Luo Yuan's actions naturally satisfied the two girls. Shana glanced at Yoshida Kazumi, and what she wanted to express was self-evident.

  "Look, he listens to me more!"

  Yoshida Kazumi has been inspired to fight, and she is confident that she will be a good wife with full housework skills, and Luo Yuan will choose himself sooner or later.

  "Luo Yuan, after school, I want to buy some fresh dishes to try a new bento. Can you help me choose which ingredients are more in line with your taste?"

  Facing Shana's provocation, Yoshida Kazumi was not afraid at all, and even offered to invite him.

  Want to secretly go on a date behind my back?

  Shana-chan's little hand was put back under the table.

  "Sorry, Yimi, I need to go to the library with Sakai-san after school to help. Today is our turn to be on duty!"

  Luo Yuan suddenly pointed to Sakai Yuji who was watching the excitement not far ahead.

  "Really?" Yoshida Kazumi and Shana's eyes followed his fingers to Sakai Yuji who was eating a bento from a convenience store.

  "Ah? Oh! Yes, yes, that's how the monitor arranged it!"

  Sakai Yuji complied with a wink, and while letting out a good-natured smile, he also stabbed the pestle with his elbow and sat next to him, the monitor of the class, Chi Hayato, who was also watching the fun.

  After all, Luo Yuan's group is really too eye-catching in the class. The three girls who are recognized as the most beautiful are with Luo Yuan greasy every day when they eat. The winner in life will naturally attract attention to this level.

  However, because Luo Yuan had pre-set personalities for several people when he first came to school, he is currently well-received among students. He has a gentle and kind personality, and has a unique temperament, which is very attractive to this group of unmanned girls. them.

  Therefore, the love letters received in Luo Yuan's drawer were more than those received by Shana and Hirai.

  Fortunately, Luo Yuan, although he has a heart, has a very bottom line. Except for the girl he thinks he likes, he never goes out to mess around.

  This also made Shana and the others more satisfied with his daily performance.

  "Yes, yes, you are right!"

  As soon as he was reminded by his good friend, Chi Suren also smiled and pushed his glasses, affirming the task that Sakai Yuji had imagined.

  With the affirmation of the squad leader, even if there is still some doubts, both Yoshida Kazumi and Shana temporarily let Luo Yuan go.

  And in Luo Yuan's small team, Hirai Yuki, who was in the middle of the group but didn't show the limelight, watched the excitement with a smile...

  "Jingle Bell--"

  As soon as the school bell rang, Luo Yuan gave Sakai Yuji a wink, and the two quickly ran out of the classroom without a trace.

  This kind of two-choice proposition, Luo Yuan, is naturally a choice...not all of them.


  In the midsummer season, even in the afternoon when school and get off work are over, the sun is still high in the sky.

  Yoshida Kazumi purchased some fresh dishes. She had paid attention to Luo Yuan's favorite ingredients before, so asking Luo Yuan to accompany her was just an excuse for her to want to get along more.

  Walking on a road leading to a residential area, Yoshida Kazumi looked a little aggrieved. Even though she was brave and persistent about emotional matters, Luo Yuan's behavior of stepping on two boats still made the gentle girl a little dissatisfied.

  "How can it be like this!"

  In the face of Luo Yuan, an experienced scumbag, a girl who has just tasted love can easily fall into it. Even if she faintly perceives that Luo Yuan is thinking about everything, she still holds some unrealistic fantasies.

  After all, the marriage certificate of Neon Country can only have one male and one female.

  There are various life shops and scattered pedestrians on both sides of the road. Compared with the bustling business district, the life here is a little more interesting, and it is very close to ordinary people like her.

  There are many staff next to the street lights, and they are installing strange bird-shaped props required for the "Ozaki City Osprey Festival" to be held tomorrow on the street lights.

  "Oh yes, and the Osprey Festival!"

  Yoshida Kazumi looked around and suddenly remembered that when he went out to walk the dog in the morning, he also saw the construction of the venue building near Mananchuan, which will be used as the festival host venue.

  Originally, I wanted to say that Luo Yuan would only go to this event with himself tomorrow, and maybe he could meet some of the excessive requirements he mentioned before.

  "I don't know how many girls will be with him tomorrow!"

  Yoshida Kazumi thought gloomily, and walked around a corner in the direction of home.

  Suddenly, a person stopped on the side of the road in front of the street where the corner was.

  "You know what? You have a powerful aura on you!"

Chapter 112 It's Not Simple

  "W-what? Who are you?"

  When Yoshida Kazumi saw the boy who suddenly appeared blocking his way, he felt a little scared for some reason, because the boy had a frightening aura, and there were many scars on his face, so it was not easy at first glance.

  But there was no one around, and she felt that she couldn't anger this weird boy, otherwise bad things might happen, especially when he was carrying something that looked like a long stick wrapped in white cloth on his back.

  "Luo Yuan, where are you? I'm so afraid..."

  " seems to frighten this girl."

  Suddenly, an old man's hoarse voice came from the boy's wrist.

  "What is this sound..."

  Hearing this inexplicable voice, Yoshida Kazumi was even more frightened, her big eyes flashing like mist appeared, she subconsciously took a few steps back.

  "From her performance, she should have been in constant contact with those powerful beings, so she was contaminated with their breath."

  The hoarse voice sounded again.

