But then a fist shadow appeared in the void and slammed her out.

  Luo Yuan sighed helplessly.

  "I'm not a weak chicken!"

Chapter 98 Thrilling and exciting!


  Seeing that her friend was beaten to the point of vomiting blood and flying away, Will Emina quickly stepped forward to catch her, took her back to the rooftop and gave Luo Yuan an angry look, as if blaming him for hitting too hard.

  "I didn't hit you hard because of Will Amina's sake. This punch should be the punishment for your provocative actions. As for the 'Zero Mizi' and John..."

  Luo Yuan smiled back at Will Amina, and then walked in front of Felice, who had lost his fighting power.

  "Yes, they are all with me."

  "John...John..." Hearing Luo Yuan's admission, Ferris, who was weak in Will Amina's arms, suddenly became excited.

  "Give me back John..."

  "Ferce, don't get excited."

  Will Amina quickly appeased Ferris who was struggling to get up, and then she looked at Luo Yuan, knowing that he would explain.

  "Give it back to you? Do you want him to die? Do you know what happened after you sealed him into the 'Zero Hourly Mistress'?"

  Luo Yuan sneered, and didn't feel any embarrassment for robbing "Zero Mizi".

  "If it wasn't for my intervention at the time, your abstinence would have been turned into something against you by others."

  "You, what did you say?"

  Ferris was shocked when she heard Luo Yuan's words, and even forgot her struggle.

  "Let's talk about it later, I think you can't stand it any longer."

  Luo Yuan looked at Felice, who was getting weaker and weaker. Although he can be ruthless towards people who are not related to him, who told her to be so close to Will Emina.

  In addition, I did steal other people's "zero-hour fans" and benefited a lot, so it's not easy to overdo it.

  After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he didn't care about her anymore, and activated the sealing and repairing ability to repair the places that were damaged by Felice.

  Fortunately, most of the damaged places are the ground and some buildings without people, and the space within the sealed off will be restored to its original state after a while.

  Since the dust had settled, Sakai Yuji over there was still a little frightened when Luo Yuan's aftermath ended.

  "It's alright, don't be nervous."

  Luo Yuan, this bastard, went over and patted him on the shoulder very wickedly.

  "How? Is it exciting?"

  "Alright, alright..."

  Luo Yuan's actions made Sakai Yuji a little dumbfounded, but he still nodded and bowed to show his emotional stability.

  Seeing that the guy who was the protagonist in the original plot has now become a passerby, Luo Yuan also felt a very delicate mood, so he couldn't help but look at Shana.

  Shana has also returned to the rooftop, and both Hirai and Yuzu have lifted their fighting stance, and both of them have returned to the image of a beautiful girl in high school uniform with straight black hair.

  "Humph!" Shana stood beside Will Emina, but most of her eyes were on Luo Yuan's side, and her expression was also hateful. If it weren't for the inappropriate atmosphere now, Luo Yuan would definitely end up miserably.

  It was obvious that the relationship between Yoshida Kazumi and him had been known by Shana just now. Because of the crowd, she hurriedly came out to Luo Yuan to settle accounts before she knew more about Yoshida Kazumei.

  Now that Willemina is back, Shana is even more difficult to settle accounts with Luo Yuan. With her character, she must be embarrassed to expose these things blatantly in front of this woman who is similar to her mother.

  Especially since she didn't know the tricky relationship between Luo Yuan and Will Amina.

  Of course, Will Emina naturally didn't know that Luo Yuan had eaten half of Shana, saying that she was taking Shana out to experience, but this scum turned out to be stealing.

  If she finds out about the relationship between Luo Yuan and Shana, she will definitely find trouble with him.

  And he also knew that Yoshida Kazumi didn't know his relationship with Shana and the others.

  If we wait until everyone's relationship is exposed...

  "Hey~ I'm going to die~"

  Luo Yuan took a deep breath, the current situation made him feel both thrilling and exciting.

  Seems to be speeding up...


  Luo Yuan had some unknown thoughts in his heart, while lifting the blockade that shrouded the main urban area of ​​Misaki City.

  At the same time, with a wave of his hand, the heavy rain in the sky, which had resumed its falling trend after the ban was lifted, immediately dissipated, and even the dark clouds disappeared, and Misaki City became clear.

  "This..." Sakai Yuji and Ferris, who had no specific concept of Luo Yuan's strength, were stunned for a moment, and looked at Luo Yuan even more in awe.

  The other three women who knew Luo Yuan's strength sighed with pride, because this was their lover.

  "Eh...the rain stopped."

  "It's good, I'm still worried about how to go back."


  As the weather cleared up, there were also various cheers and discussions from the building.

  Since they didn't find the people on the roof, they didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, they were just ordinary humans.

  Luo Yuan asked Sakai Yuji to help himself to explain to Yoshida Kazumi that his relatives were here, so he had to go back early.

