the parts representing women were only slightly revealed. Maybe she also understood her lack of figure, so she looked a little embarrassed when she looked at Luo Yuan.

  "Look, what to look at!"

  Shana was deliberately fierce. After spending time with Luo Yuan alone, she gradually learned about the relationship between men and women. Later, she paid special attention to this knowledge. I heard that most men prefer women with well-developed bodies.

  However, because she became a Fire Mist Warrior too early, she has no characteristics in terms of body. Although she is very confident in other aspects, she is a little worried in this regard.

  So much so that the two sets of swimsuits she bought were only changed into such a set that was suitable for her figure.

  "Of course it's beautiful!" Luo Yuan naturally knew what to say at this time, and took two steps forward to get close to her ear.

  "My Shana is so cute no matter what she wears!"

  "Humph!" Shana snorted, and joy appeared in her eyes. She knew that this guy liked her the most, but she still spoke ironically.

  "Instead, anyway, it's impossible for me to have a good figure like theirs, and being so cumbersome in front is not conducive to fighting!"

  That doesn't affect the battle at all!

  "That's right, poor milk is a scarce resource!" Luo Yuan naturally wouldn't refute.

  Such words naturally made Shana feel both ashamed and happy.

  "It's just your hair..."

  "What's up with the hair?"

  "This hairstyle is so ugly!"

  Luo Yuan stretched out his hand and asked Shana to turn slightly, untied her double ponytails, which were just like the original plot, and helped her tie them up again.

  "Why don't you let Hirai tie it for you?"

  "You don't need help from others!" Shana said with a snort. In fact, she felt unhappy when she saw that Hirai's figure was so much better than her own, so she changed into a swimsuit in three or two times and made a pair of ponytails before coming out ahead of schedule. .

  For Luo Yuan, he is already very skilled at tying girls' hair, like his real name, Ewen Jielin, and Moonlight See, when he plays role-playing games with them, he has to tie some with them. Hairstyles that match the character.

  Although those girls felt very ashamed, after listening to him say a few love words when they were alone with Luo Yuan, they blushed and cooperated with his bad taste.

  "Hey, how beautiful it is now!"

  Luo Yuan helped Shana make a double ponytail in two or three times, and the long ponytail hung down from the side of the ear to reach her hips. With Shana's cute figure and face, it was super beautiful.

  "I-I don't think it looks good."

  Shana subconsciously reached out and touched the long hair behind her. She was very satisfied with the double ponytails that Luo Yuan had tied for her, but she refuted it.

  Um?Why are you still holding on to my hair?

  Shana smoothed her hair and felt that Luo Yuan was still holding on to the end of her hair, so she turned her head to look at him suspiciously.

  Luo Yuan held a ponytail in one hand. Shana's hair was super smooth and smooth, but his eyes were a little weird.

  If you hold Shana like this...cough.

  "Idiot, pervert, no road race!"

  Shana looked at Luo Yuan's strange expression. The girl who had been led into half of the new world by him still didn't understand what it meant. She suddenly became angry and flew into a rage, kicking Luo Yuan into the swimming pool.


  The evil boy finally got the punishment he deserved!

  "What did I do wrong again?"

  Luo Yuan surfaced and wiped his face, very aggrieved.

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"

  Shana sat by the pool, her two white jade-like feet kept kicking and splashing water at Luo Yuan.

  "What happened to them?"

  Hirai Yuki, Yoshida Kazumi and Lian Nanxi, who came out after changing their swimsuits, looked at each other.

  Even Kazumi Yoshida, who had the best figure, felt very shy because the swimsuit made her figure more prominent.

  After Luo Yuan finally got enough of Shana's anger, they all got used to their current outfits. They were going to the self-service food pickup point next to them together, and they were happy to eat.

  Margin Hirai's figure is also very moderate. The light yellow two-piece swimsuit shows her advantages perfectly. The waist is long and straight, and her face is quite delicate.

  And because of her parents, her lively temperament has become much quieter, and she looks very demure and elegant in her words and deeds.

  As for Lian Nanxi, because she is too petite, the tight-fitting swimsuit in the style of a pink dress that Luo Yuan asked Hirai Yuan to buy for her is very in line with her image.

  Luo Yuan and Shana played around for a while and also came here to eat. Seeing their appearance, they also showed admiration and love in their eyes, but it made the two girls blushed and didn't dare to look at him.

  As for Lian Nanxi, although she was embarrassed for a while at first, so many years of experience naturally made her calm down quickly, and when she saw Luo Yuan's eyes, she gave him a sideways glance.

  As soon as Shana walked near the food, she was attracted by the pastry area. Luo Yuan knew her tastes and preferences, so she naturally prepared enough delicate pastries including pineapple bread on Water World.