  Yoshida Kazumi's body trembled and she was about to scream.

  "Sorry to scare you, please don't be afraid, we have no ill intentions!"

  The boy's voice had a calmness that didn't match his appearance, which made Yoshida Kazumi think of Luo Yuan, and immediately felt a little relieved, and decided to see what the other party wanted to do first.

  "You, what do you want to do?"

  "Introduce myself, I'm Kamsin, a costumed rider." The boy introduced himself very politely and also showed the bracelet on his wrist.

  "He's the indomitable Behemoth."

  "Yeah!" The bracelet also said affirmatively.

  "As for looking for you, I hope you can help us. Judging from your aura, you are the most suitable as our helper. You can rest assured that there will be no danger!"

  The boy's words were full of convincing feeling.

  "Then, what's the matter with you?"

  After a simple communication, Yoshida Kazumi's nervousness was relieved a lot, and at the same time, she felt safe because of the silhouettes appearing in front of her.

  After all, it is still a modern society, and the pure Yoshida Kazumi is still very reassured about social security.

  "I'm just going to fix the distortions in this world..."

  Kamsin said such a sentence, and then saw Yoshida Kazumi look at him strangely, as if it was a prank for a child, so he had to pull out a magnifying glass-like lens.

  "You'll understand after you've seen the real world, please see!"

  As one of the oldest fire and fog warriors, he doesn't think it's inappropriate to let human girls who are not deep in the world come into contact with their terrible world. In their opinion, this is also for their good. After all, the first thing the apostles of the Red World destroyed The present world will then be implicated in the red world.

  "This world?" Yoshida Kazumi was very suspicious that this boy who dressed strangely and behaved strangely was suffering from a second illness, but seeing that he was so serious, he was fortunate enough to cooperate with him.

  So when she picked up the lens, the world in her eyes suddenly changed. Many people passing by had torches burning in their bodies. Suddenly, she saw a person whose torch was suddenly extinguished. That person was so silent. Disappeared, Yoshida Kazumi's heart trembled violently.

  "W-what's going on here?"

  But she didn't wait for an answer, she couldn't help but take off the lens and saw the young man looking vigilantly behind her.

  "Uh... Hey, Luo Yuan!"

  Yoshida Kazumi followed the boy's eyes in a panic and looked behind him, and when he saw the person coming, his eyes suddenly lit up.

  "It's you?"

  Kamxin looked cautious when he saw Luo Yuan who suddenly appeared. This guy who only seemed to have a unique temperament did not show his strength, but it gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

  He was the first batch of fire and fog warriors who participated in the operation called "Zhushen" that exiled the "God of Creation" sacrificial snake thousands of years ago.

  Therefore, he is not only well-informed, but also very experienced in combat. If he can survive from so many battles to the present, there is no doubt about his combat effectiveness.

  But with his keen intuition accumulated over the years of fighting, he felt that the aura of the boy who suddenly appeared was the same as that of the girl next to him, so the powerful being who was in contact with her was naturally the person in front of him.

  "Hello, Kamxin, the costumed rider, and Behemoth, the Crimson Demon King whose real name is 'Indomitable Jianling'."

  Luo Yuan greeted the boy with a flat smile, and at the same time walked over to Yoshida Kazumi and held her little hand.

  "I didn't want you to come into contact with that world so early. Since you have come into contact with it now, you don't have to hide it from you in the future."

  After he and Sakai Yuji escaped from the classroom, they wandered in the school, and at the same time, they were silently watching Kamxin, a visitor from Misaki City.

  And seeing that he found Yoshida Kazumi as in the original plot, he immediately grabbed Yuji Sakai and came to this neighborhood.

  For Yoshida Kazumi, sooner or later, he will let her touch his own world, but it may not be very good for him. Since Kamsing has found her, he can let her know the secrets of the world through the mouths of others.

  "Luo, Luo Yuan, you, you too..."

  Yoshida Kazumi saw Luo Yuan's appearance, and reacted after the surprise. His conversation with this weird boy and what he said to himself, she is not an idiot, this is obviously a problem.

  "I'll explain it to you slowly in a while." Luo Yuan smiled at her, then took the lens in her hand and threw it to Kamxin.

  "It's okay to ask my family Yimei for help. How can she help you as a girl? I'll introduce you to a suitable person!"

  Luo Yuan still has a good impression of this young man. After all, he has paid a lot to correct the distortion of the world over the years. This kind of person deserves respect.

  Of course, it's fine to lend him Yoshida Kazumi's help, but he remembers that when Kamsin restored the distortion to the city in the original animation, the helper Yoshida Kazumi was completely clueless in his freedom.

  Haha, what you think is beautiful!

  He definitely wouldn't let this happen, Luo Yuan turned his face to the corner behind him.

  "Yuji Sakai, come out, I've found a task for you that is safe and very engaging."

  If you want to take off other people's clothes, now, Sakai Yuji will take it off for you, you two can get involved, I have no problem.

  "Student Luo Yuan..."

  Sakai Yuji, who was teleported to the vicinity by Luo Yuan, immediately ran over when he heard the shout, with a nervous expression on his face.

  "Sakai-san, Luo Yuan, you, you..."

  When Yoshida Kazumi saw that Sakai Yuji also knew everything in advance, she suddenly felt that her three views were affected.

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