
  "...that kind of H thing!"

  "How, how is that possible..." Yoshida Kazumi suddenly took two steps back involuntarily, murmuring in her mouth, wondering if she was surprised that Shana and Luo Yuan were the first lovers, or Shana This sister and brother actually...

  If a person shows an unknown side to another person, then when facing this person, he will naturally be less restrained.

  Shana endured extreme shame and broke the news about such a shameful thing with this rival, so she naturally let go of it completely.

  Although she and Luo Yuan didn't break through the last step, it was similar to what they said, but they did that to him.

  Shana slowly walked into Yoshida Kazumi with a blushing face.

  "You said you kissed, but that bastard is with me every day, where did you get the time to get along?"

  At this moment, the two were like knights dueling for a trophy, and Shana was the victor, full of arrogance.

  "I, we are all..." Yoshida Kazumi looked disappointed, and couldn't help but talk about the past dates with Luo Yuan.

  "Hehe~ I didn't expect you to have this ability!"

  Shana listened to Yoshida Kazumi talking about Luo Yuan's date with her, most of the time when he was training with Heijingyuan.

  But even if she trained Hirai Margin, her mind would still look at Luo Yuan who was accompanying them from time to time.

  No wonder he was clearly by his side during this time, but he felt that sometimes "he" was not like him.

  "Is this what you rely on to date several girls at the same time? Luo Yuan!"

  Shana's smile became more and more dangerous, but she became more calm. Looking at Yoshida Kazumi, who was already teary-eyed, Shana also remembered that she had cried bitterly for a while when she knew that the bastard was fussy.

  So, everything is Luo Yuan's fault!

  "Now you also know the essence of his fascination, then in the future..."

  Shana felt that her goal had been achieved, and left the rooftop without looking back, leaving behind a lost soul, Yoshida Kazumei.

Chapter 106 Blackened Shana Sauce

  "Tsk, as expected of my Shana!"

  As soon as Shana left, Luo Yuan appeared at the entrance of the rooftop.

  He also watched the whole discussion between Shana and Yoshida Kazumi.

  Only then did he really feel that Shana was really different.

  If you go back to the roots, it means that when Shana came to this world and met her eight years ago, she was no longer the Shana in the original plot.

  Although Shana in the original plot is also a talented and beautiful girl, her IQ is suppressed by Aojiao. Whether it is force or intelligence, she often disconnects when she encounters the hero.

  Perhaps it was also because she had come into contact with a new world—the love between men and women.

  But now because Luo Yuan came to this world in advance to meet her, Luo Yuan, who liked Shana very much, cultivated Shana's hazy feelings for him in the relationship between Tiandao Palace and her.

  Later, after leaving the Tiandao Palace, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up. After arriving in Misaki City, the relationship between the two finally took a step forward because of the stimulation of Luo Yuan. What a difference.

  Love is something that can make people grow quickly, and Shana's IQ is superb, just because she is almost self-taught in Tiandao Palace, and then she can hang up the teachers of various cultural subjects in the school today.

  There was no third-party intervention before, only Luo Yuan and Shana, they only had each other, so Shana had no room to play, whether it was an enemy that could be crushed at will, or Luo Yuan's various spoils.

  As a result, she hardly uses her brain very much. Anyway, when she wants to fight, it can be done with one knife. In life, Luo Yuan is all round, and she is only responsible for enjoying Luo Yuan's love for her every day happily.

  Now that she came to Misaki City, everything has changed. She has been devastated in the fights one after another, and emotionally, all kinds of third parties have intervened. Even Luo Yuan, the bastard, has become half-hearted.

  The blows from all directions made Shana begin to regain her IQ. In addition, she recently discovered the essence of Luo Yuanhuaxin. After two days of pain, Shana finally woke up.

  The "sublime person" who has "the body of a king", that even if he is not a fighter of fire and fog, he will grow into a super genius who will be immortal in the present world, and he begins to show his brilliance.

  Ahem, of course it's not that exaggerated, she just used this aspect to deal with her relationship with Luo Yuan.

  As for her special discussion with Yoshida Kazumi today, it was actually just for one thing.

  "Xia Na is establishing her status in the palace!"

  Luo Yuan was a little dumbfounded after thinking about it.

  After this conversation with Yoshida Kazumi, Yoshida Kazumi naturally brought a guilty conscience of the latecomer when she met her.

  Because Shana, based on her understanding of herself, will never give up Yoshida Kazumi, so this is the main palace, she is determined!

  Luo Yuan was very emotional.

