However, although his body is not in Neon Country, he has sent a lot of clones to hide in Neon Country.

  On the one hand, it is to find them who have obtained spirit crystals and become elves.

  The reason why the main body came to the Celestial Dynasty was to release the girls in the Heavenly Dao Palace in a place not concerned by Chong Gong Mio.

Chapter 44 Do You Want Power?

  "Well... I'm used to it. The food here is very good!"

  Shana nodded vigorously while snuggling in Luo Yuan's arms and eating ice cream.

  She didn't feel any reluctance to come to another world, her destiny as a fire fog warrior has been fulfilled by Luo Yuan, and her closest friend, Will Emina, also came here.

  Not to mention that the lover who was holding her was also with her, so it was the same no matter where she went.

  "Of course, the delicious food of the Celestial Dynasty is famous all over the world, and in a sense, I was born in such a country."

  Luo Yuan buried his head in Shana's hair and took a deep breath, his mouth and nose were filled with the sweet smell of a girl, then he raised his head and looked at the distant sea through the floor-to-ceiling window.

  In this life, he has been in business for a few years. Except for the fact that he could only be honest when he suppressed his strength, he has been recognized by the world to some extent by constantly absorbing the energy of the world and assimilating himself.

  So bringing them out of the Tiandao Palace to live will not be affected.

  Although Shana and the others are also world stowaways, their influence on the world is not as great as that of Luo Yuan. In addition, they are covered by Luo Yuan, a person from "this world", so as long as they don't face Chong Gong Mio directly, there will be no danger.

  They were still very excited when they first came to another world. Different worldviews, different things, everywhere have a very novel feeling.

  And after hearing about the existence of a genie like Mio Chonggong, Shana was eager to have a fight with her.

  Luo Yuan had no choice but to stop her with a cold sweat on her face. She definitely couldn't beat Chong Gong Mio, maybe she could try to fight against Tokisaki Kuangsan.

  As for Chong Gong Mio at this time, Luo Yuan also knew that she had crossed over to the time line where she came to this world and had chased and killed her once.

  But because she replaced Chonggong Zhenshi, she lost her target and could only return to this timeline to start the resurrection plan for "Luo Yuan".

  He had already guessed it when Mio Takamiya began refining the spirit crystals of the Ten Elements.

  "Hmph, my hometown is also very nice..."

  Shana pouted, she had not seen the Neon Kingdom in this world, Luo Yuan would not let her go, saying it was dangerous.

  She knew that the most powerful god in this world named Chong Gong Mio was in the Neon Kingdom, and she also knew that the elf named Chong Gong Mio must have an unclear relationship with the bastard Luo Yuan.

  She is very smart. After being with Luo Yuan for so long, even though they are still young men and women, in a sense, they are both old and married.

  So every time Luo Yuan mentioned the melancholy tone of Chong Gong Mio, she was sensitively aware of it.

  "I will meet you if I have a chance..."

  "Okay, I'll definitely have time to go back and have a look in the future. We can look at the rest of the world first."



  "Ku San, have you encountered anything recently? And are your eyes really okay?"

  Another day after school, Sanda Sa and good friend Tokisaki Kurumi were walking home together.

  Looking at the girl who has suddenly become high-spirited recently, Sawa feels very curious, and Kurumi suddenly always wears a medical goggles in the left eye recently, saying that it is a long needle eye.

  Ever since I met Tokisaki Kuangsan, Kuangsan has always been that kind of melancholy look, obviously a young lady from a wealthy family, but she is not very happy in life.

  On the contrary, the conditions in all aspects are far inferior to Kurumi's Sawa and feel that she is happier than her.

  She was happy because she had a good friend like Kusan, and her good friend didn't look down on her because of the gap between the two sides.

  There are many girls from good families in the school who are very arrogant and superior everywhere, except for the pretty good-looking Shahe, who is actually quite inferior in this regard.

  Therefore, she is relatively precocious in terms of thinking, and she is also very cautious in choosing friends, for fear of making friends carelessly.

  Tokisaki Kurumi is the kind of girl who is sought after everywhere at school, but she is the only one who is better than herself.

  Sanda Sahe also felt that Kusan was a good friend who deserved to be treated sincerely, so she also treated her sincerely.

  "Ah? It's alright, it should take some time, I'm used to it now..."

  Seeing his friend's concern, Kurumi unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a sincere smile.

  The smile is full of sunshine and confidence, something that I didn't have before I acquired that ability.