  In addition to them, there are also twos and threes of young women gathered here. They said that they were hit by the lucky jackpot, but in fact they were only used by Luo Yuan to make up the money, so that the girls could not let go of the tool people for playing.

  The two floors of Misaki Water World adopt a staggered layout, and both floors can be regarded as open-air water playgrounds.

  It's just that the second floor can see the tourists on the first floor, but the tourists on the first floor can't see the tourists on the second floor.

  This will further highlight the superiority of the second floor, as well as the mystery and nobility of the second floor in the hearts of tourists on the first floor.

  In fact, the second floor is not much different from the first floor except for better supporting facilities and more refined food.

  But in people's minds the status is completely different.


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  "exist?I am Wang Ha, come to send blessings"

Chapter 80


  Lian Nanxi cried out in pain, and hugged her head Mengmeng.

  "What a fool!"

  Luo Yuan, on the other hand, laughed very unconscionably.

  After they have eaten something, they will look for water sports, the kind that needs everyone to participate in. They still think that water volleyball is better.

  Since there are five of them, if they are divided into two groups, there will be one less in one group.

  But in addition to Yoshida Kazumei, the other three girls all know Luo Yuan's power.

  So they divided him into a group alone, and considering that if there was only one person, they might lose miserably, so Lin Nancy was arranged with him to hold him back.

  Originally, the nearby women also wanted to participate in the play activities near them, but seeing their harmonious atmosphere and Shana's eyes swept over intentionally or unintentionally, they gave up their thoughts.

  Shana has experienced countless battles and slayings after becoming a fire and fog warrior with her aura of a martial arts master. With the superposition of the two temperaments, as long as she wants, one look can scare these ordinary girls into tears.

  So the girls around can only play their own way.

  Although Lian Nanxi is well-known in the red world and is the most powerful teacher of freedom, this is only under the condition that the power of existence can be used at will.

  She doesn't have physical training like Shana, and the transformation of Luo Yuan's blood. Without the power of existence, she is just an ordinary and super cute little loli, and her real physical fitness may not be as good as Yoshida Kazumei.

  Now they are out to play again, surrounded by ordinary humans, there is no red world apostle, no need to fight, she can only use her petite body to perform various sports.

  The water volleyball court they were in specially asked the staff to adjust the water level because Luo Yuan took into account the heights of the two girls, Lian Nancy and Shana.

  Shana's height is 1.45M, and Lian Nancy is only 1.4M shorter than her, so the water level is adjusted to waist-deep with them, which is just the height that Lian Nancy can move.

  At the beginning of the game, Luo Yuan patted them in a normal manner, and after playing for a while, he started various operations.

  From time to time, the volleyball came into contact with various parts of the three girls on the opposite side. Since he was in control of the strength, he would not hurt them, but only made them all blushed, embarrassed and annoyed.

  Shana is naturally not convinced. Among the three girls, she is the strongest in all aspects. She is the main attack most of the time, so she is attacked the most, and her face is the reddest.

  In addition, Luo Yuan, the bastard, often leads to misfortune, and is attacked by Shana and hides next to Lian Nanxi from time to time.

  Lian Nanxi is small and cute, and she is not good at activities in the water, so she is often hit by Shana's counterattack.

  "You bastard, you catch it~ woo..."

  Lian Nanxi scolded Luo Yuan in a coquettish voice, and stretched out her small hand to rub the place where she was hit, and her mouth made a nice whimper that is unique to a little girl's voice.

  "Does it hurt? Come on, I'll rub it for you."

  Luo Yuan suddenly approached her very considerately and rubbed her gently, after all, he was their gentle big brother.

  "Luo Yuan is such a good brother!"

  On the opposite side, Yoshida Kazumi also had a warm smile on the corner of her mouth when she saw this scene. Although she didn't want the boy she liked to act so intimately with her girl, who called him their "older brother"?

  "This bastard!!!"

  Shana Jiang's face quickly turned black, because of the inconvenience of people with so many eyes, she looked around suddenly as if she saw something and immediately walked to the shore.

  However, Lian Nanxi was so embarrassed that her face flushed red, she opened his hand vigorously and kept retreating, unable to maintain her pace in the water in a panic, and leaned back when her center of gravity was unsteady.

  "Go away you bastard... ah..."

  Really, why don't you just rub your forehead, now I have to take more advantage of it.

  Luo Yuan sighed inwardly with a funny smile, and with an anxious face, he quickly hugged Lian Nanxi, who was out of balance, into his arms.

  "Be careful, you're an idiot!"

  Lian Nancy, who has never been so close to a man, is even more ashamed.

  The so-called lover she once had was the human painter, and their relationship could be regarded as a "Platonic love". The two never had physical contact, because they were not the same kind after all, and she still had scruples in this regard.

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