  It is really incredible, the few worlds he has experienced, the girls who he believes are the main palace in his heart are very incredible.

  Yingman's real name is Sister Bingjiao, but she doesn't care about destroying the world.

  Ewen Jielin is hard to say, after all, she has no opponent.

  Yue Yejian was also domineering enough, and he even wanted to unite with Amaterasu Shenqi to provoke Sun and Moon to destroy the world and take the opportunity to kill the Dragon God.

  Now Shana is also beginning to show her righteousness...

  Luo Yuan is thinking of one day in the future, he will meet him as the main palace of each world...

  Hiss~ I'm going to die!Must die!

  It must be his scumbag who will die!

  Every time he thinks of this, Luo Yuan feels a chill down his spine while he is full of expectations.

  "Yimi, why are you crying?"

  Turning the corner, Luo Yuan saw Yoshida Kazumi leaning against the wall covering her mouth with tears streaming down her face, and immediately walked over to hug her into his arms and comforted her softly.

  "Wu... Luo, Luo Yuan... Are you and Shana..."

  Naturally, Yoshida Kazumi didn't know that this bastard knew what to ask, and raised his head and looked at him with teary eyes.

  "Well, she's my childhood sweetheart!"

  Luo Yuan casually arranged an identity for Shana again, and his face was not even red.

  "Then, then she said, said you, you have..."

  Yoshida Kazumi was a little confused by Shana's frank confession, and she hadn't fully digested it. Now Luo Yuan is as usual, but she still hasn't reacted.

  "Yes, as we always do."

  Luo Yuan said shameless words without changing his face, and at the same time put his head close to him with a distressed look.

  "What an idiot, I'll wipe your tears for you first."

  "Eh...what, what's the situation..."

  Yoshida Kazumi felt that her brain was not enough, and Luo Yuan, the bastard, said that she was helping her to wipe her tears, but it turned out to be an intimate way of kissing, which made her a little dazed.

  "Wait, wait a minute!"

  She was stunned for a while before she reacted. Luo Yuan said that with Shana, it was like she was always with her?Isn't that just intimacy?Anxious Yoshida Kazumi struggled to break free from Luo Yuan's embrace.

  "How can you do this!"

  She was no longer in the mood to be sad, and the rest was a condemnation of the scumbag.

  "You, you are like Shana, so what are we!"

  "Good, don't make trouble, of course you are my girlfriend!"

  Well, girlfriends are girlfriends, childhood sweethearts are childhood sweethearts, Luo Yuan has always been able to tell the difference.

  "You... um..."

  Seeing that Yoshida Kazumi was about to lose his temper, Luo Yuan timely kissed her mouth.

  In the afternoon, when they were about to go to class, the two came down from the rooftop, Yoshida Kazumi looked embarrassed, and was held by Luo Yuan reluctantly.

  For a gentle girl like Yoshida Kazumi, Luo Yuan was very handy in soothing her. After using both her hand and her mouth, she could only give in temporarily, which was similar to the original school festival. The two broke up in a hurry when she saw other classmates. .

  When Luo Yuan came to the classroom, Shana and Heijingyuan sat quietly in their seats and looked at him with burning eyes.

  Obviously she knew what Luo Yuan did after going out for so long, but she rarely lost her temper.

  What's the situation?The calmer Shana is, the more worried he is.

  Even after asking Hirai through spiritual dialogue, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

  This increasingly strange attitude made Luo Yuan feel at ease in class like a good baby in the afternoon.

  When school was over in the afternoon, Yoshida Kazumi found an opportunity to sneak away, and it seemed that she could not face Shana for the time being.

  All the way back home quietly, Luo Yuan wanted to run into the kitchen and cook something delicious for Shana to earn a good performance.

  "Luo Yuan, I have something to ask you, come to the room with me!"

  Shana smiled sweetly, looking extremely cute, without any reluctance.

  Do not!

  I don't want to come!

  Luo Yuan shivered, always feeling that something bad would happen to her room.

  "Well, hehe~ I still have to cook..."

  "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

  Shana ignored the gazes around her, and her tone became more gentle.

Chapter 107 What do you mean?

  "Baby Shana, is there anything you can't say at night?"

  Facing the doubtful eyes of everyone in the family, Luo Yuan came to Shana's room with all his might, and watched Shana shut the door silently, and immediately showed a pleasing smile.


  As soon as the door was closed, Shana's feigned sweet and cute smile suddenly changed, and she looked blankly at Luo Yuan who wanted to hug him.

  "Stop! Put the barrier!"

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