  Now that so many girls are present, it is not easy for him to show his face, otherwise it will be a tragedy if it is exposed in advance.

  "This is... 'The Spiral Organ'?"

  Following Luo Yuan back to the residence, Will Emina saw the cute little pink loli at home for the first time.

  As an old-fashioned fire and fog warrior, she was also present in the battle hundreds of years ago. She is still very clear that the "Little Night Screaming Bird" itself was a "spiral organ" Lian Nancy.

  "It's been a long time since 'Tiamat' and 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands'!" Lian Nanxi, who are also well-known in the red world, naturally recognized them, but she immediately saw Will Amina's arms Felice in .

  "This is... the 'promised two people', the Crimson Demon King Felice?"

  After they looked at each other, they turned their attention to Luo Yuan at the same time. Will Amina was naturally asking why the most powerful teacher in the red world was in your house, and Lian Nancy's eyes were unexpectedly contemptuous.

  She was naturally affected by the Fengjue that shrouded the whole city before. She didn't worry too much about Luo Yuan's strength. She couldn't help anyway, so she just waited patiently at home, that bastard. Will definitely explain in the evening.

  Unexpectedly, when he came back, he brought a few more women to the door. Although she was very clear about this bastard's intentions, it was too much.

  Even with the thickness of his face that Luo Yuan has exercised at this time, he still feels a little hot.

  "Cough cough... Let's go in and talk."

  Luo Yuan chose to temporarily split the topic and directly covered the house with a barrier, and then a few people came to the hall.

  Alastair, who has always been used as the mascot in the hall, naturally greeted him again.

  When everyone in the family had temporarily understood the current situation, Luo Yuan slammed into his chest, and the "Poké Ball" that he had banned with John using the special freedom method appeared in his hand.

  Luo Yuan threw it on the ground.

  "This is your John."

Chapter 99


  Seeing that the sphere that Luo Yuan threw to the ground cracked, a man inside quickly grew in size. This handsome-looking short-haired man was the original holder of the Noble Phantasm "Zero Hour Mizi", John.

  Fei Lei Si was originally very weak, but when she saw that his strength came from nowhere and slammed into his arms, she burst into tears.


  John's state at this time looked very weak, because he was on the verge of death before relying on the power of existence provided by the "zero-hour fan" to hang him.

  And because he has become a complete Mystis, Luo Yuan's divine blood cannot reverse his life form.

  "Long time no see, Felice."

  John hugged Felice with tenderness in his eyes.


  Felice was sobbing with joy, snuggling into her lover's arms, choking and almost speechless. At the same time, the remaining power in her body began to surge, and it seemed that she planned to take John out of here.

  "I advise you not to do this! He won't live long without me."

  Luo Yuan broke the warm atmosphere of the lovers' reunion at the right time.

  "What?" Ferris stopped the drive of the free method, and turned her head to look at Luo Yuan with tears in her eyes.

  "Let him explain it to you!"

  Luo Yuan sat on the sofa very casually. Among the only two remaining "Poké Balls", "Tyrant 1" was only a defective product. As an existence evolved from "The Great Life Psalm", it did not have a self. Consciousness just follows a certain instinct.

  Therefore, it is necessary to integrate "Tyrant 2", which has collected human emotions, with it to form a proxy for the "Creation God" sacrificial snake.

  And "John" is different. Since Luo Yuan's tyrannical strength entered the "Zero Hour Mizi", he has also communicated with him a lot. John can be regarded as a genius, otherwise it is impossible to get "Zero Hour Mizi". .

  In the communication with Luo Yuan, he also knew that if it wasn't for Luo Yuan's intervention, he would definitely not be the opponent of "Tyrant 1". In the end, he could only combine with Ferris to give birth to "Heir of Two Realms" like the original plot.

  So although Luo Yuan robbed the "Zero Hour Mizi", he actually saved his life in disguise.

  "Really, really?" After listening to John's explanation, Ferris was a little unbelievable. She didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns. Seeing John nodded seriously, she suddenly turned around and bowed to Luo Yuan with difficulty.

  "Thank you for saving John, and I'm very sorry for what happened before..."

  "It's okay..." Luo Yuan waved his hand calmly, and then copied his hand in a flat tone.

  "It's mainly for the sake of your relationship with Will Amina, otherwise I don't need to be so troublesome."

  The four people on the sidelines also listened to the story of "Zero Hour Mizi" for the first time, and they were all fascinated by it.

  And Will Emina heard that Luo Yuan's words were all because she took care of her friends so much, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot, and San Wu's face also showed a slight blush.

  Shana always thought that the relationship between Luo Yuan and Will Amina was just a very familiar friendship. When they were in Tiandao Palace, the actions of Luo Yuan and Will Amina did not make her feel that there was any problem.

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