  Even if the blindfolded left eye made her look weird, it didn't affect her mood.

  The gentle and kind-hearted Kurumi once felt sorry for the suffering of being unable to save others.

  Now that you have the power to help others, you can do so much more.

  Like... save the world!

  What a noble cause...

  Every time he thinks of it, Kurumi will show a satisfied smile from his heart.

  "As for what happened... I just suddenly felt that life is also very beautiful. Not only have good friends like Shahe, but I can also do something within my power, which is very meaningful!"

  Kurumi didn't plan to tell his friends that he had special abilities, because that kind of thing was too dangerous.

  After experiencing many life-and-death crises, she cherishes her life more and more.

  So she cherished her good friend Sanda Sahe even more, and didn't want her to get involved in her dangerous world.


  Sanda Sahe also smiled, but there was more bitterness in the smile.

  As a mature and sensitive woman, it is easy to hear perfunctory feelings from friends who are obviously not telling the truth.

  The good friend who has always talked about everything starts to hide secrets from himself.

  Sanda Sahe felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, her conditions were ordinary in all aspects, and Tokisaki Kurumi could be regarded as people living in two worlds.

  The former Tokizaki Kurumi was relatively withdrawn, so he often looked out the window in a melancholy manner, and never played with other eldest ladies.

  After being attracted to and contacting Kurumi like that, she learned about her gentle and kind nature, and Sanda Sayaka and her became good friends who talked about everything.

  Now that Kuang San has a secret to himself, will it affect the relationship between the two...

  Sanda Shahe felt tight in her heart, but she still felt that she should do something.

  "That... mad three, mad three!"

  Tokisaki Kurumi, who was thinking that he would have to continue his efforts to destroy more monsters, didn't react for a while when she heard Sawa's words, and she didn't come back to her senses until she repeated it.

  "Ah... ah, sorry, I just wanted to do something else, what's the matter? Sawa!"

  Sure enough, they started ignoring me. Could our friendship be affected?

  No, he must have thought too much.

  "Do you have time for the weekend? I want to invite you to my house."

  Shahe worked hard to get rid of her chaotic thoughts and put on a sincere smile again. Afraid that what she said just now was not enough, she continued: "Chestnut misses you too!"

  "Ah, really?"

  Kurumi smiled happily and was about to agree, but she seems to have made an appointment to go with Mio to destroy monsters on the weekend.

  "Sorry, Sawa! I have something to do this weekend, next time."


  Sara, who failed the invitation, looked even more disappointed, and even forgot how to separate from Kurumi.

  "It seems that the friendship between the two will gradually disappear..."

  When she got home, Shahe sat dazedly at the desk.

  Such an excellent Kurumi plus that confident look made Sawa even more understand the gap between the two sides.

  "Why am I so ordinary..."

  Feeling the widening gap between the two sides, Sanda Sha and powerlessly lying on the table were very uncomfortable.

  Suddenly, an ethereal voice sounded in her ear.

  "Do you want to acquire magical abilities to become less common..."

Chapter 45 How did Kuangsan hit me?

  Sanda Shahe disappeared.

  This is something that Tokisaki Kurumi has been very worried about recently, and Sawa is her best friend.

  She also cares about her friendship with Sahe, so she didn't tell her about the dangerous things she was doing, she just didn't want her to worry.

  But now the best friend she cares about most is missing, and it is her who is worried.

  Shahe's parents have called the police, and they even asked the company to leave early and return late every day to find her traces.

  She also went to many places to look for it, but now she has the powerful ability of transcendental sanctification, but she still found nothing.

  "Hey... Shahe must be safe and sound!"

  Shizaki Kusan came out of Shahe's house again, and her parents were worried, for fear that something would happen to their daughter.

  "Crazy Three!"

  Suddenly a familiar voice sounded, and a beautiful girl appeared in front of her.

  Kurumi looked up and saw that it was her good friend Tatsumiya Mio.

  Even after seeing her countless times, Kurumi is always amazed at her beauty.

  Chong Gong Mio is not only beautiful, but also extremely powerful, but also so noble and holy, and what he does is so lofty and selfless.

  Tokisaki Kurumi is very grateful and likes her...

  "Mio, are you here?"

  Kurumi greeted Mio very happily, and then her heart moved. Since Takamiya Mio gave her the ability, it usually appears that there are monsters making trouble, and it seems that this time it should be the same.

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